By Kimbo
(Rated PG-13 for adult themes)

    The sound of the telephone shattered the peaceful darkness of the bedroom, dragging a reluctant Joe from the remnants of a dream. Outside the window, a cold December rain poured steadily. Glancing at the clock, he scowled. 4am! Steven, this had better be good, he thought. Who else but that lunatic would have the balls to call at such an ungodly hour?

    “Yeah...” Joe mumbled into the receiver. There was a moment of silence on the other end. Finally a voice answered.

    “Hello, Joe? Is that you?” the woman’s crystal clear voice brought Joe immediately to a sitting position, his eyes wide with shock. He couldn’t believe his ears! After all this time why the fuck was she calling now?

    “What do you want?” His tone was sharp, edged with hostility. The woman didn’t seem at all bothered by his surliness.

    “I’m here and I want to see you today.” she said. “We have to talk.”

    More than a year ago, Joe would have given his life to have heard these words from his ex-wife. Now hearing them did nothing but piss him off. He had already buried his memories of Claudia, moving on from the painful wreckage of their divorce. He had a new life and a new love and had never been happier....until the moment he heard her voice on the line. The lilting sound of her self important tone twisted his stomach into oddly familiar knots.

    “That’s not possible.” he replied as he brushed his long dark hair out of his face. Next to him, he felt Lilly stirring in her sleep and he lowered his voice. “We have nothing to say to each other.”

    “Oh, Joe stop being so fucking childish! I’m in Boston at the Fairmont Hotel, suite 501!” she snapped suddenly. Then instantly her voice changed back to her sweet, deadly purr. “I’m sorry....its just that I was so nervous about calling. Joe, you have no idea how important this is to me.” He remembered how large and round her eyes could get when she worked him over with her innocence act. Funny how it seemed to be working even now. For a long uncomfortable moment, he was silent, unable to respond.

    “Maybe I can make it. I’m not promising you anything.”

    “That’s all I want to hear. I’ll be waiting for you.”

    Hanging up quickly, he snuggled down next to Lilly, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her body close to his. Feeling her bare skin next to his still sent shivers of pleasure up his spine. Pushing thoughts of Claudia out of his mind, he tried to focus on the beautiful woman who had turned around in his arms to face him. There was a sweet, sleepy smile on her face and her eyes reflected a love that had become his whole reason for being.

    “Does he ever sleep?” she asked. Joe stared at her blankly. “That was Steven, right?” There was the question he had hoped to avoid. His mind raced as he wondered what to say. Tell her the have nothing to hide, urged the voice of his heart. But the voice of logic protested even louder. You’re freaked out about this! Don’t think she won’t notice that! What then? You’ll just upset her! Wait until you know what its all about...

    “Yeah, it was him...” Logic won its case but even as the words left his lips, the lie tasted bitter in his mouth. For a moment he faltered but as he looked into her eyes, she kissed him hotly, pressing her body up against his as she ran her hands over the muscular expanse of his chest. Joe could feel the heat between them building with every touch, every kiss. Downward she moved until she found him, building the flames of desire until he ached. Then she surprised him by turning around in his arms, settling against him so that they were laying spoon fashion. He wrapped his arms about her, his thumbs teasing her nipples. Then without a word, he buried himself deep inside her velvety softness, taking her with a sense of unbridled urgency.

    Lilly became blind to everything except for the sensation of Joe’s hands on her body; his mouth and tongue teasing her ear, her neck, her shoulders and her back. The rock hardness of his body pounded against hers as he filled her with every inch of his love. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over her as she begged him not to stop.

    They made love tirelessly. Neither of them could ever get enough. Joe loved her more than he had ever thought possible to love anyone. Lilly...the name rolled off his tongue like a natural expression of joy. He whispered it huskily into her ear as the first spasm of ecstasy hit his body. As the rain pounded the world outside, inside he lay drowning in sheer bliss.


    “So what’s the deal? Is he coming?” The question annoyed Claudia as she glared at her companion across the room. Mike Warren had been a pain in her ass for longer than she cared to remember.

    “He’ll be here.” she replied coolly, ignoring his impatience. “I could hear it in his voice.”

    “You better be right, Claud! Cause if not, we’re fucked!”

    “Would you please stop your whining? I was married to the man, I know how he operates, okay? I know where his buttons are.” Claudia lit a cigarette as Mike got up to pace the floor. She looked so nonchalant just sitting there in a crisp white terry bathrobe, letting him sweat out the details.

    “We’ve put a lot of work into this gig! I just want to be able to get what we came for and blow this town.” If Mike was nervous, he had his reasons. In the past, Claudia had left him holding the bag.

    She and Mike had been lovers years ago before her marriage to Joe. They crossed paths with Perry after he broke apart from Aerosmith to form his own band known as Blue Gems. Mike had been a part of the band for its last two years together. However, when the guys of Aerosmith decided to reunite, Blue Gems was over. To make matters worse, Claudia had gradually lost interest in Mike and become involved with Joe. In a very short time, Aerosmith was again a gigantic rock n roll band, enjoying more success than ever. Although Mike had gone on to play in other bands, none of them really made it. In the wake of Joe’s success, Mike felt cast aside and washed up. Resentment and bitterness soon became his best friends.

    When he heard news of Claudia and Joe’s divorce, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of ironic pleasure. He knew how crazy the rocker had been for her. In his mind, Mike felt that the divorce was somehow equivalent to his own feelings of loss brought on by the breakup of Blue Gems. The undeniable pleasure he felt as a result of Joe’s pain had gradually given birth to a bizarre plot of revenge. Wasting no time, he contacted Claudia even before the ink was dry on her divorce papers. At first she spurned him. After all, she had hooked up with the latest Hollywood movie stud and was not even thinking of Joe Perry anymore. But Mike was not so easily daunted. His scheme had become the entire focus of his existence and he needed Claudia in order to pull it off. Therefore, her new relationship had to go.

    Even though he was considered a weasel, he still had some friends in the industry who were willing to connect him with the right people. Some well placed rumors worked their charm. Within a few months, the movie star moved on, leaving Claudia alone, wondering what happened. She had no clue that Mike had helped it along. What she did know was that she was now left high and dry. Having spent nearly all of her cash settlement from her divorce, she was almost penniless. In wanting to break all ties from Joe she had refused any alimony or property accumulated during their short marriage. Now that she was screwed, she found it easy to resent Joe.

    Mike had laid low during this time, waiting for the phone call he had staked his life on. Eventually it came. Claudia called him up for sympathy and he put his scheme into high gear. Winning her over was easy enough. He played on her vanity, using it to create some misaligned anger at Joe. The deal sounded good; He would get his revenge and Claudia would get the money. Of course, Mike intended to share in that also. In her vulnerable state, he had easily seduced her, fanning the flames of their ancient romance. That skyrocketed his ego. Claudia was a gorgeous blonde with huge breasts and long, wrap around legs. He gave it to her the way she liked it, wild and kinky. He wanted to obliterate every other man from her memory, especially Perry!

    Crushing out her cigarette, she gave him a sideways glance, her eyes full of mischief. “Once I get him here, I’m going to take him down memory lane so you better get lost!” He knew what that meant and it pissed him off immediately.

    “DO YOU HAVE TO FUCK HIM? JUST USE THE KID AND GET IT OVER WITH!” Mike growled angrily. Claudia was obviously enjoying herself, leaving him to wonder if she had been given too much control.

    “If that’s what it takes, then so be it! I’ll gladly fuck him! It’ll break his defenses down so when he takes a look at the kid, he’ll melt in my hands. But you haven’t really noticed the kid, have you?” Her eyes gleamed. “Marena! Get out here now and bring the boy!”

    After few moments, the door to the adjoining suite opened and a young girl scrambled out. She couldn’t have been more than fourteen, dark haired and pretty with strong Mediterranean features. In her arms she carried a sleeping child that looked to be around a year old. Mike blinked in surprise. The black curls and the olive complexion of the child made him perfect for the job. Joe would take one look at the boy and see himself. If he needed a paternity test, Mike was prepared to deal with that also. For the first time in days, he felt a sense of confidence. The young girl kept her eyes carefully averted from the conniving couple. The child was clearly hers though she was much too young for the responsibility. She knew very little English and her face was stricken with fear.

    “Oh yeah, Claud....this is gonna be good !”


    Later that day, Joe sat in the parking lot of the Fairmont, torn between the two halves of his conscience. Although he told himself he never wanted to see Claudia again, he had painfully discovered a secret part of himself drawn to her invitation like a fly to a web. He had battled with it all morning, smashing up a blameless Fender in the process. He was alone in the house, thankfully. Lilly was over working with Steven and Tom on some new material. When the guitar finally hit the wall, Joe felt somewhat better.

    He was angry with himself for being sucked down into Claudia’s game. The first sound of her voice in over a year had unexpectedly brought him to his knees, revealing a vulnerability that was unnerving. Adding to that, was the sharp sense of guilt that came from the lie. As he calmed down, he began to regain his sense of focus. All Claudia said was that she wanted to see him. To talk, that’s all. By going to see her, he would not only get her out of his hair, but put to rest any hidden ghosts from the past. After it was all behind them, he would tell Lilly and then never think of it again.

    In spite of not trying to attract attention, Joe found he rarely could escape it when he was out in public. He sat astride his motorcycle waiting for the right moment to make his move. Dressed in blue jeans, boots and a well worn black corduroy shirt, he had the appearance of a normal guy. As he swung off the bike, he hunched down into his leather coat a bit, letting his dark tousled hair fall low over his brow. He kept his eyes hidden behind dark shades as he quickly entered the lobby of the hotel. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw only a few people milling in and out of the doors, mostly employees. No one seemed to notice him.

    Avoiding the elevator at all cost, Joe took the stairs to the fifth floor. Claudia’s door was almost directly across the hall from the stairwell. He stood in front of it a moment, steeling his raw nerves. The past was gone. Nothing Claudia could say or do would ever change that. Closing his eyes, he knocked.

    The door opened immediately and there she stood, dressed in red. The spandex fabric of the low-cut dress clung to her body like a second skin, baring her arms and he guessed, much of her back. The platinum streaks in her golden blonde hair accented her California tan perfectly.

    “I’m so glad you made it. Please....come in.” she said as she motioned him inside the room. He walked through the doorway, feeling more uncomfortable than ever. The heavy smell of her perfume made him dizzy.

    “Okay I’m here!” he glanced around the room, recognizing the familiar clutter of cast off clothes and shoes that apparently still followed Claudia around. Clearing some of it away, he sat down on a nearby sofa. “What do you want, Claudia?”

    “Well, Joe....first of all how are you?” She brazenly flaunted her body, moving it with maddeningly slow deliberation as she crossed the room. There were many things about their marriage that had gone wrong, but the sex was always fantastic! Seeing him again brought back a flood of memories and she knew it had to be the same for him also.

    “Great.” he replied flatly. Try as he might, he couldn’t help but notice how attractive she still was and it pissed him off to know that she probably realized it. “You could have asked me that over the phone.”

    Then she came over and sat down beside him. Her shapely legs were only inches away and to his horror, he felt his palms begin to sweat. Her slightly crooked smile was still charming. “Joe, I miss you. My life just hasn’t been the same since we split. I haven’t been very happy.”

    “Is there a point to this?” he snapped angrily, his eyes dark and stormy. Claudia felt her nipples harden immediately. Joe was so goddamn gorgeous....... especially when he was angry. Still, she no longer loved him. In fact, she hated him! But, as she stared at the dark haired rocker, she was now certain of one thing: she wanted to fuck him, regardless of whether it would help Mike’s plan. Being aware of his tormented memories, Claudia knew exactly what to do next.

    Standing before him, she unhooked the jeweled clasp that held her dress together. In a slow languorous motion, she peeled the dress away, sliding it down over her hips and stepping out of it. Caught off guard, Joe’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped. His wanted to bolt, but he found that his body was strangely frozen in place. Wearing only a red satin thong, she came and straddled his knees.

    The whole thing was as surreal as a dream. For a moment, she held his eyes transfixed. Instantly he was transported back to a time he had tried to forget. She was there in front of him, her warm familiar body only a tormenting touch away, giving rise to old feelings he thought were dead. Images flashed through his mind of the good times, the passion, the many tumultuous fights and finally her walking out the door as he broke down and cried like a baby. Thankfully, no one had been there to witness that day. She had not only broken his heart, she had wrecked his soul.

    Firmly pushing her aside, he stood on his feet. “No thanks.”

    As he turned to walk away, her eyes burned with anger born of rejection. Sailing upon him like a wildcat, she punched and grabbed at him until he turned around. As he started to yell at her, she thrust herself madly against him, pressing her mouth against his, sliding her hands down his body. Though his mouth remained rigid, his other entity involuntarily betrayed him. She discovered it immediately, using her wildly groping hands to coax it. She backed him up against the wall. Whereas any other guy would have belted her, Joe would never hit a woman. For a brief second, he relaxed against her as he spun out of control. Stubborn lips relented and he closed his eyes.

    It felt like a slow descent into hell. The flames of physical desire burned him but he also felt great pain in their midst. Blinded by the moment, his mouth swept her up into a raging kiss. He could feel her fingers unbuttoning his shirt. Unbidden lust strained against the confines of his jeans as she popped the snap. Sinking to the floor with her on top of him, the darkness very nearly swallowed him whole. Joe fought for air, suffocating under the weight of his weakness. Then in his mind he suddenly saw the familiar face of an angel and the darkness began to roll away.

    “!” Almost brutally, he shoved her away. He could still taste her in his mouth. Without a word, she slapped him hard across the face and scrambled to her feet. Stalking back across the room, Claudia quickly pulled on her dress as Joe regained his composure. He stood buttoning his shirt, unable to look at her.

    “If you wanted to embarrass me, you succeeded, okay? I’m not a saint, Claudia, I’m only a man. We were married once...and yes, I remember everything! But that wasn’t my heart down there on that floor with you. We can’t go back.”

    “You wanted it as much as I did! You can’t tell me you don’t remember how good it was between us! I want that back and I think you do too!”

    “Are you listening to me? Do have any idea what kind of hell you put me through when you walked out of my life? You were my wife! I loved you!” he said, his voice edgy and intense. “I had a moment of weakness just now, all based on memories of our life together. But that’s all it was, Claudia, just a mistake! I’m in love with someone else now!”

    Claudia didn’t seem surprised. “I saw the two of you...last night having dinner at Toscano’s. I flew all the way out from LA with a splitting headache and first thing I see is you and Princess Purity. I can’t believe her parents let her date on school nights!” she mocked.

    “Jeezus, did you drag me over here for this bullshit?”

    With no ground left to tread, she finally played the ace up her sleeve.

    “WE HAVE A SON!” she blurted out, hardly able to contain herself as she watched his face turn ashen gray. “I just didn’t know how to tell you before.”

    For Joe it seemed the world was spinning off its axis. “What the fuck are you talking about?” His voice was shaking as he stared at her incredulously. “When? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?”

    “During our divorce....I found out I was pregnant! I didn’t tell you because I thought the baby was Kevin’s!” Walking back to the sofa, she was careful to keep her face turned from him. It took everything inside her not to laugh. Joe was such an honorable prince! Claudia knew she had him nailed to an emotional wall.

    “YOU WERE SLEEPING WITH THAT SON OF A BITCH WHEN WE WERE STILL MARRIED?” Joe’s eyes were wild, his anger barely in check.

    “I’m sorry.....” she stammered, discreetly poking at her eyes to get the tears going. Once started, Claudia could wail with the best of them. Turning around to face him, the tears rolled down her face and she managed a convincing sob.

    Joe had never felt such a surge of emotions before. He couldn’t begin to differentiate the anger, betrayal, and shock from the tangle of feelings that threatened to break free of their trappings. “So now you’re saying he’s mine?”

    “I did the math from when he was born and so did Kevin! Why do you think he left me? I’ve been trying to raise him on my own....but its so hard! Joe, I’m broke and I’m alone. This is hard for me to say but, he needs you. We need you.”

    Her revelation put him into a tailspin. He had been through hell during the custody trauma from his first marriage. The relationship with his now teenage son was great but there had been much that both of them had lost out on because of the legal nightmares. The thought of another child--his son--being out there fatherless, finally broke him in half. “Where is he? I want to see him.”

    Claudia smiled. He had taken the bait and the trap was sprung. “Stay here.” Then she disappeared into the bedroom. Joe paced the floor nervously, struggling for some grasp on the situation. How could this be true? Then she came back in the room and his heart fell to his feet.

    The child in her arms was absolutely beautiful. He had a head full of dark curls and a big grin on his face. His eyes were the same blue as Claudia’s. The skin coloring was Joe’s, echoing his Portuguese-Italian heritage. She brought the child over and the boy immediately reached for him, smiling. Claudia watched as Joe hesitantly took the child, holding him gingerly in his arms. After a few moments, he sat down, staring at the boy as he played with the chain around his neck.

    “His name is Paolo.” she said, driving the dagger deeper. It was his grandfather’s name. “How old is he?” Joe asked quietly, unable to tear his eyes from the baby.

    “Thirteen months. He just had a birthday last month...November tenth.”

    “I missed his birthday....hell, I missed his fucking birth, Claudia! Why didn’t you tell me? Just because we’re not together doesn’t mean I can’t be a father to my own child!”

    “Then you believe me, Joe?” She scarcely dared to breathe.

    Abruptly, Joe handed the child over to her. His eyes were misty with tears as he walked out the door. This time, she let him go without protest, satisfied that she had landed the big fish. When he was gone, the door to the adjoining suite opened up slowly and Mike stuck his head inside. Claudia gave him an all clear signal.

    “Absolutely an Oscar performance, my dear! I got the whole thing on tape-- audio and video!” Mike beamed at her, clapping his hands as she handed the child to Marena who quickly took him back to the other suite. “I’m glad you didn’t fuck the bastard.”

    Claudia turned to him defiantly. “Who’s to say I still won’t? He’s the father of my child, you know.”

    “Don’t get carried away, Princess! That baby doesn’t belong to either one of you! But you.....” Mike grabbed her roughly and pushed her down on the couch. “ belong to me now! You knew you were pissing me off when you were all over him! I would have killed him if he had touched you!”

    She rolled her eyes. “Don’t bore me! You would have jerked off like a good little boy!”

    His eyes narrowed angrily. This whole scheme was getting out of control. It was all supposed to be about money. The baby was a means of emotional blackmail but Claudia had thrown herself in the bargain as well. Now he wondered exactly who was really being played as a fool.....himself or Joe? Spitefully, he crushed her lips with his own, pushing her dress up around her waist as he unzipped his pants. Claudia let him have his way with her. Why not, the sex wasn’t that bad. But even as he punished her body so well, she imagined the face of another man...


    Joe headed out on the highway like a madman. He knew he was speeding and he didn’t really care. Claudia’s words swirled around in his mind, not making any sense. Then there was the guilt he felt for lying to Lilly. That guilt was intensified by his body’s reaction to his ex. He was forced to admit that physically he could still be turned on by her. That admission made him feel sick.

    He thought of Lilly and a pain shot through his gut. She didn’t deserve this crap. They had been together for only two and a half months and yet he had found the happiness of a lifetime. Now the poison of the past threatened everything he had come to cherish.

    A horn was blowing wildly as a red jeep whizzed by going the opposite direction. Steven? Joe hunched down low. The day was getting colder as the temperatures dropped. Christmas Eve was only two days away and snow had been forecast for the entire south shore area. It was almost one o’clock as he exited onto the Expressway. He had missed seeing Lilly at lunch but maybe it was just as well. His present state of mind wasn’t entirely stable.

    Just off the exit ramp was a seedy little bar called, Hangman’s Rope. Joe remembered years ago buying some mediocre grade heroin from a trucker that used to make regular stops there coming up I95 from Miami. The drinks had been piss poor but a few hits of Jack Daniels would drown the taste of anything else. For the first time in a very long time, Joe found himself slowing down. His mouth felt dry and his eyes were swimming. The next thing he knew, he had walked inside and sat down at the bar. Though the place was nearly empty, the smell of booze cleared away the fog quickly. Only the hardcore drinkers came in this early, getting a head start on their nightly buzz. He remembered it all too well. Jeezus, what the fuck are you doing, Joe? Walk away, just get up and walk away before you do something stupid...

    “Hey I know you!” A gravelly voice came from beside him. Joe looked over but didn’t recognize the man standing next to him.

    “You’re that punk that used to play in that band....what was the name? Stones? No, no, it was...Zeppelin, right? Anyway, I’ve seen the face! Say, you lookin' for some action?” the man grinned, showing a row of discolored teeth. Joe had met hundreds of sleazeballs like him, always offering to make some poor loser a deal.

    “Get the fuck outta my face.” Joe growled. The man visibly moved back.

    “Take it easy!” the man looked around and dropped his voice. “I’m just music types, I know what you like. I’ve got it all, very pure stuff from bullshit here. Just name your poison!”

    “HE’S NOT BUYING, SO GET LOST!” A familiar voice echoed from the doorway and the man took off quickly, slithering back down to the other end of the bar. Joe turned to see a familiar face with dark glasses and very wild hair standing behind him. With his outfit, he could have walked straight out of Tolkien. No one but Steven Tyler would dare walk into a dive bar wearing that get-up.

    “You followin’ me?” Joe made a half hearted attempt to smile as he followed him outside.

    “I can spot that extra furrow in your brow even at the speed you were going! Talk to me, Joe. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG?” So as they sat in Steven’s jeep, Joe laid out the whole ugly story, skipping nothing. Steven listened quietly. His heart sank at the mere mention of Claudia’s name. Not her again, he thought.

    “I’d bet my balls she’s lying!” Steven said, his tone dead serious.

    “I know! That was my first thought. But then I saw him and now....I don’t know, man. He looks exactly like me.”

    “Joe, the whole thing stinks! Get a paternity test quick before you make any decisions.” Steven suddenly had an idea. “Hey, you remember Mark’s friend? He’s a private detective! You know where I’m going with this, right?” His eyes gleamed.

    “Yeah, I could get him to check her story out.” Joe seemed felt a ray of hope shining down upon the situation. “Get her checked out, get the paternity test...and pray.” He shook his head. “She says she wants me back and she’s got this little kid sitting there looking just like me! I don’t know what to do. Its not like I love her but......things did get a little physical.” The very memory darkened his face.

    Steven seemed undaunted. “Look, Joe, its natural to still have that physical connection going even when its been over for YEARS! Its that chemical bonding shit that happens when you make love with a woman! I still feel it when I get around Kat and you know we despise each other! You’re not a Vulcan, Spock, you’re a normal guy so stop torturing yourself with guilt.” Steven smiled encouragingly. Joe had started looking more relaxed.

    Steven brushed it all aside. “It doesn’t matter now. Lets go home!”

    Later that evening as he absently poked at the fireplace, Joe felt Lilly’s arms wrap around his waist. Turning to her, he kissed her deeply, holding that beautiful face in his hands. Fresh from a long bath, she wore a simple nightshirt of white gypsy cotton that was low cut and innocent all at the same time. As he ran his hands down her body, he knew that she was naked beneath. But though she felt his desire, Lilly pulled him over to the couch, curling up in his lap with her head on his shoulder. There was no rush to the evening. He caressed one smooth bare thigh and wondered if he should tell her about Claudia now or wait until he had answers. The questions of the unknown were plaguing him and he hated the idea of stressing her out until he was certain. But he also couldn’t bear the thought of losing her and he knew he had to tell her soon. Continuing to lie would do irreparable damage to the relationship.

    “Joe what’s wrong?” she asked softly, nuzzling his neck. He smelled soooo wonderful.

    “It’s nothing, baby.” he replied, kissing her delicate little hand.

    She lifted her head and looked him directly in the eyes. Something was wrong, she could sense it. “You can tell me anything. I love you!”

    “And I love you.” his voice was soft and husky as he brushed her hair back from her face. He couldn’t bring himself to spoil the evening. “We’ll talk about it later. Right now I want to discuss something else......Christmas Eve.” Her face suddenly lit up.

    “Oh, yeah?” she smiled, losing her train of thought in his chestnut brown eyes. “Is this about Tyler’s big party?”

    “Yeah, lets skip it....stay home.....and make love all night. Do things that’ll embarrass the Christmas tree.” Joe kissed her, his tongue lazily finding hers, as he breathed in her sweetness. But she broke away, her luminous jade eyes twinkling playfully.

    “Are you serious? He’d have a cow if you weren’t there!”

    “I’m always serious when it comes to you, Lilly. I love you so much, baby.” His voice grew soft. “These past three months with you have been so incredible. You’ve cast some magical spell over me and I don’t care about formalities anymore. I just want to be right here with you, in our our bed.....whenever possible.”

    His eyes were warm and full of love. She kissed him tenderly, tangling her fingers in his thick tousled hair. Then they simply held each other tightly, reeling in the raw emotion that surrounded them. She had never before been so in love with a man. Still, there was something hidden in his voice that she couldn’t place...


    Tyler had wasted no time getting in touch with the private detective, Jack Davis. Even as Joe and Lilly lay sleeping, Davis was on his home computer doing some background work on his target. The information he had compiled on Claudia Perry was astounding. In cases like this, he liked to separate his information up into categories of Before, During and After. Before her marriage to Joe, she had worked as a model, often involved with celebrity types. She had a penchant for frequenting low-key dominatrix type dance clubs and had even posed for a spread in a major porn publication. During her marriage, she had played the part of the good girl, the charitable wife. There was little information to be found on the divorce except for the legal records. She had severed her ties with Perry cleanly, flying to St. Thomas for one of those quickie divorces. Afterward, she had gone public with her relationship to a rising Hollywood actor. But even that was short lived. Davis shook his head. What he really wanted to know was how she met Joe. What was the link and did it have any bearing on her motives now? He had come across many cases like this one, and in general the key elements were all the same: money and revenge. It happened all the time to celebrities, even to nice guys like Joe Perry.

    Backing up a bit, he looked at all his information on Joe. Perhaps there was someone else involved entirely. Someone out for revenge? But had Joe ever pissed anyone off that much? If Claudia was in this alone, she was just a wacko bird. But like Tyler, Davis felt that given her quick need to get rid of Joe, the last thing in the world Claudia wanted was a reconciliation. She was after money, of course. But was she alone? Maybe I’m just being paranoid, he thought.

    Jack Davis was a seasoned detective, sharp and instinctive. His gray, slightly balding head was testament to his years of experience. He stared at the computer screen, lost in thought. Joe Perry... Aerosmith... someone connected to the band? Suddenly it hit him like a ton of bricks. It was someone connected to the band but not to Aerosmith. Of course! Blue Gems! When Joe reconnected with Tyler, the guys in Blue Gems simply parted ways. Dissolved... amicably? Perhaps not. It didn’t take long to find the information trail he needed. There were tons of websites dedicated to Aerosmith, chock full of information gathered by devoted fans. Equally, there were also a few fanatics devoted to the music of Blue Gems. He pulled up one rather large site and checked out the band members. He found that the lineup had changed quite often during its short run. During the last tour was apparently when Joe had first met Claudia. He was rather taken back by the amount of information he found here. It almost seemed to be a glorified memoir, full of pictures. There were concert photos, publicity shots and many rather personal looking photos that puzzled him. One particular set appeared to be taken at a backstage party. Lo and behold, there was a shot of Claudia but it appeared that Joe wasn’t her date.

    From the band photos, Jack was able to determine the identity of the man as Mike Warren. Apparently a musician and singer, he could be seen in several other shots, all of which he appeared quite friendly with Joe. Had he found the link he was looking for? He had to know and it couldn’t wait. Picking up the phone, he didn’t seem to care that it was nearly 2am. It didn’t really matter, California was in a whole other time zone anyway.

    “Whazzup?” a scratchy voice said. Jack recognized him immediately.

    “Ricco, its Jack....I’m callin' in that favor you owe me.”

    “Hey hey Jackie, what’s up, my man!”

    “Ricco, I need some information about a band called Blue Gems. Remember them? Big on the west coast scene. I need to know about Mike Warren.” Jack said. His friend on the other end was silent a moment.

    “Mike Warren....yeah...okay hold on Jack. I’m bringing up my files.”

    After a couple of minutes, he howled in glee. “ he is Jack! Joined ‘em on the last tour.”

    “Okay Ricco...I have a hunch here I’m working on. I need to know if he was ever involved with a model named Claudia Foster.....later took the married name Perry. And I need to track down his present know the drill.” He pressed on, determined to see if his gut feeling was correct. Ricco laughed a bit, keeping him in suspense. Jack could hear fingers flying over the keyboard as Ricco chased down the prize. Their friendship had been forged years ago over a bottle of Tequila. Ricco was somewhat of a computer hacker though he had an upstanding day job in a Los Angeles city clerk’s office. Jack had found his services to be extremely valuable and always compensated him well.     “Bingo, Jackie ba-bey! I got a nice fat file for ya. Same fax number, right?”     “Send it on, Ricco.....thanks man.” He hung up the phone and waited. After awhile, the information came and as Jack read over it, he knew he had struck the mother lode. Curiously, he looked back at the website on his computer. What if.... oh he just had to know if the bastard was that arrogant! When he saw the name, he nearly rolled off his chair laughing. Just as he suspected, the owner of the site was none other than Mike Warren himself. What an idiot! In his attempt to milk any additional fame from his long gone glory days, he had inadvertently implicated himself with his own website! The very personal photo of himself with Claudia along with the information sent by Ricco proved that he and the ex-Mrs. Perry had been lovers before her marriage. Apparently Joe changed all of that. Then there was the incident at a nightclub where Mike raised hell at Joe for the break up of Blue Gems and was arrested for drunken disorderly conduct. Those were all clear motives in themselves. But the cherry on top was the fact that Mike had recently checked into a Boston hotel, reserving two suites. It was almost too easy. Jack shut off the computer, calling it a night. Tomorrow would be a long day, starting with a visit to the Fairmont Hotel...


    Claudia didn’t tell Mike where she was going when she took off the next day. He was in the shower when she gathered up the baby from a confused and agitated Marena. In a flash she was gone, burning up the highway toward the south shore area. Joe had kept the house and to her knowledge, he had not vacated it. She wondered if he had his little girlfriend living there now. For a half second it bothered her, then she shrugged it off. Claudia had already seen her and summed her up based on what she observed. Joe had gone and gotten himself a sweet little innocent thing from down South. She was pretty enough but nothing like any of his past lovers. Traditionally, Joe had been a blonde-model-chaser. Now she didn’t know what to think anymore. But still, this girl was no challenge. She would be gone by nightfall. Claudia had to get Joe alone....not just to get the plan to work but she knew that if she didn’t bed him soon, she’d explode.

    The trip took longer than she planned and the baby started to wake up. She shoved his juice cup into his hands and scowled. Just keep the germs to yourself, kid, she thought to herself. Thankfully, her destination finally loomed into view. Stopping before the heavy wooden gates, she gathered her nerve. First she started to ring the buzzer and then she stopped short. Had he changed the pass code? Well, it was certainly worth a try.....she thought as she punched in the numbers gingerly, keeping her head inside the car to avoid the camera’s eye. After a moment, a loud release mechanism sounded and to her surprise, the gate swung open. Joe, you dumb so underestimate me!

    Driving up the winding path toward the house, she looked over the grounds. There were pleasant memories here. Sometimes she couldn’t remember why she left Joe. Then she thought of Kevin and sighed. It was too bad that didn’t work out. Last she heard, Kevin was living in a big house in the Hollywood hills, married to the producer of up and coming movie. Bastard! As she neared the main house, she saw the only vehicle home was a silver Pathfinder....not what she knew Joe to be driving. Could it be her? She smiled at how simple this was proving to be.

    Since the kid was asleep again, she left him in the car, leaving the window open just a crack. Well, it never kills the dog, she thought. Checking her reflection in the side mirror, she began her walk to the front door. The moment of truth had arrived........or at least the moment of half truths.. She rang the bell but there was no answer. She tried again. After a few moments, she grew irritated and tried the door handle. It opened freely. Dear god, these people are in desperate need of home security! She stepped inside slowly, looking around. The foyer was the same, but with more plants and they all seemed to be alive. She herself had always been a plant killer. Continuing her entry, she stepped into the huge cavern that was the living room. Evidently Joe kept this girl so well fucked she didn’t mind his endless array of hunting kills mounted on the walls. The lighting in the house was kept to a minimum, relying mostly on skylights and wood shuttered window treatments. Candles were everywhere, accenting the overpowering masculine tones of the barn board walls and flooring. It was still a depressing dungeon! She was about to go into the kitchen when she heard footsteps on the stairs.

    “Joe! Honey were you ringing the bell?” Down the stairs came a young woman in a bathrobe, her hair a tangled mass of wet auburn curls that she was trying to capture in a towel. When she saw Claudia standing there, she stopped short. “Who are you?”

    “I’m the ex Mrs. Perry, dear...the one whose shoes you’re trying so hard to fill. You must be...Lolita?” Claudia smiled venomously, taking off her coat. Underneath, she wore a tight black sweater whose low-cut neckline revealed the swelling curves of her breasts to perfection. Red Leather pants and platform boots completed her look. She knew that intimidating her opponent was the first key step in defeating her.

    “I’m MUST be Claudia! How did you get in here?” Lilly came down the stairs trying to remain calm. She had seen Claudia’s pictures but in person she was even more attractive . Lilly had never felt so self conscious in her life.

    “Tsk, Tsk, you have to start locking your front door! And by all means, please thank Joe for not changing the pass code at the gate! But wait...I’ll tell him when he comes home later!”

    “What are you talking about?”

    “Oh, no....”Claudia said mockingly. “...he didn’t tell you? Oh, you poor thing! This is just awful...I feel horrible!”

    “WHAT ARE YOU BABBLING ABOUT?” Lilly had a shocked and almost terrified look on her face. Claudia bore the cool confidence of a lioness.

    “Well, I don’t know how to tell you this but Joe and I are going to reconcile. We discussed this yesterday morning at my hotel. Hasn’t he even hinted to you at all?”

    “Oh, you’re so out of line! Do you expect me to believe THAT?” Her intimidation had grown to anger now. Obviously this woman was nuts.

    “Believe what you will, sweetie. Joe and I have a history together and its a scorcher! You look like the type who takes it missionary style....well I take it anywhere and he loves giving it got that, sister? So why don’t you just pack your “hello kitty” luggage and run back home to mommy and daddy!”

    Lilly picked up the phone. “I’m calling the police, you psycho bitch!”

    “Why don’t you call Joe instead? Ask him yourself. And by the way, tell him I brought his son over......he’s out in the car. ”

    Speechless and shaken, Lilly dropped the phone to the floor. This can’t be true......Joe would never keep something like this from me, she thought.

    “Yes, WE have a son! Anthony Paolo Perry...looks just like his father! And Joe would never turn his back on his son. Getting the picture now, sunshine?” Claudia walked forward and picked up the phone, handing back to Lilly. “I called him the other morning...4am...does that ring a bell? He couldn’t wait to see me! Rushes over to my hotel and....well, you know the rest! Or do you? He used to do this thing with his tongue....drove me crazy! Does he do it to you, too? ”

    “Get out of here!”

    “I bet you were a virgin, weren’t you? sweet!” Claudia laughed, purposely provoking her target. “Joe went out and got himself a brand spanking new one, fresh out of the car seat! BAM, pops her clutch! How RO-MAN-TIC! I bet he was real sweet and gentle right before he shoved it all in! Bet you didn’t even mind trading the pacifier for that nice big---”

    “SHUT UP, YOU FILTHY MOUTH BITCH!” Lilly had heard enough. “Get your skanky ass out of MY house! I don’t believe anything you have to say! Joe would never lie to me!”

    “But he did, hon! Because now that he finally knows about our son, he wants to play Daddy! Its only natural for him to want to play with Mommy too! Call him! I DARE you!” Claudia smiled, tossing back her blonde hair, eyeing her opponent. “Who knows, we could all end up friends! Maybe the three of us could have some fun together......Joe would certainly love that!”

    “You are one sick and twisted woman!” A very shaken Lilly walked past her, out the front door, her fingers dialing the number to Joe’s cell phone. He had left a short time ago headed out to pick up some groceries. As she waited for him to pick up, her mind raced. She did remember a phone call.......and didn’t he say it was Steven?

    From the road, Joe smiled big when he saw the caller id. “Hey honey, you miss me?” But his happiness was short lived.

    “ there something you need to tell me?” her voice sounded hollow and upset. “JOE?”

    “Lilly, what’s wrong? You’re scaring me!” Joe said, a knot forming in his throat. “I’m on the way home now. I’m less than a half mile away....Lilly? Are you there?” He could hear her crying now and he stepped down on the gas pedal. “Lilly, I’m still here, baby...are you okay? Lilly?” He covered the distance quickly but it seemed to take forever.

    But Lilly barely heard him as she stood looking into Claudia’s car at the young toddler asleep in his car seat. “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME, JOE? WHY?” Her voice was coming in broken sobs.

    His heart dropped to his stomach. She knew everything. Without a doubt, Claudia had called and turned everything upside down. He could only imagine the web of lies she had tacked onto the truth. He closed his eyes. The truth. If only he had told the truth from the beginning. Now he was just as much to blame.

    “Baby....I wanted to tell you... please believe me! There’s so much I need to explain to you.....Lilly?” Joe was frantic. He had floored the accelerator but the truck wasn’t going fast enough. As he turned onto the path, he very nearly rammed the gate when it didn’t immediately open. “Lilly? Are you still there?”

    Lilly had begun to cry uncontrollably and Claudia eagerly snatched the phone from her hands. “Yes, Joe! She’s still here, crying her eyes out! Get your ass home, NOW!” Claudia barked sharply.

    In less than a minute, Joe’s truck had pulled up and he bounded out. Claudia was sitting on the hood of her pricey little car. Lilly was nowhere to be seen.

    “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?” Joe yelled at her angrily.

    “Don’t be mad, lover!” Her smile was like that of the Cheshire cat. She blew him a kiss as he ran toward the front door. My work here is done....for now, she thought, amused by the whole scene as she got in her car and drove away.

    Inside the house, Joe heard the loud bang as the bedroom door slammed shut upstairs. He picked up a damp towel from the floor. It still bore the fragrance of her shampoo. Drawing in a deep breath, he climbed the stairs.

    “Lilly?” he called softly as he tapped on the door. He tried the knob but it was locked. “Baby, please talk to me....” There was no response, but he could hear her crying. Joe, you’re a fucking idiot, he screamed at himself. This is ultimately your fault!

    “Leave me alone, Joe!” she finally spoke, her voice breaking painfully.

    “I know how bad this looks, but I didn’t mean to hurt you. I wanted to tell you sooner but.....I was trying to find out the truth first.”

    “The truth is, you LIED to me! I thought you loved me, Joe! I thought you trusted me! You lied about the phone call and you kept the rest of it from me like I was some child you had to protect! I thought what we had meant so much more to you!” she sobbed. He suddenly heard the sound of breaking glass. Without thinking, he slammed himself against the door, wrenching it open as the lock shattered.

    She was sitting on the bed. A vase of fresh flowers had been flung across the room, showering the rug with a spray of petals and shards of glass. Unheeding, he walked through them and sat beside her. When he pulled her into his arms, she didn’t protest but she was suddenly very quiet. Tears were in his eyes as he began to tell her the whole story. Everything. It was the hardest thing he had ever done.

    When he was finished, she was silent for a long moment as he still held her tightly. Finally, she pulled away, looking him squarely in the eyes.

    “There is nothing in this world that could ever come between us except a lie, Joe. I love much...and I thought you felt that as deeply as I did.” she said, her eyes full of tears. He would have traded his life to take away her pain.

    “I do! God, Lilly sometimes at night, I lay awake beside you, watching you sleep. I want to kiss you awake and tell you how much I love you and how happy I am that we’re together. I know that I was wrong to keep the truth from you...but don’t ever doubt my love for you!” It was a soft, impassioned plea. “Just give me a chance to make things right again.....”

    Teardrops spilled from her eyes. “She is such an AWFUL woman! What if the baby is yours? What then?”

    “Then we’ll deal with it together. It’s not gonna change anything for us!”

    “But it already has, Joe....” she shook her head. “....she called and you jumped, even before you knew about the baby! The worst part is that you felt like you had to lie about it! That can mean only one thing....” her lower lip trembled as she tried to choke back her tears.

    “It means I’m an idiot, nothing else!”

    “You still love her, Joe.” The words were as difficult to say as they were to hear. Joe looked stung and he shook his head as she silenced his protests. “How long before you go to her again? And I just don’t see how that beautiful child isn’t yours.......he’s like your reflection! You will always have that bond with her!” She began crying again pushing him away when he reached for her.

    “You’re wrong, Lilly! That ended a long time ago!” He began to panic. There was a finality in her tone that was frightening. “I love you !”

    She rose from the bed and knelt down, picking up pieces of glass from the floor. She prayed for the strength to do what she knew she must. “Even if this child isn’t yours, this whole thing has opened up a lot of old wounds for you. Maybe you’re not really over her, Joe. You have to consider that, don’t you see? That child could only strengthen those feelings and then.....” she breathed in deeply, steadying herself. “I need time to think...and so do you.”

    “NO.....FUCK THAT! I LOVE YOU AND WE CAN GET THROUGH THIS!” his voice echoed loudly in the stillness of the room. He got up, then fell down on his knees beside her. “Don’t give up on us!”

    “I’d like to go up to the lake and spend some time.....alone. I need to figure out the next step. Do you mind if I stay at the summerhouse?”

    “Of course not! But Lilly, tomorrow night is Christmas Eve.....we’ll go together and take all the time we need! Nothing should keep us apart!”

    But she remained resolved. “No, Joe....we have to do this! Don’t you see its the only way?” her eyes pleaded with his gently. “I love you without a doubt....but you have to be certain you feel the same. I have to be certain of that....”

    “I’m gonna keep fighting for this relationship no matter what.” Numbly, he got up and walked out of the room. He made it to the living room and sank down into the couch. The last couple of days had been hell. Over and over in his mind, the events replayed as he put his guilty conscience on trial. Emotionally exhausted, he fell asleep.

    Sometime later, Lilly stood over him, staring down at the face she loved more than life itself. It took all of her strength not to wake him up, hold him and tell him everything was going to be okay. She longed to hear his voice once more, feel his touch and kiss his mouth. But she couldn’t erase what had happened. Her bags sat waiting in the foyer, lonely reminders of what she was about to do. Leaning down, she kissed his forehead softly, nearly bursting into tears. In his shirt pocket, she tucked a note. As she picked up her bags, she glanced back once more before heading out. It was early afternoon but the sky had clouded up, making it feel much later. The gray skies were a perfect complement to her mood.


    Joe awoke abruptly to the deafening sound of silence. How long had he been asleep, he wondered, glancing at his watch. It was nearly three o’clock. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, he glanced up the stairs. He had to try once more to reach her. But as he started off the couch, he felt the crinkle of the note in his pocket. No! He wanted to scream aloud as he read it. It tumbled out of his hands as he ran up the stairs.

    “Lilly!” he shouted as he ran into the bedroom. Jerking open the closet, he saw the empty hangers and his heart rose to his throat.

    She was gone. Blinded by tears, he wandered into the bathroom. Nothing remained of hers. Gone were the hot rollers, the styling products, the make-up and other articles of her beauty arsenal. He wanted to take back all the times he had complained about navigating around her stuff. If she would just come home to him, she could have all the counter and closet space in the entire house. As he walked back through the bedroom, something glimmered on the rug. When he stooped to pick it up, he found that it was a leftover sliver of glass. Mercilessly, it nicked his unsuspecting finger, drawing a bit of blood. It was nothing compared to the wound to his heart. But as hard as it was to face, he realized that her leaving was his own fault. Certainly Claudia hadn’t helped the situation any but it was his own deception that had driven Lilly away.

    Downstairs, Joe found the big empty house suffocating. Retreating to the basement, he picked up his black Les Paul and plugged in. The volume was cranked up to his usual ear splitting level but he turned it up louder. Closing his eyes, he let his fingers fly. The music that rang out through the amps was deep and soulful; wild and heavy. There was no schematic, just a jumbled freestyle of raw emotion that tortured the very foundation of the house. Silent tears ran down his face. He wanted to open his eyes and see her standing there, reminding him how many decibels it took to cause real damage to his hearing. He could see her beautiful face surrounded by the fragrant tumble of curls he so loved to tangle his fingers into. There had to be a way out of this hell and back to the simple joy of what their love had been. The phone in the control room was ringing off the hook but he ignored it. Suddenly he thought better of that. Suppose it was Lilly? The guitar was still ringing when he laid it down and bolted for the phone. To his dismay, it was not her.

    “Mr. Perry?” came a man’s voice from the other end. “This is Ron Scott from Alpha Omega Diamonds.” Joe sat down as the unexpected reminder punched him in the gut. He had almost forgotten.

    “Yeah...Ron, this is Joe......Is it ready?”

    “To perfection! Would you like to see it?”

    “I’ll be there in an hour.” Joe tried to sound normal though his heart was breaking. His plans for Christmas Eve had blown apart like dust in the wind. He hung up the phone and sat staring into space. There had to be something he could do. What was the name of that detective? He was dialing Steven’s number when the buzzer to the front gate sounded.

    “HEY JOE! OPEN UP!” It was Steven, right on cue, performing antics into the lens of the security camera. But he wasn’t alone. Joe hit the manual release on the control panel and headed back upstairs. Within a couple of minutes, he was opening his door to the pack of gypsies known as Aerosmith. With them was someone he didn’t recognize.

    “Hey guys its been a real fucked up day! If you’re here about the demo tracks--” Joe began, but was cut short.

    “Joe, this is Jack Davis. He’s the detective we talked about.” Steven said flatly. Joe looked around at the others and nodded. Good old Steven, thinking ahead as usual!

    “I guess you’ve all heard, huh?”

    Tom was the first to speak. “Joe, I never told you this, but I never did like her! This is one screwed up situation she’s pulling on you.”

    “It’s even worse. She was here Lilly knows.” he said, turning his head away. “Jack, I hope you can do something for me. I’m desperate.”

    “Be desperate no more, my friend! Your ex-wife is blowing a load of shit your way! There is no truth to her claim.” He passed Joe a manila envelope. “Here, check it out. Most of that I dug up on the computer. The pictures I took this morning at the Fairmont Hotel. You can have formal charges brought against her.”

    As Joe read over the contents of the envelope, his expression darkened, chilling the room. Steven had passed the time making coffee for everyone. He already knew what the envelope contained. As they drank their coffee Tom, Joey and Brad all cast knowing glances at each other. They had come to support him, but more than that, they all realized that once he knew the truth, Joe Perry might need to be restrained.

    “WHAT THE FUCK?” Joe tossed the envelope onto a nearby table, his eyes wild with fury, his knuckles turning white. “MIKE? THAT BASTARD IS IN ON THIS TOO?”

    “Apparently he feels some need to exact revenge on you and he’s brought Claudia in as a bonus. They went to great lengths to get it to this point, Joe. But you can relax because not only is the baby not yours, but its not hers either.”

    “But where....I mean, how? That child looks like me! Does she fuckin’ hate me that much? I don’t understand, Jack! She was the one who left the marriage in the first place!”

    “It’s all about money, Joe.” Steven said. “Mike is counting on you not wanting Claudia in your life and so you’ll pay her off. Claudia is playing both of you! She intends to profit either way, whether you kept her or not.”

    “So what’s next? How do I kick some ass?” For the first time in days, Joe could finally see light at the end of a dark tunnel.

    “The Boston police have the same file you just read. I make one phone call and they move in, arrest the two of them. Family services will take custody of the child. If my hunch is correct, the mother is likely a minor and probably illegally in this country. Don’t worry, Joe, she’ll be taken care of. I have a lot of friends in Immigration & Naturalization that’ll handle everything the right way.” Jack spoke in a soothing, fatherly way that put Joe’s mind at ease. In his mind, he could still see the face of the child.

    “Where’s Lilly? I know she’ll be relieved when you tell her.” Brad said.

    “She left me......went up to the lake. I don’t know if I can make it right again. Not this time.”

    “But Joe, all ya gotta do is show her this stuff! Claudia lied, man!” Joey said.

    “She’s not the only one, though....” Joe shook his head miserably. “....I lied to her about the phone call. I deliberately kept the truth from her. Now she doesn’t trust me.” Joe said, exasperation on his face. “I hurt was my lie that drove her away, not the psycho ex-wife from hell!”

    “You’re gonna give up just like that?” Steven said quietly. “Gee, I wish all our arguments had ended with you being so submissive...” He knew what he was doing.

    Joe shot him a scowl that slowly turned to a smile. “Fuck you, Steven! Jack, make the call....but make it on the way, cause we’re going to Boston. I want to see their faces when they’re put in handcuffs. Then I have a stop to make on my way out of town!”

    “Oh, know there’s a blizzard headed this way!” Steven’s eyes bugged. “Aren’t you gonna pack anything?”

    “No time, let’s go...NOW!” Joe was already out the door.


    Claudia was a raging bitch. It took three armed officers to shove her into the back of the squad car. Mike had bolted but was wrestled to the ground only three blocks away. He was a dirty, bruised mess when he was put into a separate car. Joe was there to see them both off, smiling in deep satisfaction. Claudia was hysterical but Mike only cast him a sinister glance as the car pulled away. When finally it was over, Joe headed for his truck.

    “Hey, Perry! You’re gonna miss my party again this year?” Steven called to him. Joe glanced back. They all stood there with big stupid grins on their faces.

    “I love you guys! I couldn’t ask for better friends. Thanks.....tell Jack the check’s in the mail.” It had just begun to snow as Joe pulled away.

    He made the stop at Alpha Omega and spoke briefly with Ron Scott. What Ron showed him far exceeded even his wildest expectations. Pocketing the purchase, he headed for the highway. This has to work, he thought. I cannot, I will not lose her.....I won’t!

    For a normal driver, the trip up to the lake would take around four or five hours. But Joe wasn’t exactly known as a normal driver, especially when he was being fueled by passion. In his mind, he rehearsed what he would say. He knew that the love was still there between them but he had to convince her it was worth saving. Darkness was falling as the scenery became a blur. When he crossed the state line into New Hampshire, it was already snowing heavily.

    All day, the sky had been cloudy. The entire northeastern seaboard was under a winter storm warning; a Nor’easter as the old folks called it. Snowfall estimates were alarmingly high. Joe heard the reports on the radio but he never slowed down. If he was gonna get snowed in somewhere, it would be with Lilly. The mere thought made him smile. He knew if given enough time with her, he could change her mind. More than anything, he needed her to believe in him again.

    The summerhouse had been in his family for years. Of course it had been recently renovated, but the property was the same. As a boy, he had prowled the woods, fields and nearby foothills surrounding the peaceful waters. He knew it like the back of his hand. Then, ten miles outbound from the house, he hit a slippery patch of ice and skidded.

    Because the snow had started as freezing rain, there was deadly black ice beneath the white powder. For a moment, he lost control but the four wheel drive regained its traction and spun him off the road harmlessly. However, the truck had somehow had gotten its back wheels thrown up over a fallen tree. Joe tried to break free but could not. Getting out of the truck, he surveyed the damage and began to curse. The log was huge and not only had it stuck one wheel aimlessly in the air, but it had bent the rear axle of the vehicle as well. He stood for a moment, considering his options. The snow was coming down so thick he could barely see.

    He tried his cell phone, but either he was out of range or the weather was interfering with the signal. There was only one thing to do. Though the area appeared desolate, he knew exactly where he was. Grabbing his thick overcoat from the backseat, he took off on foot. Nothing, absolutely NOTHING will stop me from reaching her, he vowed. With that, he disappeared into the darkness...


    Lilly stared out the window at the deepening snow. In a very short time, it had blanketed the countryside surrounding the house and the lake. There was a strange comfort in the solitude of the area. Being so far removed from the pain she had left behind, she felt her mind clear enough to sort through what had happened. But though she still felt she had done the right thing, the one thing she did regret was the way she had left. The note she had left was too brief, too impersonal. I should have woke him and said goodbye. I should have told him how much I still love him.... Her mind was full of regrets but also anger as well. Certainly she was angry at Claudia. How dare she walk back into Joe’s life and turn it upside down again! Lilly knew that Joe was in a great deal of pain and it hurt her to know that she couldn’t be there for him. Her stubborn pride, her deep sense of betrayal had forced her to back away. She knew that if Joe ended up choosing Claudia, it would kill her. The fear of facing such emptiness had been paralyzing, sending her running like a wounded animal. Closing her eyes she pictured his face, bringing her to tears once more. When the phone rang, she nearly jumped out of her skin.

    “Hello?” she said pensively. Steven’s voice came to her as if in a dream.

    “Lilly! Let me speak to Joe.” he said matter-of-factly. She blinked in surprise.

    “Um....Steven, he’s not here. I came alone.”

    “Yeah but.....he’s not there YET? He left hours ago!” Steven sounded worried.

    “Steven, I guess you know what has happened between us. I came up here to be alone and Joe knows that. He wouldn’t have followed me.” she said.

    “Lilly, sit down, I need to tell you what’s happened.” Steven began, backtracking over the entire afternoon beginning with the discovery by Jack Davis and ending with the arrest of Claudia Foster Perry and Mike Warren. Lilly was too stunned at first to say anything.

    “Are you sure he was headed up here? I’m in the middle of a blizzard right now! He’s not that crazy, I hope.” She walked to the window, looking out at the blanket of white. The wind was whipping the tremendous flakes around in a swirling pattern as they fell. “The roads have been closed, for god’s sake!”

    “I think he’s crazy enough about you he’d do anything! We all saw him leaving and to my knowledge, he hasn’t come back. Which means....”

    “Which means he could be stranded out there somewhere, or....worse!” She spun into a panic, horrible thoughts crossing her mind.

    “Okay calm down.....breathe, okay? Hang up the phone, and call the sheriff. He has to be on the highway somewhere, probably stuck or something. Call me right back, okay?” Steven was already putting on his boots. Damn you, Joe!

    Waiting for her to call back was excruciating. Teresa was upstairs putting the kids to bed. He knew she’d be upset if he took off after Joe, but what else was he supposed to do? Joe Perry was like his brother, a kindred spirit with whom he had shared the better part of his life with. If anything happened to him as a result of this horrible incident, he would personally see to it that Claudia and Mike both suffered dearly. Suddenly the phone shattered the silence.

    “Steven, I called the police and they’re gonna search the highway for the vehicle.” Her voice was trembling. “Its my fault he’s out there in the first place. I’ll never forgive myself if something has happened to him!”

    “Let’s just hang onto some hope, okay? Joe’s a strong guy and he knows the area......Lilly, he loves you and that’ll get him pretty far. Just call me when you get some news. I’ll make it up there if I have to.”

    “YOU STAY PUT, Steven Tyler! You’re just as bull headed as he is!” She hung up on him immediately, turning her attention back out the window. Just let him be okay, God, please help him find his way...



    The hours ticked by on sluggish feet. It was nearly midnight and Lilly still had not heard any news. She was absolutely frantic with worry. Steven had called back twice but she had nothing new to tell him. It was obvious he was thinking the same thing she was but stubbornly clung to the insane hope that no news was still better than bad news. In less than an hour it would be Christmas Eve. What would have been their first one together had been spoiled by this whole nightmare. Now with the threat of losing Joe, she was forced to deal head on with the pain of what had happened between them. It occurred to her that in the wake of wondering if he were hurt or dead somewhere, the feelings of anger and betrayal had melted away, becoming more and more insignificant. Nothing mattered now except that he was safe and back in her arms. In fact, the more she thought of it, the more she began to see things through his eyes. Dammit, she knew he loved her! How could she have doubted that? He made a mistake, that much he admitted to openly. She had accused him of being weak but at the same time, wasn’t she just as weak herself? Instead of sticking around to fight for their love, she had turned away at the first sign of trouble. Tossing another log on the fire, she dropped to her knees and began to pray again...

    Joe had followed the road a good distance before he stopped to rest. Far ahead, the road curved to the right, rounding a bend. To his immediate right stood a shallow stand of trees surrounding the lake. Through them he could make out the lights of the house about a mile away. Because Steven was such a mother hen, he realized that Lilly had probably already gotten a call from him. Now she was probably more pissed off.

    He started on his way again, shielding his eyes from the driving snow. Out in the open, the wind was kicking his ass, slowing him down considerably. Glancing at the lights through the trees, he made an impulsive decision. As he turned off the road and headed down through the trees, he remembered his father’s scolding him many times for exploring the woods around the lake alone. Stay where people can find you, he had warned his son many times. The desolate woods could easily confuse someone who was lost. It occurred to Joe that he was walking blindly, not certain of where the edge of the water was. The snow was deep, already up to his knees and he was struggling with each step. Suddenly, he went down and plunged into an icy blackness.

    He had evidently wandered too far toward the curving edge of the lake. It wasn’t deep, but it soaked him to the skin. Coming back up, he struggled for solid footing, grabbing onto an old snow covered log that appeared to jut out over the place he had gone down in. He felt the cut on his finger open back up as he grabbed hold of the branches. There were new cuts and scratches all over his unprotected hands as he hauled himself up onto solid ground. Soaking wet, the bitterly cold wind bit him ferociously. He could see the lights of the house, closer now as he stumbled forward. But he was so tired. The wind had pushed the snow up into banks against the trees, some of them up to his waist. He was swimming in a sea of white foam, the harbor lights looming up in the distance, taunting him. Something tripped him and down he went again, this time deep into the arms of the quietly forgiving snow. He laid there for a moment, nearly laughing at himself. This wasn’t such a good idea after all, he thought. He suddenly felt sleepy... very sleepy. Closing his eyes, he began to dream...

    A knock at the door brought Lilly to her feet. She had drifted off to sleep in the chair. The mantle clock was striking midnight when she opened the door and saw the sheriff standing there.

    “Ma’am? You called us about a Joe Perry?” he drawled. She could barely hear him over the howl of the wind.

    “YES! Did you find him?”

    The sheriff shook his head. “No, but we found his truck about ten miles from here, stuck in the snow.” His face didn’t appear very hopeful. Lilly felt a wave of helplessness wash over her.

    “Did you search the roads? Maybe he started walking!”

    “We looked but we didn’t see any sign of him. I’ve gone up and down the road three times since you called us. Its getting bad out here so we’ll have to start looking again tomorrow.” he said, knowing fully well what her reaction would be.

    NO! YOU CAN’T JUST STOP LOOKING! HE COULD DIE OUT THERE!” she screamed, pushing past him. “I’LL FIND HIM MYSELF!”

    “Whoa, there! You go out there and get yourself lost and we’ll be looking for you tomorrow as well! Now go back inside and try to get some sleep.”

    “SLEEP? YOU EXPECT ME TO SLEEP WHEN...” she stopped abruptly as she saw a shadowy figure stumbling through the yard toward the porch. “JOE? OH, MY GOD ITS HIM!”

    The distance between them closed as she met him halfway, flinging her arms around him joyfully. He was soaking wet and shivering but he was alive and that was all she needed to know. The sheriff was shaking his head at them as she helped him into the house. She thanked him politely but quickly shut the door. The only thing that mattered to her was Joe.

    She went to work immediately, getting him out of his wet, icy clothes and wrapping him in warm quilts. He sat before the fire as she towel dried his wet hair. His lips were still rather blue when he tried to speak. She hushed him quickly with a kiss, her eyes wet with tears.

    “Don’t try to talk right now....just let me take care of you.”

    And so she did, warming him from the inside out with her tender loving attention. Not a word was spoken about their unresolved problems. They all seemed far away and unimportant. Joe felt her love surrounding him, giving him hope. Her touch was soft and gentle. She made him some warm soup, despite his protests and slowly, he began to feel human again. When he was done with the bowl, she took it away to the kitchen. He heard her briefly on the phone, probably to Steven. When she returned, he sat staring into the flames, waiting to hear what he surely had coming to him. But it never came. To his surprise, she fell into his arms, saying nothing.

    They held each other tightly, listening to the distant wind outside and the crackling fire. Both of them were warmed, each by the other. After some time had passed, they began to talk. It was clear that the love they shared transcended anything else. It was the strength of that love that had hauled him back up out of the snow just when he thought he had given up.

    Lilly had already forgiven him. Their love was the only thing that really mattered. Nothing could ever again shake their faith in that. They talked until nearly dawn, laying tangled together on the couch, wrapped in the warmth of each other. It was amazing for both of them to realize that they had fallen even deeper in love with one another. Suddenly, Joe remembered the gift.

    “Hold on.....I gotta check something.”

    “What are you doing?” she looked confused as he got up and went over to check his clothes that were hanging by the fire. He was searching around in the pockets of his overcoat. When he returned to her side, he had a suspicious grin on his face and something hidden in his hand.

    “I have your Christmas present.”

    “You’re my Christmas present, Joe Perry... you’re the love of my life!” she replied, kissing him with great abandon as he kneeled in front of her. The quilt around his waist fell away, doing little to protect his modesty. But after all, he had nothing to hide from her. She was his soulmate, his very heart. He kissed her as if she were the very oxygen he breathed. Her lips were soft and yielding as his tongue found hers. He kissed her until she was dizzy with desire. Then he opened his hand, revealing a tiny box. She stared at it, wide eyed, unable to speak. There was a look of complete and utter love in his eyes as he opened it.

    “Marry me, Lilly... be mine forever...” he whispered softly, slipping the ring onto her finger. It was breathtaking, an absolutely flawless three stone ring set in platinum. Overcome with emotion, she could barely speak but she nodded her head with a barely whispered “yes”. That was all he needed to hear...


    Mike Warren was never one to give up so easily. He was like a pit bull with his teeth clamped firmly around a bone. The time in jail would only give him the opportunity to plan his next move. Now more than ever, his hatred of Perry consumed him, filling his head with delicious and chilling scenarios. Next time he would draw blood. And make no mistake, there would most certainly be a next time.

    “Enjoy your reprieve, my friend... enjoy it while you can...!”