By Sarah D. Hunter
(Rated PG-13 for language)

    They were supposed to do a show in three days at the Civic Center. In the meantime they were on a little break-only three days; so they really didn’t have the time to return home. Tom, Brad and Joey had already left for a little excursion to see some car museum and a race.
    Steven invited Joe for a little ‘excursion’ of his own. In the old days, that could have meant some incredibly wild times but now, it meant shopping.
    Joe was hoping to sleep in. “Where are we going?” He was still a bit groggy.
     “This shop, I heard the roadies chicks talkin’ bout it. There’s all sorts of spiritual, New Age stuff.” Steven exclaimed as opened the door of the cab.
    Sometimes Joe had found some amazing stuff in shops like this; anyway, it beat staring at the TV. The cab drove them along the busy streets.
     “After this, we can go hit that gun shop.” Steven said.
     “Yeah, I kinda had my eye on this Colt.” Joe remembered it from a few months ago. He could have kicked himself for not buying it then.
    They were stopped at a red light. “Whoa, Joe! Check her out! Man, I love those tits!” Steven pointed at the young blond with all the right curves. She was standing, waiting to walk across the street. She noticed them, then gave them a glare as she passed the cab.
     “Oh, yeah, she’s nice.” Joe remarked as the girl walked away.
     “She looks just as good from the back, too.” Steven’s eyes watched her even as the cab pulled away. “Oh, my God! It should be a crime to look that good!” As they went father, he noticed that the traffic was thinning out.
    The cab stopped. Joe looked out; this neighborhood had seen better days. It was Joe’s turn to pay; he also asked the driver to stay. That costs him extra, but it was worth it. He was certain that there wouldn’t be any cabs around when they got out. Steven bounded out and looked around.
     “What’s it called?” Joe asked, as he zipped his leather jacket up. He looked up and saw the blackening clouds. He could even smell it in the air; a storm was coming.
     “Uh, Footprints on the Sands of Time, I think.” Steven looked around, “Oh, over there! We’re on the wrong side of the street.”
     ‘Leave it to the roadies to find this place’ Joe thought as he followed Steven across the street. A cold hard wind picked up; Joe was wishing they were back at the hotel.
    The inside of the store looked like on of Steven’s outfits, exotic and bold. The air hung heavy with the smell of incense. Tables were lined with meditation rocks, touchstones, trinkets and boxes. Candles lined the wall, along with little cheap statuettes of Buddha. There were books stacked everywhere. A stuffed crow stood guard on the counter.
     “I don’t know about this, Steven.” Joe looked around, he was getting some really bad vibes. His gut feeling told him to leave.
     “Huh? What’s with you! Humor me, and we’ll go to that gun shop. I promise I’ll be outta here in a minute!” Steven exclaimed. He started going through the store, carefully examining every little thing available. Joe followed, he still wasn’t happy. He knew Steven’s definition of a ‘minute’; this could take hours! He looked out the plate glass window; the cab was still sitting there.
    Steven browsed through most everything, but he hadn’t really found anything to his liking. Steven either, ‘I got one almost like it’ or ‘ I already have it’.
     “Well, then, let’s go.” Joe really wanted out of here.
     “Can I help you?” A woman’s voice called out.
    They turned; Joe had seen her before. She was the girl from the red light, the girl that Steven had been checking out.
     “Oh, yeah, honey. I was hoping to find something different.” Steven walked up to the counter. His eyes went down to the front of her blouse.
     “Hmmm. Different,” she repeated. “I see that you like jewelry.”      “Oh, yeah, baby!” Steven laughed. “That’s a nice necklace you got on!”      “Is that what you were staring at?” she retorted.      “Hmmm,” Steven contorted his mouth, “Well, that and a couple other things.”
     “Wait here.” She walked through a beaded curtain to the back of the store; she returned quickly. “I do have some things that are special; things that I don’t put out for the general public.” She opened a small black velvet bag. “And this, is very special.”
    She held up a necklace. It was a smooth, pale green oval stone fixed onto a larger oval silver medallion. The medallion had some strange hieroglyphics; the entire thing hung on a strong silver chain. Joe stared at it; he felt himself shiver again.
     “Wow, it’s incredible.” Steven was entranced by it. He took it and ran his long finger over the stone. He looked at it for a long time. “What’s this writing?”
     “ I’ll read it to you, if you’re going to take it.”
    Steven frowned a bit; Joe took a step forward. “C’mon, Steven, give it back to her. We got the cab waiting! Let’s just go!”
     “No, I like it. How much?”
     “Fifty dollars.” She said, unflinching.
    Fifty buck for that?” Joe exclaimed.
     “I’ll take it.” Steven gave Joe a dirty look. “Cash Okay?”
    Steven handed her payment for his new treasure. She scrawled out a receipt and handed it to him. She took the necklace from him, opened the clasp and put it on him. “I told you that I would read it to you.” She ran her finger around the medallion as she read it. To Joe, it sounded like some kind of Latin. When she was done, she smiled at Steven.
     “What’s it mean?”
     “You’ll find out. Thank you, goodbye.” She motioned for them to leave.
    Joe walked out quickly; the sky was beginning to darken. He looked at Steven and that God-awful thing around his neck as they returned to their cab.      “What in hell made you buy that?” Joe exclaimed.
     “I don’t know; I just like it.” Steven shrugged. “You didn’t have to be so mean in there! Cut the girl some slack! She was really hot.”
    Joe grunted. There was just something about her that made him feel uneasy. And that damned necklace; he didn’t even want to get started about that!
     “You wanna go to the gun shop?” Steven asked.
     “Nah.” Joe was done shopping for the day. “Besides, it looks like it’s gonna storm.”

    Joe loved to sleep when it was raining. It was so soothing to hear the rain hit the window, but he awoke to the telephone ringing. He cursed; then turned over and picked it up. “Yeah.” He looked at his watch; it was 5:30 in the morning.
     “Joe!” Steven exclaimed. “I gotta talk to you.”
    The panic in Steven’s voice instantly woke Joe up. “Steven? What’s wrong?”
     “Just come to my room. I can’t explain it, not over the phone.”
    Joe quickly got dressed, and walked the empty hallway to Steven’s hotel room. He had a million things racing through his mind. Something terrible must have happened: They figured that Steven would be the best at telling him.
    e walked in, stopped dead, and stood there in absolute shock. He never would have come up with this scenario: Not in a million years! “Um, Steven, uh, well,” Joe stammered.
     “Yeah, I know!” Steven threw his hands up in the air. “What the hell happened to me?”
    Joe looked Steven up and down. Somehow Steven Tyler had been transformed into a woman. He wore one of his t-shirts, now pulled very tightly across his chest, and his faded blue jeans also pulled a bit tight over his now shapely hips. If it wasn’t so shocking, it probably was very funny.
     “Dude looks like a-” Joe said as he stared at Steven’s ample breasts.
     “Shut the fuck up!”
     “OK, OK, OK.” Joe finally said. “This is some sort of joke, right?”
     “I wish it was! I woke up and went to take a piss, and I really can’t cause I’m short on a piece of equipment! Then I look down, and I got these!” Steven motioned to his breasts like they were some foreign objects that he had no idea of dealing with.
    Joe walked to Steven; his eyes fixed on him. It was Steven; this wasn’t an impersonator. Joe’s eyes moved down. He reached out and touched Steven’s warm, firm breasts. “Oh, my God! They’re real!” He said out loud.
    Steven slapped his hands away. “Goddamn it, Joe! Of course they’re real!”
     “Sorry! I just had to see.” Joe looked Steven up and down again. “I just can’t understand this.” Joe’s eyes transfixed onto the new necklace hanging around Steven’s neck. “Hey, that necklace. Look at the stone!” It was a grass green.     Steven held it out, “Oh, I thought it was a lighter green.”
     “It was.” Joe shuddered from the chill running down his back. “Man, that thing’s just freaking me out!”
     “This is the least of my troubles!” Steven exclaimed as he sat down. “I just don’t understand! How in the fuck did I end up like this?”
    Joe sat down across from Steven. He couldn’t help but stare at him. Steven was just so incredibly beautiful; Joe never noticed that his eyes were such a warm inviting brown…
     “What the hell are you looking at?” Steven yelled.
     “Nothing.” Joe’s eyes darted down to his own lap. “So now what?”
     “She said I’d find out; little bitch! We have to go back to that shop.”
     “I’m sure that they aren’t open. It’s not even 6!”
     “I don’t care! It has to be something to do with this thing!”
    He frowned a bit, “Hey, does my voice sound higher?”
    ”Maybe,” Joe shrugged; from Steven’s disgusted look, he knew it was the wrong answer. “Just a little,” he quickly added.
     “Oh great,” Steven moaned. He rose, and put on his oversized black leather coat. “Are you coming with me?” He put it on a pair of sunglasses.
    They went out down to the lobby; Steven walked ahead. Joe was still a bit confused by the entire morning’s events. He heard someone say his name. He turned and there was a teenage boy, pushing a mop. The kid seemed startled that Joe had turned around.
     “Excuse me. Are you Joe Perry?” he asked.
     “Uh, yeah I am.”
     “I hate to bother you, but could I have your autograph?” He asked. “I mean, well I could get into a lot of trouble. We’re not supposed to bother the guests.”
    Joe understood. “Oh, hey, no trouble. I’m just on my way to-” he couldn’t really say where he was off to, “breakfast.”
     “Thanks. Can’t wait for your show.”
     “Ya goin to it?”
     “Oh, yeah.”<>br      “Yeah, it’ll be great. You won’t be disappointed. What’s your name?”
    The boy gave a smile. “Joe.”
     “Cool name.” Joe signed the paper and handed it back. He saw this Joe staring at Steven. Oh shit. What if he notices that Steven’s ‘different’…
     “Thanks, Mr. Perry.” He again looked at Steven, and raised his eyebrows, “God, she’s beautiful!”
    Joe frowned a bit; not because of what he said, but because he didn’t recognize Steven. This young Joe was embarrassed. “Sorry. I didn’t mean anything. I was thinkin’ out loud.”
     “No problem. Later, Joe.” He quickly joined Steven.
     “He thought I was your lady!” Steven exclaimed.
     “Oh, he’s just a kid.” Joe brushed the incident off.
     “No, he’s not.” Steven pulled up his collar. “He knew you! He’s going to the show! He didn’t know who I was!”
     “Maybe he’s into guitars. Not everyone in the world knows who you are!” Joe gave a shrug. “Are you hungry? Wanna get some breakfast?” Breakfast sounded like a good idea.
     “No. I want to go back to that shop!”
    Joe was about to protest, but he sort of understood. If he were in this fix, he’d want to go back. He looked up; the rain was still gently falling. Soon, they were in a warm cab, retracing their steps. The store was dark, Joe figured that much. A sign hung on the door, “Closed for vacation”
     “Fuck!” Steven exclaimed. “How will I find her?”
     “Whom do you seek?” A bum asked. He came out of the darkness, dressed in tattered clothes, but he had an air of dignity to him. He tilted his head. “Are you seeking Kali?”
     “I just need to talk to the blond girl that works here.” Steven declared.
     “Kali. Her name’s Kali.” The bum answered.
     “Do you know where she is?” Joe asked.
     “Kali is a hard one to keep track of. Sometimes she’s gone for weeks at a time.” The bum took a long drink out his paper bag. “She’s a free spirit.”
     “Do you know where she went on her vacation?” Joe’s tone was impatient.
     “Alex would know.” The bum went through his tattered pockets. “Here’s his address.” He handed Joe a dirty business card. “When you see him, tell him that Doc said hello.” He turned and started to walk away. Joe looked at the card, then at the old man shuffling away.
     “Hey, wait!” Steven called out. Doc stopped, and turned.
     “Steven what are you doing?”
     “We can’t let him go! Look at him!” Steven caught up to him. “Are you hungry?”
     “Oh, well,” He looked down, with shame on his face. “I’ll find something. Don’t worry your pretty little head. I can fend for myself.”
     “Hey, well, we were gonna go get something, you wanna come too?” Steven looked around; there was a diner at the end of the block.
     “No, that’s fine, you go ahead. Go to Alex.”
    Steven took out some money, and pressed into his palm. “Go get something to eat. Don’t spend it all on booze!”
    Doc looked at the money, “Thank you, dear. God Bless you.” Steven watched him walk to the diner and go inside.
     “Steven, come on.” Joe grabbed him by the arm and they walked back to the cab.

    The cab headed deeper into the wrong end of the city. Steven was quiet; Joe knew he was scared. Anybody would be scared. The cab pulled over; they were in front of a run down bungalow. It looked like it should have been torn down years ago.
     “Here’s the place. You want me to go first and check it out?” Joe asked.      “Yeah, I figured I would.” Joe said.
    Steven paid, but the cabbie’s rough hand held onto his. He looked at him, and almost asked what the problem was; then the cabbie gave him a wink. “Like your shirt, and what’s in it.” Steven’s eyes widened, as the cabbie continued. “I wish I could stick around, baby, but this isn’t the safest place in the world. Maybe you and me could get together later on tonight? Say about ten thirty?”
    Steven was shocked and pulled his hand away. Joe put his arm around Steven, “You gotta go through me first!” He sneered. Joe turned with Steven still under his arm. They walked to the front door; Joe rang the doorbell.
     “Thanks, Joe.”
     “No problem, Steven.” Joe rang the doorbell again.
     “My voice is higher, isn’t it?” Steven said.      “I don’t think so.” Joe couldn’t tell him the truth. Steven’s voice was at least an octave higher. Steven was naturally fine featured, but he noticed that his facial features were softer, too. It didn’t look like Steven had shaved a day in his life. It was very easy to mistake Steven for a woman.
    A man came to the door, he opened it just a crack. “Yes? What do you want?”      “Are you Alex? Doc sent us here,” Joe said, then added “He said hello.”
     “Doc?” He opened the door. He was old, dressed in a conservative blue suit and gray tie. He motioned for them to enter. It was warm house; it looked a lot better on the inside than the outside. He looked at Steven, “You’ve changed, right?”
     “Huh? How did you know?” Steven said.
     “You’ve got that bewildered, desperate look. I’ve seen it before. I am indeed Alex. Come inside and sit down. Your name?” His short finger pointed to Steven.
     “Steven Tyler.”
    Alex seemed a bit shocked. “I mean your birth name?”      “Stephen.” He nodded. “How long have you been changing?”
     “I woke up this way! I went to bed a man and woke up a woman.”
    Alex turned on a floor lamp, and began to look at Steven. He never touched him, just looked him over. He stepped closer and freed the necklace from the coat, “Oh, I understand now!” The stone was now an emerald green.
     “You do!” Steven exclaimed. It was the first ray of hope he’d had all day.
     “Where’d you this necklace?”
     “God, I hate that thing.” Joe moaned.
     “I got it yesterday; at a store called Footsteps on the Sands of Time.”
     “From a beautiful blond girl?”
    Steven nodded.
    Alex slowly nodded. “Kali. You have been cast under her spell. Tell me, was the stone lighter in color when you first saw it?”
     “Yeah, it was a real pale green.”
     “When the stone turns black, then you can’t turn back.”
    Steven shuddered, “How long will that take?”
    Alex sighed. “Judging by the stone, you don’t have more than five hours until it’s complete and irreversible.”
     “Five fucking hours!” Steven might look like the girl next door, but he still swore like a sailor. “That’s all?”
     “You are rapidly changing. You must be somewhat naturally feminine.”
     “Yeah, I’ve been told that.” Steven sank back in his chair. “This Kali, I never met her! Why is she doing this to me?”
     “She must have her reasons.”
     “I didn’t do anything to her. I never met her before!”
    Alex remained quiet. Joe didn’t like it. “Are you keeping something from us?” Joe asked.
     “No,” He answered simply.
     “So are you gonna help us?” Joe asked.
\     “I will have to find Kali. She is responsible; only she can break the spell.”      “How can a necklace change me?”
     “Yeah, why can’t he just take it off?” Joe asked.
     “Oh, don’t remove it! It’s the only thing showing us how long we have! The stone has no true force on this whatsoever! The spell is the real culprit. I will bring Kali here. She’s around here somewhere.”
     “But the sign said ‘Closed for Vacation’-”Steven began.
     “Oh, she’s here. I know Kali; she’s very methodical.”
     “Look, Alex,” Steven said softly, “What if you can’t find Kali?”
     “I will.” He said confidently.
     “Yeah, but let’s just say you can’t, or she won’t come, or the spell isn’t broken, or time runs out. What will happen to me?”
    Alex was silent; he put his fingertips together and looked at him. “I shouldn’t tell you, but you have a right to know. You will become a woman. The outer transformation has started; it will continue until you are a fully functioning woman. Your prostate gland will be replaced with a uterus. You will menstruate-”      “Well, yes, women do.”
    Steven looked at the back of his hands, silently hoping that somebody would wake him up. No such luck. He thought about Teresa what would she think about all of this? What about the band? Sure he could probably still sing, but a lot of the songs are meant for a man to sing. What about the fans? He really couldn’t make anyone believe that he had just simply turned into a woman.
     “Stephen!” Alex shouted at him.
     “Huh?” Steven was snapped back to reality. “Sorry, nobody calls me ‘Stephen’, it’s always ‘Steven’.”      “Well, you’re going to have to tap into your true self. Your going to have to find the true person you are. I think that you are going to need time to fathom what is happening to you. You cannot give up hope: If you do, then your body will change even faster! Relax, stay positive, and the transformation will slow down.” He tilted his head at him. “Now, can I ask you something?”
    Steven nodded.
     “Before this happened, you were a heterosexual?”
     “How do you feel about women now?” Alex went through a book as he spoke.
    Steven frowned, “What?”
     “Do you find her attractive?” Alex held up the book. There was a color photo; a blond with huge breasts, legs spread, showing off everything she had. Joe felt hot just looking at the photo.
    Steven looked at it blankly. “She’s pretty.”
     “But are you aroused by her? Would you want to make love to her?”
     “No,” Steven said flatly. “I have no urge to do so.”     Alex gave a slow nod.
     “That’s not good, is it?”
     “Well, no.” Alex sighed. “Stephen, just try to stay calm. I’ve never failed yet. Make yourself comfortable.” He pulled Joe into the next room. “He’ll be back soon.”
    Steven looked over his shoulder, watching them leave.
     “What do they call you, son?”
     “You must be a true friend, Stephen trusts you.”
     “We’ve been together for a long time.”
     “Joe, you can’t let Stephen know this.” Alex looked over to make sure that Steven was still sitting at the table, out of earshot. Joe didn’t like that. He knew that this wasn’t going to go smoothly. “I know Kali; she’s had it out for Stephen for a long, long time.”
     “She blames Stephen for her sister, Elisabeth’s death. Stephen and Elisabeth had a short fling and Kali claims that Stephen got her hooked onto heroine. She’s been gone for three years now.”
     “Elisabeth?” Joe echoed, “I don’t remember an Elisabeth. When was this?”
     “Oh, about 1982.”
     “Oh, well, I wasn’t really around him then.”
     “I see. Well, anyway, Stephen looks like the type that would take this news to heart.”
     “Yeah, it would bother him.” Steven had been clean for quiet a few years; something like this could send him over the edge again. Guilt can do a lot to a person.
     “You have to keep it from him. I’ll try my damnedest to get Kali here, but I can’t promise you anything. He trusts you; if you have any love of him, you must keep him in good spirits. I need all the time I can get. And don’t tell him the truth of Kali’s rage.
     “And I must warn you, that he may do or say things he normally wouldn’t. His hormones are going wild. Ever been married, Joe?”
     “Yeah, I am now.”
     “Then you know all about PMS. That’s what Stephen will be going through. I’ll be back as soon as possible.”

    All they could do was to wait: Nothing worse than sitting around and waiting. They were helpless. Steven was quiet; it was unusual for him to be so quiet. He didn’t say anything; Joe wished he would. Just so he could see what kind of mood he was in. Joe knew he was scared; the rug had been pulled from under him. Steven had lost his physical identity.
    Once in a while, Steven would fan himself with a folded newspaper; Joe could see the sweat glistening off his face. Other times, he’d shudder and pull his coat around his shoulders. He had left for a while; Joe was thinking of going to see what was keeping him, but then he walked back into the room.
    Joe felt terrible, keeping this secret from Steven; he understood why he had to keep it, but he didn’t like it. He didn’t like the entire thing. Joe wandered around the room, studying some of the antiques that sat on the shelves. There was no television, radio, no true modern equipment at all. Joe was actually shocked that there was electricity.
    Steven sat on the couch, his shirt was pulled uncomfortably tight across his chest; he picked up his newspaper and began to fan himself again. He looked miserable. He was bit his lip as he watched Joe walk back and forth in front of him. He finally blew up at him. “Damn it Joe! You’re starting to get on my nerves! Why can’t you just sit still? Just for five fucking minutes? You’re gonna wear a groove in the goddamned floor!” And with that, Steven threw down the paper and rubbed his eyes.
     “Sorry, Steven.” Joe knew it wasn’t his pacing; he knew the time, too. The fifth hour had come and gone, and then the sixth; Steven was getting nervous. When they came all he had was five hours. Alex must be having trouble. Great.     Joe figured he’d better sit down. Steven was supposed to stay calm, the calmer the better. He sat down next to him; he put his arm around him. He noticed that Steven was softer, not so muscular. “Steven, it’ll be alright. Alex seems like he knows what he’s talking about.”
    Steven nodded; he continued biting his lip. He looked at the stone; it was darker. “Tell me the truth Joe: Is my voice higher?”
    Joe couldn’t lie to him again. “Yeah, it is.”      “I knew it.” Steven rubbed his eyes again, and looked down. “My chest really hurts now.”
    Joe looked away when he noticed Steven’s nipples protruding through the cotton tee. “Anything else hurt?” Joe looked back at Steven’s face.
    He ran his hands over his stomach. “My stomach, it feels like I got kicked.”
     “You haven’t eaten, it’s probably hunger pains.”     Steven nodded. “Yeah, I’m getting shaky.” He pulled his coat over his lap. “I’m sorry I yelled at you; it’s not your fault.”
     “I understand.”
     “How can you?” Steven snorted. Joe could see that Steven instantly sorry for this outburst. Steven nervously fiddled with the button on his coat, “Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to be a woman.”
     “Oh, Steven!” Joe scoffed.
     “Well they always say a woman has better orgasms than a man.”      “Alex can say a lot, he’s not the one that’s changing!” Steven snapped. His shoulders sank down. “I don’t have much time left. I’ve been trying to think positive, but I know that I’m too far-gone. I just went and took a piss, and well, let’s just say that nothing’s down there. I mean there’s something, but not-well you know. It’s gone. I’m a woman, Joe.”
     “Alex will be here, Steven.” He knew Steven needed him; Joe tightened his arm around him. He was a bit shocked when Steven rested his head on his shoulder. Joe put his other arm around his friend. He felt Steven’s arms around him. They held each other close. He felt Steven’s chest on his; he winced, he was trying not to think about Steven’s new curvaceous body. They both tightened their holds. They stayed like this for a long time, not saying a word.
    But Joe felt awkward. It wasn’t like Steven had never hugged him; Steven was always touching or hugging him, but they had both been men. Joe hadn’t ever been sexually attracted to Steven before. Sure there had been rumors, but they were just that. The rumors about them had always bothered him, and it bothered him even more when Steven would play up to them when they were onstage. That really pissed him off, but Steven would laugh and just shrug them off.
    Joe’s thoughts wandered to ‘what if’. Steven would be the perfect mate: They shared so many likes and dislikes. He wondered what it would be like to make love to his best friend, to be the one that creates the ecstasy on Steven’s face. Joe broke that thought; he was trying not to get aroused. Steven had to return to his normal state. Steven Tyler had to be a man: case closed.
     “Joe,” Steven said softly, in his ear.
     “Yeah.” Joe quietly said back.
    Steven looked at him; his face glisten with tears.
     “I didn’t hurt you! Did I?” Joe exclaimed.
     “No, you didn’t hurt me. I guess I’m crying cause I understand. I get it now. Now I understand what all those women see in you. You try to act tough, but we can see that you’re so gentle. You’re so handsome; so wonderful. I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather have here with me right now.”
    Joe eyes were locked onto Steven’s beautiful, soulful eyes; he brushed his tears away with his thumb. He forgot that Steven was Steven: He just saw this beautiful woman in his arms.
    Then he remembered that he was holding Steven Tyler. But Joe kept his cool; he couldn’t let Steven know the truth. He could never let Steven know that he wanted him. “That’s what friends are for.” He managed to say.
    Then Steven reached up and brushed the hair out of Joe’s eyes. “You should get that cut; it’s always hanging down. You should show off your eyes more, they’re so beautiful.”
     “Yeah, well, I’ll get it cut, Steven.”     They stared into each other’s eyes for a moment. Teresa didn’t matter; Billie didn’t matter. Joe really wanted to kiss him; it was a hard urge to control. He was trying to weigh the pros and cons in his mind. Thankfully, Steven broke the silence.
     “What would I ever do without you?” Steven’s head went back onto Joe’s shoulder. He was sobbing. “What am I gonna do Joe? What am I gonna do as a woman?”
     “It’ll be OK, Steven.” He looked up and saw Alex standing in the doorway; he was holding a tea service. “Alex! Did you bring Kali?” Joe exclaimed.
     “Yes. Would you care for some tea?” Alex asked.
     “Yeah, sure.” Joe said, but Steven was silent.
     “Stephen? Some tea?”
    Steven broke from his hold on Joe. He wiped his eyes. “No thanks.”
     “How are you holding up?”
     “I’ve been better.”
     “Don’t lose hope: You will be your old self soon.”
    Steven gave an unconvincing nod. Joe kept his arm around Steven’s shoulder. “Where’s Kali?” He asked again.
    Joe stood and blew up at her, “What the hell is this all about? Why are you doing this to him?”
     “Please.” Kali said; her word made Joe sit. “I had planned this moment for a long, long time.”
     “Why?” Steven asked, “Why are you doing this to me?”
     “Steven. You don’t remember me, do you?” She sat down and crossed her legs.
     “No. Where did we meet?”
     “Benny’s on 64th.”
     “That was a long time ago.”      “Not that long ago. You don’t remember me? You don’t even remember her! Do you?” Kali was angered by the blank expression on his face. She leaned forward and clarified her point. “My sister was Elisabeth, remember Elisabeth?”
    Elisabeth,” Steven whispered. “Yeah, I remember her. She’s real pretty.”
     “She’s dead. You killed her.”
     “I killed her! How the hell you figure that?”
     “You introduced her to smack; you made her into a glassy-eyed freak.”
     “Yes. I was going to make you-”
    Joe knew that there was no way in hell Kali was going to stop this. “Damn it, Steven!” He suddenly exclaimed. “Why didn’t you listen to me? Why did you buy that damned thing! I knew that fucking necklace was bad news!”
     “Buy?” Alex echoed, “He bought that necklace?” He said in disbelief.
     “Yeah, fifty bucks!” Joe heard his own voice shake. “He paid her in cash.”
     “Kali! You didn’t give it to him? You made him .buy this?”
    Kali shrugged, “I have to make a living. Yes, he paid for it.”
     “You made him pay, and you didn’t tell him the consequences. My dear, you have made a huge mistake. If you would have given it, fine, you could go through with it; he bought it. He had a right to know! You didn’t give him that right! Kali, end it. You must end it NOW!” Alex tone scolded her.
    Steven’s head slowly went down, until his chin was nearly on his chest. Then his head shot back up, he blinked his eyes.
     “Steven? Are you OK?” Joe asked.
     “I’m tired.”
    Alex frowned, “Please don’t go to sleep. It wouldn’t be that good right now.”
     “You’re the one that wanted me to relax.” Steven rubbed his temples.
     “Relax, and sleep are two completely different things.”
     “It just hit me, I feel like I could sleep a week.” He rubbed his temples again.
     “Here, drink some tea. It will keep you awake.”
    Steven did drink some, but he was never a tea lover. He was just looking in his cup; he didn’t hear them talking.
     “If you would have let me finish,” Kali sneered at Joe, “I was going to make him pay, but I have had a change of heart. I will reverse the spell.”
     “Steven? Didn’t you hear Kali?” Joe looked at Steven’s face, to see why he wasn’t reacting to anything. Steven was almost asleep again; Joe shook him violently.
     “Just let me go to sleep for an hour, that’s all I really need.”
    Alex knelt down to Steven, the he looked at Joe. “He’s upset, he’s blaming himself; it’s speeding everything up. He doesn’t have much time left. Try to keep him awake.”
     “I do need a few minutes to prepare-” Kali began.
     “Hurry it up, girl!” Alex shouted.     Joe looked at his necklace; the stone was almost black. He took the cup from Steven’s hand and forced the brew down his throat. He held on to Steven’s shoulders. “Steven! You can’t go to sleep! Not yet!”
     “It’s over Joe. I can’t say you didn’t try.” He looked at Joe; his eyes filled with tears. He ran the back of his hand over Joe’s cheekbone, “I love you, Joe.”
     “I love you, too, Steven.”
     “No, Joe, you don’t understand-”
     “Yeah, I do.” He got right into Steven’s face. “If you love me then you’ll stay awake! You can’t go to sleep: You have to stay with us! Steven! Wake up!”
     “I can’t. I’m sorry.” Steven fought to hold his head up. “Please, Kali, help me! I’m sorry about Elisabeth! I didn’t mean to make her an addict! I didn’t mean for her to die! If I could change time, I would! If I could bring her back, I would!” Steven’s head bobbed back down; Joe shook him awake.
     Kali stood over Steven. She held Steven head in one hand, as she chanted some more phrases that sounded like Latin, and made some marks with her finger on Steven’s forehead. Then she grasped the necklace and pulled it off Steven’s neck. She went to the table.
     Steven’s eyes were transfixed on Kali. She kept chanting then took the necklace and smashed the stone with a small mallet. Steven’s head snapped back, his entire body lunged backwards as if he’d been shot then he collapsed.
     “Steven!” Joe shouted. He shook Steven’s shoulders, but he didn’t respond.
     “He’s fine. It’s over. The spell’s been broken. Help me lie him down.” Alex said then he covered Steven with his coat. “When he awakens; he will be as he was before.”
    Joe stayed beside him, he really had no idea what he’d do if Kali changed her mind, but he was willing to fight her. Steven seemed to be sleeping peacefully. “You said he’d be alright?” Joe asked.
     “Oh yes, he should take it easy for a couple of days, but he shouldn’t have any long term effects. It’s over with, Joe.”
    Kali sat silently at the table, staring at the broken stone. Joe went over to her.
     “Kali, thanks for changing your mind. Steven is really a wonderful, beautiful person. I’m sorry that you and Elisabeth only saw the bad side of him. What made you change your mind?”
     “I did see a good side to him.” She pulled out a small wad of money and pressed it in the palm of Joe’s hand. “Go get something to eat. Don’t spend it all on booze!”
    Joe stared at the money, then at Alex. “You were watching us? At the store?”
    Kali nodded, “Yes, I saw how nice he was to Doc.”
    Alex sat. “Tell him the truth.” He scolded her again.
     “Yes, well, I was Doc. I wanted to send you here so I knew where he was. I knew if Alex heard that Doc sent you here, he’d let you in.” Kali shook her head. “I couldn’t believe that this bastard could be so caring and kind; I changed my mind about him right there. Elisabeth always claimed that he was kind, but I never saw past the drugs and booze. I need time to return to my normal state; I got here as soon as I could.”
     Joe felt safe enough to sit down. “Did Elisabeth die from an overdose?”
    Kali cleared her throat. “She died, three years ago. My sister died in my arms, she died a smack addict that was infected with full-blown AIDS. She didn’t even weigh ninety pounds! And you know what the last word that came out of her mouth?”
    Joe managed to shake his head.
    Kali leaned back in her chair, “The last thing she ever uttered was ‘Steven’. He was the only man she ever loved. She was always true to him.”
    Joe drew a deep breath, “Yeah, that’s love alright.” He looked at Steven, Christ; it would tear him apart if he knew that she had died that way.
     “You only saw half of it. My plan was not changing Steven simply into a woman; my plan was making Steven become Elisabeth.”
     “Oh, Kali!” Alex stood. “How could you?”
     “ I thought it would be appropriate: He would be my sacrifice, he was the one that caused her death, therefore, I would take his life to bring her back. I’m sorry; I thought it would be great to have her back, but I guess, it’s best to leave the dead to their own place. I’ll have to be content with the fact that I will see her someday.”

    Steven woke up; he focused his eyes on the ceiling. This wasn’t his hotel room. He looked over; Joe was sitting by him, staring at the floor. He remembered why they were at this dismal house.
    He was afraid to look, but he moved his hand over his chest. He was glad he didn’t have breasts anymore. He then moved his hand to his crotch; everything was back in place. Steven slowly sat up; he ran his hands through his hair.
     “Oh, hey Steven. How do you feel?”
     “Like I got the shit kicked out of me! But manly!” He looked at Joe, their eyes locked again. Steven remembered some of the events that occurred. He broke the stare. He looked around, trying to find a clock. “Uh, how long have I been asleep?”
    Joe looked at his watch. “About twelve hours. Alex wanted to see you when you woke up.” Joe left, and came back with Alex.
     “So, do you feel like your old self?” Alex asked.
     “Yeah, I feel pretty good.”
     “Anyplace hurt?”
    Steven shook his head. He looked at Joe who simply stood behind Alex.
     “Well, I think you’ll make the concert. Take it easy for the next couple of days. You can leave if you want; I’ll call you a cab.” He pulled out his cell phone.
     “Thanks. Hey? Where’s Kali?” Steven asked. Joe motioned with his head, she was sitting in the next room, staring into space. Steven cautiously walked to her. He knelt down, he was afraid to touch her.
     “Kali, I want to thank you for changing me back.”
     “You’re welcomed. Can you forgive me for ever starting this?”
     “Yeah.” Steven gave smile, “I forgive you, Kali.”
     “I guess I was blinded with anger.” She held out a fifty. “It’s alright. Here’s your money.”
    He didn’t dare take it. Not again. “No, that’s fine. You keep it. The price of an education.” Steven’s eyes filled with tears, “I do remember something about her; she liked the rain. We used to go walking for hours in it.” He smiled at the memory.
     “Yeah, she did.” Kali smiled too.
     “I’m so sorry that she died. Kali,” Steven looked at her, “Can you forgive me?”     She blinked at him; she was silent. “Yes, Steven. Just be glad that you saw the light; I never could get her to. Best wishes to you, Steven Tyler.” She got up and walked away.
    Steven watched her leave, then he looked at Alex. “Will she be OK?”
     “I’ll have a talk with her. She has a lot of growing up to do.”
     “How much do I owe you?”
     “Oh, come on! I gotta pay you something!” Steven exclaimed. “If it weren’t for you sending me here, hell I’d be buying something with ‘gentle glide’ right now!”
     “Just promise me that you’ll be more careful when you buy things.”
     “I will.” Steven shook his hand.     It was a clear sky; the rain had left. The cab pulled them away from the horror they had gone through. Life could get back to normal. They remained silent until they reached the safety of Steven’s hotel room.      “So why exactly did Kali put me through this? Just cause of Elisabeth?”
    Joe made the decision to never tell him about Elisabeth’s fate, of her undying love. Or about how close he was to becoming Elisabeth. He hoped that his lie would be convincing. “Well, while you were asleep, Kali said that you just used Elisabeth, so she wanted to show you how it was to be used. You know, turn you into a beautiful woman and have men treat you like a piece of shit.”
    Steven gave a nod. “Yeah, I didn’t know quite what to do with that cabbie.”
     ‘God, he bought that!’ Joe thought to himself. “Why didn’t you ever say anything about this Elisabeth?”
     “I dunno, I guess maybe I did use her. I didn’t mean to hurt her; I didn’t think I got her into smack, I thought she was a pro. I thought it was a friendly break-up.
     “Joe, listen, I-” Steven drew a deep breath. “I want to thank you for what you did for me.”
     “Steven, you would have done the same. It’s no big deal. I’m just glad that everything turned out the way it did.”
    Steven sat down beside Joe. “Are you really glad it turned out this way?”
    His question took Joe by surprise; he tried to hide his embarrassment. “Well, of course Steven! You were born a man; you’re happy being a man. Aren’t you happy how this turned out?”
     “Yes, I am. I just mean, well, if I was a woman, and I was hanging around with you, you know. Well, you know we’d end up in bed together.”
     “Yeah, we probably would have.” Joe agreed.
     “I sorta said some weird things. I hope that you didn’t get pissed off about it.”
     “Naw, Steven, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”
     “It’s funny, I always said that if I had tits, I’d just sit around and play with myself all day long.”
     “Yeah, you and every other guy in the world.” Joe laughed, “You did have a pretty nice rack!”
    Steven laughed too. He then got serious. “I do love you. I mean, like a brother.”
     “I love you, too, Steven,” Joe answered.