By Kimbo
(Rated PG-13 for adult themes)






Boston, August 1972......


            It was a typical Friday night at 1325 Commonwealth Avenue for the guys of Aerosmith.  Back in his room, Steven Tyler was busily working on some lyrics, scatting along like a wild man as he strummed away on an old warped guitar.  In the living room, a television set blared back in response. The room was dimly lit and the atmosphere was mellow. A small group of people were scattered about the room, some in pairs. Some were watching TV while others were making out; all were blissfully stoned.  Pot was the main drug of choice but there was also a bottle of wine being passed around the room.  Brad Whitford, the newest member of the group, was half asleep on the couch with his girlfriend by his side.   Tom Hamilton lay in the floor near the couch amid a trio of girls. One was a beautiful brunette named Terry, that he had recently developed a keen interest in.  He was absently watching the television, but mainly listening to the beginnings of an argument between drummer Joey Kramer and Mark Lehman, their ill tempered roadie who lived in the back room.  Suddenly the low-key atmosphere was shattered by the sound of an irritated Joe Perry entering the apartment.


            “Joe, what the fuck happened to you?” Tom stared in disbelief at Joe’s face. Even in the dim light of the room, it wasn’t hard not to notice the fresh bloody scratch running down his right cheekbone.


            “It’s nothing...” he growled. But from the way he slammed the door, it was obvious that he was pissed. He headed off for his room without saying another word. Tom got up and ran after him, catching his arm in the hallway outside his door.


            “Hey, c’mon man! What’s wrong? Who did that to you? Geez, it looks bad! “


            “I don’t wanna talk about it!” Joe ducked his head slightly, turning the wound side away. It stung like crazy but nothing compared to the way his pride ached.


            Tom nodded his head, suddenly understanding. “She did it, didn’t she? Elissa did that to you!” he said, shaking his head in amazement.


            It wasn’t the first time Joe had come in looking like that. Twice before, Tom had seen him with bruises, scratches and even bites.....all from his girlfriend Elissa’s wild temper. She would just get angry at him and go off like an M-80. It wasn’t a pretty sight. Tom wondered just how much Joe would take before he either hit her back or simply left. The relationship was only a couple of months old and it was already in trouble.



            “I don’t wanna make a big deal out of it, okay?” Joe said quietly, his eyes pleading with Tom.  “The last thing I need is---”  He was quickly cut short.


            “WHOA!  Guess you lost that fight! Joe, what the fuck happened to you?” Steven interrupted as he swung out of his bedroom and was met by the sight of Joe’s face.


            “Not now, Steven...I’m not in the mood.” Joe scowled, wincing in pain. Any movement of his face was excruciating.


            Steven stared at him, ignoring Tom’s warning look. Suddenly he rolled his eyes, trying to suppress a laugh. “Oh please don’t tell me that darling precious clawed you again! Please tell me that you fought with a wild animal or at least a drug dealer somewhere!”


            “SHUT THE FUCK UP!”  Joe shouted, clenching his fists. The scratch on his face began to bleed a little. 


            Tom backed up slowly, edging his way back to the living room.  Ever since the two of them had met, the relationship between Joe and Steven had been a strange and complex one. Joe’s deep smoldering passion for his music and Steven’s wild desire to see the band make it big had bound the two of them together as best friends and worst enemies. There was a dynamic tension between them that in fact, was the driving force behind the music. Though they often faced off like snarling dogs, deep inside the two of them were more like brothers. Still, lately they had done more snarling at each other than ever and everyone could see that it was because of Elissa. Everyone but Joe, it seemed. 


            “JOE! C’mon, you’re telling me you’re so pussy whipped that you’ll let her do this shit to you? Did you at least hit her back?” Steven’s tone was mocking.


            “I wasn’t raised like that! I’d never hit a woman!” Joe slung back at him, yanking open the door to his room.


            “No, of course you wouldn’t! Go ahead and say think I would so therefore you’re a notch above me, right? Well I’ve never had to hit any of my girlfriends because they don’t attack like rabid dogs! Or maybe I just keep ‘em satisfied!” he smiled noticing the dark look on Perry’s face.


            This was Steven’s way of needling him....throwing back in his face the rumor that he had nailed Elissa long before Joe. It was common knowledge among their circle of friends that Joe had a crush on her long before she finally went out with him. Elissa was a beautiful girl. She had come from money, growing up virtually a spoiled princess, always getting what she wanted. She preferred to date older, more successful musicians and had passed Joe over several times. However, with the record deal that Aerosmith had recently signed with Columbia, Joe had suddenly become more appealing. The crux of the plot had come about when it became obvious that Steven had the hots for her too. There were rumors that Elissa had given herself to him only weeks before she hooked up with Joe.  When he asked her about it later, she denied it. Steven remained silently enigmatic, fueling Joe’s insecurities. It wasn’t that he hated Joe, god no! He hated the idea of Joe being with Elissa because of how she was and what she was making him become.


            “I swear to God, if you don’t back off....” Joe trailed off, gritting his teeth.


            “You’ll do what? You’ll hit me?” Steven replied, sneering acidly. Joe shook his head.


            “No, I told you I’d never hit a woman!” With that, Joe disappeared into his room, slamming the door. Steven slammed into the wall with his fist, chipping the plaster.


            “FUCK YOU, JOE PERRY!!!”


            And so things ended as usual with Steven in a rage and Joe sulking arrogantly in private. In the living room, the TV blared on while more joints were being rolled. A bottle of tequila was now being passed around and everyone tried hard not to focus on what was really gnawing at the back of their minds. Could the band survive the clash of these two titans or would they eventually be torn apart?  Just another Friday night at 1325 Commonwealth Avenue! 

            Meanwhile, in his room, Joe flipped on his tiny TV set. With the volume on mute, he cranked up some Deep Purple on the stereo and flopped down on his bed. He liked to watch TV that way, staring mindlessly at the picture while he listened to music. Sometimes he would sit with his guitar and run through chords, random and quick, lost in his own thoughts. Lately his thoughts were on his growing feeling of emptiness. A depression had settled over him, but no one had seemed to notice. He just kept going through the motions, day after day. Even the record deal had lost some of its meaning. Up until tonight, he had wondered why. Now it hit him like a ton of bricks. It was Elissa.


            The hardest thing for Joe to do was to admit that he was unhappy with this girl he had sought after for so long. Certainly she was beautiful and charming. She had many contacts in the music industry due to her parents prestige. For two years, he had desired her and now that he had her, his joy was bittersweet. For though she was like a pretty flower on the outside, Elissa could be dark and ugly on the inside. Despite her charm, she had a bad temper and was infamous for her tantrums. But Joe had seen those and learned quietly to accept that part of her. No, it was the other layers that he was slowly uncovering that made him cringe.


            Her jealous, controlling nature was slowly suffocating him. Selfish and spiteful, she could also lie extremely well. He knew somewhere in his heart of hearts that the rumor about she and Steven could be true. Elissa acted now as if she hated Steven but Joe had come to realize that this was only because Steven was a wild card; she couldn’t control him. Now that he found himself being controlled by her, it made Joe stop and think about what that meant. Maybe Steven was right. Maybe he was pussy whipped. 


            It pissed him off to no end to think of what that implied. That Steven was more of a man than he? No way! Just because he chose to be the kind of guy who bonded deeply with the woman in his life didn’t in any way mean he was less of a man. He had been taught to show respect for women. Wasn’t it okay to show tenderness and devotion to the woman you love? Agitated even more, he grabbed up his guitar, quickly running through the opening bars of a song he was working on. Elissa hated it, she had said so numerous times already. But he didn’t care. Something inside told him that this song was gonna be important soon enough.


            Then suddenly it hit him. His life had become a great weight resting heavily upon his shoulders. He was a young man, only twenty-two and yet sometimes he felt old. It wasn’t like that before Elissa came into his life. Where was the joy that he had expected to find with her? Weren’t they supposed to be in love? But it wasn’t only his life she was making miserable. The tension was rubbing off on the band as well. None of them liked her, that much was obvious. Sure, Steven had lusted after her. But truth be known, he truly hated the fact that Elissa had diverted Joe’s attention away from the band...meaning ultimately from himself. That and the fact that Joe shared his pot--or whatever the drug--with her now instead of Steven. Thoughts of the whole situation left him feeling numb yet full of despair. Just then, a single knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.


            “Hey Joe?” Tom knocked, sticking his head cautiously inside. “You all right?”


            “Yeah I guess.....” he said, careful to keep his eyes averted. 


            “You wanna come down to Keegan’s with me and Brad? The party’s kinda breaking up here and we’re in the mood for strong beer?” Tom continued, hoping Joe would take him up his offer. Joey had already split, heading home with his girlfriend. He hated the idea of leaving Joe alone in the apartment with Steven.


            “I don’t know.” he replied. “I wouldn’t be the best company tonight.”


            “You don’t have to be, its a bar not a social club! Hey, give it a chance. They have a great dark brew!” Tom was persistent. 


            “Sure, why not?” Joe said, smiling a little despite his mood. Tossing the guitar onto the bed, he followed Tom out the door.




            Keegan’s  was a pub down on Beacon Street where Brad and Tom loved to hang out and drink.  It was dark, the atmosphere was friendly and the drinks were fantastic. Brad had developed a fondness for the dark ale which was the house specialty. It was a family run business and the barkeep was none other than the family patriarch, Keegan MacGregor. He was a tall, burly-chested Scotsman with flaming red hair, slightly graying at his temples. Boisterous, yet good hearted, MacGregor enjoyed a hearty laugh and good company. He had been born and reared in his native homeland even after living for years in Boston, he still retained a thick Scottish brogue. Two things were important to Keegan MacGregor: his family and his business, which in his case were mostly the same. He would fight fiercely at all cost to protect either.


            It was an ordinary Friday night for him, though because it was after ten, the crowd had thinned down somewhat. He was busy wiping down the bar when the bells on the front door clanged noisily. Looking up, he saw three young men enter...two faces he recognized and one he did not. The tall blond he recognized as Tom and the shorter more reserved fellow he had come to know as Brad. The third young man followed behind the two of them, obviously in their party. Height-wise, he fell somewhere in between the other two, but with long black hair that hung down low over his eyes. He had Italian features; dark scowling good looks along with an arrogant walk.  Keegan saw several women turn and eyeball him immediately. Coolly, he walked by them, appearing not to notice. Turning his attention, Keegan smiled broadly at Tom and Brad as they all approached the bar. 


            “Welcome back, boys! What will ya be drinkin’ this evenin’?” Keegan asked, putting away the bar towel. He eyed Joe’s wound rather suspiciously, a look that didn’t go unnoticed.


            “We’ll have three of your infamous house poisons!” Tom answered cheerfully. He gestured toward Joe. “This is Joe Perry. He plays lead guitar in the band.”


            “Joe! Nice to meet ya!”  Keegan acknowledged him with a handshake. He seemed to be a friendly sort. Certainly if he was friends with Brad and Tom, he couldn’t be that bad.


            “I’ve heard good things about this place from these two clowns here.” Joe said. He stared at Keegan, noting that he physically resembled a grizzly bear. Now he understood how the bar had gotten its reputation as a peaceful place of drinking. No one in his right mind would dare take this man on!


            “Drink up, lads! There’s more where these grew!” Keegan nodded pleasantly at Joe as he slapped three mugs of dark amber brew down on the bar. He walked down to the other end of the bar, continuing his cleaning and chattering to other customers.


            Tom led the way to a small table near the back corner of the place. Joe sipped the beer, enjoying its strong  character. While his friends talked quietly, Joe absorbed the atmosphere of the pub. It was rather dark, the inside resembling an old barn of sorts. The rafters were hung with tin lanterns, some rusted. The floor was wooden plank board and in the center of the wall opposite the bar was a fireplace with a great stone hearth. Because it was summer, the fireplace stood empty like a great gaping mouth. The dark brew was good and it echoed the warmth of the establishment. As his eyes scanned the room further, that’s when he first caught sight of her.......

            In that moment it seemed that the sounds of the bar faded and all he could hear was the sound of his own heartbeat in his ears.  Everything around him became a blur, except for the young woman he saw waiting tables at the other end of the room. She was young with a face that was more beautiful than any he had ever seen before. Long auburn gold hair was swept back into a loose French braid. Softly curling tendrils of stray hair fell around her face, drawing his attention to her smooth creamy skin. God, she’s beautiful....he thought to himself.


            “Joe? Hey JOE?” Brad punched him lightly in the shoulder. Joe’s reverie was broken and once again, the sounds of the bar came back to him. He could see Tom grinning at him like a Cheshire cat.


            “What?” Joe asked blankly.


            “That’s Keegan’s daughter you’re staring at!” Brad said, tilting his head in a slight warning.


            “Yeah and if I were you, I’d steer clear! She’s pretty but if you think you got problems with Elissa, imagine taking on MacGregor!” Tom added in a low voice. “Besides Joe, she’s really young! I don’t even think she’s twenty yet...technically she’s a teenager!”


            “Technically? What the fuck is that all about, Tom? She’s working in a bar! As long as she’s not a minor, I’m not worried!” Joe retorted. Then Brad stepped in again.


            “I’m not sure how old she is, Joe but I’m willing to bet that Tom is right. I know that she fills in here sometimes. With a dad like Keegan MacGregor, I guess she can’t be in any real moral danger working here!” Brad offered. He couldn’t help but notice the distant dreamy look on Perry’s face.


            “That is, until Joe came along!” Tom snorted. Being the voice of reason, he tried explaining to Joe why he should ignore the pretty little barmaid.


            But Joe didn’t hear anything he was saying. She was walking behind the bar with a dishpan full of dirty mugs, disappearing through the swinging doors which led to the kitchen. It seemed like forever before she reappeared again. To both his horror and delight, Joe watched as she turned and walked toward their table. When she finally stood in front of him, his heart nearly stopped. Still cool however, the expression on his face remained untouched. He hid behind his tough exterior, soaking her in deep under his skin. 


            She wasn’t merely beautiful, she was breathtaking. Emerald eyes mesmerized him, holding his own as willing prisoners. There was something familiar in them, something that made him feel like something he lost had suddenly been found.  Her skin glowed with a radiance that set her apart from any other woman in the room. Truly she was young, he could see it in her face which was, at the same time, both child-like and sensual. He loved how her hair, though bound in its braid, seemed to be fighting its way free, curling softly everywhere it hung loose. There was an unknown wildness lurking beyond the undisturbed surface of her innocence. That combination drove him over the edge, drawing him closer like a moth to a flame.


            “Would you boys like a refill?” she asked, smiling. Her voice had a soft, almost breathless sound to it that was incredibly sexy. The accent was not as pronounced as her father’s, only present on certain syllables. Her body was a masterpiece of ample feminine curves accented by a loose white shirt tied above her navel and a pair of tight hip hugging jeans. Joe could smell her perfume, a soft hint of ginger with white flowers.   


            “Sure would!” Brad ventured, kicking Joe from under the table. “Bring us another round, if you don’t mind!”


            “Not at all...”she smiled as she turned away, casting one long noticeable glance back in Joe’s direction. Joe stared back, hypnotically. Tom seemed alarmed and looked at Brad who simply shrugged his shoulders. There was nothing they could do.


            When she returned with the beers, she set them down and lingered for a moment. There was a question on her lips, but she hesitated. Joe just looked up at her and smiled. It took both Brad and Tom by surprise. Lately, Joe very rarely smiled spontaneously. 


            “I don’t wanna sound stupid...” she began. “but aren’t you guys, Aerosmith?”


            “Yeah, that’s our band.” Joe answered. “This is Brad, Tom and I’m Joe...” He went around the table pointing. She nodded sweetly.


            “Hi, I’m Katherine, but you can call me Kat.  It’s so nice to meet you all!  I saw you play over at the University and it was....FABULOUS!” she said, talking to all of them, yet somehow her eyes never left Joe’s.


            “Thanks! You know we just signed a record deal--” Tom began but she wasn’t listening. She continued talking but this time, to only one of them. Her were shining. 


            “Joe, I saw you onstage....and I just loved every second of it! You play with such passion, I felt so caught up in the music, it just swept me away.....” she went on dreamily.


            If she was aware of Joe checking her out, she didn’t seem to mind. As she talked about the music and how it made her feel, he was taking in the whole of her essence, hanging on her every word. Though he tried desperately not to show it, she had cast a spell making him feel something he had not known in a very long time. He knew he was in trouble.


            “.......oh well, I’m just taking up your time! Sorry to go on so, but I love your music. Maybe I’ll see you around sometime.” she said, turning to go. Then it came. Joe Perry dared to step out over the edge. 


            “Sooo...maybe you’d like to come by and watch us rehearse?” Joe said, glancing over at both Tom and Brad, who both nodded uncertainly.


            She stared open mouthed at him for a moment and then smiled. “When?”


            “Anytime really. Starting tomorrow morning, we’re rehearsing everyday for a solid week. Look for us in the basement of the Fenway Theatre.” Joe replied, his scowling, serious stare holding onto hers.


            “I’d love to! But I’ll have to make it one day next week. I’m working double shifts this weekend and I’m on four nights next week.  My father is a slave driver, you know.” she laughed. “But I’m off again on Friday....its my birthday.”


            “It’s your birthday?” Tom asked incredulously, glancing at Joe.  Mr. Cool...that lucky sonofabitch, thought to himself. 


            “Yeah I’ll finally be twenty!” she laughed.


            “Perfect! Then Friday we’ll see you there?” Joe’s voice was low and intense. It wasn’t merely a request. His eyes said he wouldn’t take no for an answer. 


            “I wouldn’t miss it!” Then she was gone, leaving Joe struggling to breathe normally. He looked happy, which seemed odd.  Brad cast him a sour glance, interjecting reality into the fantasy. 


            “Hey, Earth to Joe! What are you gonna do about Elissa? She’ll be there too!”


            Suddenly the happiness vanished from his face. “Oh, fuck...” Joe said softly, almost under his breath. The spell over, that familiar tortured look once more appeared in his eyes. How could he have forgotten about her? 


            “Joe, you know Elissa will FREAK! “ Tom said. Joe nodded slowly. He was silent for a long moment, lost somewhere deep in thought. When he glanced up at him again, both Tom and Brad saw something new....


            “She’s drowning me and I want out.....dammit, I wanna be free of all that bullshit! I have to get out of that relationship before it kills me.” he said, letting out an audible sigh of relief. Finally, his true feelings had surfaced.   


            Brad and Tom stared at him, their mouths gaping wide in shock. Joe shrugged his shoulders, his expression suddenly becoming very resolved.


            “Don’t look so surprised!” he said, smiling a little. He already felt like a weight was lifting off his shoulders. Tom was the first one to recover.


            “Joe, I mean, that’s great...I’m down with that! I don’t think she’s right for you...or any other human male for that matter!” he said jokingly. “But don’t go off half cocked just because a pretty little peach may have fallen into your lap. Be careful what you do.”


            Brad nodded in rapt agreement but Joe shook his head, undaunted. He thought for a moment before he began to speak. 


            “Listen, tonight Elissa and I got into it, as you can see...” he pointed to his face, grimacing solemnly. “It suddenly hit me how fucked up my life is becoming! You know, I wanted her so bad...she let me run behind her for almost two years! Then I get her...suddenly I’m the unhappiest motherfucker alive!  She wears me like a coat or a Gucci bag! I just think to myself, if this record bombs, she’s gonna drop me like a hot rock anyway.” 


            “But Joe, there’s something else! That gig we have coming up at the Gardens? Well it wasn’t Frank that scored it. Elissa got her parents to pull some strings and was tossed into Frank’s lap.” Tom said, looking troubled.


            “What the hell? Why wasn’t I told?” Joe was stunned almost speechless. “And how do you guys know this?”


            “Steven told us, man! Look, he’s wanted to play there for a long time and I guess he thought you’d turn it down if you knew. So now if you break up with her and piss her off....I mean, I don’t know what she could do, but if we lose that gig then Steven ‘s gonna be in a rage!” Tom replied, sensing Joe’s building frustration.


            “SO WHAT? Steven’s blown off a lot of club dates that Frank booked since we signed the contract! We’re gonna start working on the record in October! At this point, what does it matter if we keep this one gig or lose it?” Joe seemed exasperated.


            Brad finally spoke up, his face lined with worry. “Well as long as you’re willing to tell Steven and take the heat, I’ve got no problem with it. But my question remains...what about Friday? Unless you’re gonna break up with Elissa real soon, she’s gonna want to know who this girl is and why she’s there.”


            Joe knew that Brad was right. To make matters worse, Elissa would be out of town for a week. Nothing could be settled between them right away. He sighed deeply, burying his head in his hands in bitter frustration. Just moments ago, it had all seemed so clear. Now again, he had come up against a brick wall. Keeping both Steven and Elissa happy left him feeling trapped and angry. Watching from between calloused fingers, his eyes followed Kat as she cleared away more tables. There was something so sweet and pure about her. It made him feel brand new. He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that this feeling was more than just physical. Something told him that if he let her get away, he would regret it for the rest of his life.


            “Tom, do you think Terry would help me out? You know, come by and hang out with Kat at rehearsal? Just in case I don’t get a chance to settle things.” he said, daring to hope for a resolution. Tom thought for a moment.


            “That’s a good back up plan. Besides, I don’t think Terry would miss a chance to piss Elissa off, if you know what I mean! But can’t you talk to her before Friday?”


            Joe shook his head. “She took off tonight...heading up to the lake to see her parents. She won’t be back until...Friday!”  He scowled. The irony was almost too much.


            “Okay consider it done! I’m sure Terry will enjoy pulling one over on Queen Elissa.” Tom said.  Brad grinned almost slyly.


            “A week without Elissa? Hmm....whatever will you do?”


            “Its a good thing I like this beer so much!” Joe smiled, his eyes following the shape of the beautiful girl clearing tables. He didn’t notice the eyes of Keegan MacGregor watching him.  

            By now the pub was almost empty. Leaving their money on the bar, Joe stole one last look at Kat as she cleared their table. She looked up and caught his glance, returning it with a dazzling smile. He swallowed hard as he exited onto the darkened street.......



            The next day, rehearsal went off without a hitch. Neither Steven nor Joe mentioned the argument from the night before. But this was a typical pattern between them. In fact, around mid-morning the ice had broken and they were all laughing and joking around like the brothers they had come to be. Joe couldn’t help but think that the lighthearted mood of the day was partly due to Elissa’s absence. This strengthened his resolve even further. Breaking up with her was the right thing to do. Back at the apartment later on, Joe showered and then quietly slipped out the door. Tom was the only one who caught a glimpse of him leaving. He knew without a doubt where he was headed.


            Joe entered Keegan’s  pub alone. Though he appeared calm, his heart was racing. At first he didn’t see her and he felt a twinge of disappointment. Then in a split second, she came out of the kitchen hauling a heavy box of clean beer mugs to the bar. He was about to offer to help her but then her father stepped forward. He had noticed Joe immediately.


            “Mind yourself there, Joe! She thinks she can do anythin’ and won’t hear otherwise!” MacGregor rumbled good naturedly, wiping his hands on his apron. The pub was packed with customers and he seemed to be in a very good mood.


            “I’ll keep that in mind...”Joe said, smiling. He sat down right at the bar. “I’ll have one of your special brews if you don’t mind.”


            “Coming right up, lad.... Kat! Take care o’ this one for me!” MacGregor roared, winking at Joe as he set down the glass in front of him. Kat appeared at his elbow. Joe could see that she was tired but looked happy to see him. Was he hoping for too much?


            “Okay, Papa...” she said, glancing at Joe with a smile.


            “This boy looks a bit hungry!” he said in a low voice. Then he looked to Joe and said, “Tis’ on the house tonight. Enjoy yourself!” With that he walked away to attend to the other patrons at the bar. Kat turned her attention to Joe.


            “We cook up something fabulous in the kitchen most  every night! But we only serve family and special guests. We never charge for the meal....” she trailed off as she became aware of the intensity of his gaze. She was lost in those dark brown eyes, the thick black hair and his handsome face. She could smell the leather of his black jacket. “Papa was do look hungry...”


            “I’m starving....” he said. Without warning, he laid one hand gently on top of hers. He could feel her trembling as he kept his eyes locked into hers. 


            “Wait here.” she replied with a warm smile, disappearing into the kitchen.


            Joe could feel his heart beating strong and fast. He felt more alive than he had in months. The sparks between them were unmistakable. He had seen it all in her eyes, felt it in the way her hand trembled. Glancing around, he saw a couple of other girls there, working tables and bringing drinks. One of them had auburn hair similar to Kat’s but she looked much older. Joe figured that must be her sister. He noticed that both of the girls had given him sideways glances, talking in low whispers between themselves. When Kat came back out of the kitchen, she sat a tray of food in front of him along with a pitcher of dark brew. 


            “Is that your sister?” he asked.


            “Mary? Yeah, she’s one of them! I think she likes you.” Kat said.


            “That’s too bad...I’ve already picked you.”


            “Me?” Kat acted almost surprised, but Joe knew that she really wasn’t.


            “Does that scare you?”


            “No, but it would scare my father, I think...” she said coyly, giving him a meaningful glance as she disappeared with a tray of drinks.


            The food was wonderful! There was a thick beef stew chock full of tender vegetables and hearty cuts of beef along with delicious warm slices of home baked bread. Joe ate slowly, even having second helpings and apple pie for dessert. He talked to her on and off throughout the evening between her other duties. He had never actually sipped beer before but was quickly learning how. Finally around nine o’clock he saw her take off her apron and give her father a kiss on the cheek. Joe wasted no time. While she was counting out her tip money,  said his goodbyes and deep thanks to MacGregor who bade him to come back soon. Joe tried to act natural, knowing that if the burly Scotsman could read his mind, he’d probably kill him.


            When Kat was ready to go, she looked around for Joe but didn’t see him. Beside his empty plate he had left a tip but nothing else. What was she hoping for? The question reverberated through her mind. She could still faintly smell the masculine scent of his leather lingering in the air.  Slowly, a feeling of utter disappointment settled deep into her bones. He could’ve said goodbye....she thought. But maybe she had misinterpreted his signals. Maybe he wasn’t interested after all. These thoughts filled her head as she sullenly walked out the door and onto the street.

            Suddenly she saw him. In a fraction of a second, her heart skipped a beat and the world seemed to stand still. There he was, leaning casually against the outside of the pub. The ring of light from the nearby streetlamp cast a shadow across his face but she knew without a doubt it was him. She studied the shadowy form, noting the lean but perfectly sculpted body. He was waiting for her! A cry of sheer joy nearly exploded from her body but somehow she remained outwardly calm. As she approached, he sauntered forward.


            “Can I walk you home?” he asked, extending his hand to her. 


            Kat took his outstretched hand, feeling it completely surround hers. There was a gentle strength to those hands that sent a tingle down her spine. In that instant, her life changed forever. 


            “You disappeared so fast I thought you were already gone.” she said softly, glancing at his face before looking quickly away. Eyes always revealed  too much.  


            “Because I felt like your father could see right through me....that he knew exactly what I was thinking about his very beautiful daughter,” Joe replied.  Suddenly, he stopped walking and turned toward her, gently tilting her chin upward. She could no longer hide.


            “What were you thinking, Joe?” she asked, her voice barely a whisper.  


            “I think you know.” he replied, his body trembling with a mad desire to kiss her full, soft lips.  “You’ve been thinking the same thing.”


            “Show me what you mean.” Kat moved closer, coming to stand just beneath his chin. She was so close that she could have touched his lips with her own without much effort. The tension between them was nearly unbearable. It made her dizzy, igniting her desire and consuming her within the flames.


            Joe touched her cheek ever so delicately. He had never felt anything so purely delicious in his entire life. It would have been so easy to take her in his arms and let himself plunder her willing sweetness. But something about this girl was different. He knew that he would have to tell her about Elissa first. But when? How? Did he dare risk spoiling this all too perfect moment? Wavering for a second, he decided to wait. The night was too beautiful to ruin. Besides, if he told her tomorrow and she refused to have anymore to do with him, he would always have the memory of one night full of wonderful. Ever so lightly brushed her lips with his own and then kissed her cheek, moving sensuously to her neck before he pulled her into a gentle, yet firm embrace. The exchange was quick, wordless and then he stepped back, still holding onto her hands. Tingling with excitement, he struggled to maintain control.   


            Kat looked up at him in sheer amazement. Boys were always trying to get into her pants, including the ones her father considered respectable!  Few ever succeeded and fewer still, even knew enough to do any real damage to her virtue! Yet here was finally someone who was old enough, virile enough and confident enough to get the job done. A leather clad rocker that her father would most certainly not approve of and yet he was a total  gentleman! There was something irresistible about this guy that made her want to get close to him. In fact, she wanted to be next to him in the worst possible way. Her body ached for his touch, her lips longed for his kiss. Everything about Joe Perry exuded pure, wicked seduction.  


            “So you gonna walk me home or not?” she said, smiling.


            Joe willingly complied, suddenly aware that his destiny had been sealed.



            The days passed quickly. Every day, Joe would rehearse with the band, each session getting tighter and tighter. The tension between himself and Steven was limited to creative differences and though it seemed strange, that spark seemed to become the energy of the music. Every night, he would disappear off to the pub for a few beers, hang out and then walk Kat home. A couple of nights he was accompanied again by Brad and Tom. This was done not only out of camaraderie, but necessity as well. Showing up every night alone would surely reveal his explosive feelings to the watchful Keegan MacGregor. Joe vowed that when he was free of Elissa, he would face him man to man. What bothered him was the fact that he had not found the courage to tell Kat. Just the mere thought of Elissa seemed to tighten an invisible noose around his neck, choking him with a myriad of memories. But though he was nervous, tonight he no longer had a choice. It couldn’t wait any longer. 


            He showed up at the pub Thursday night just as her shift was ending. Peeking in the door, he caught sight of her just as she was taking off her apron. A young man was lingering at her elbow, talking to her though she appeared to be ignoring him. Suddenly her father appeared and escorted the young man away, barking something fierce at him. Joe caught her eyes and saw that dazzling smile suddenly break across her face. When at last she appeared outside, he hugged her close, lingering in the embrace. Closing his eyes, he inhaled the sweet fragrance of her hair which tumbled loosely down her back. She was wearing tight black tank tee and faded blue jeans. With each embrace, he found it increasingly difficult to pull away.


            “Let’s go...” he whispered, teasing her ear lightly with the very tip of his tongue. Kat felt the sudden urge to devour him; to kiss those lips insatiably. But she held herself in check as they walked away, arm in arm.


            He always asked about her night, reveling in the sound of her voice. Even on the nights when work was hard, she always found some lighthearted way to look back on it and laugh. Joe found her to be unbelievably focused and intelligent. She was nothing like the usual string of girls that always seemed to flock near the band. Plus she indulged him his greatest passion by talking about music. She would ask him about the rehearsals and listen with sincere interest to every word he spoke. Best of all, she was interested in the music he was writing and gave him strong words of encouragement. It was never this way with Elissa, even in the very beginning. The only thing Elissa cared about was being in the limelight. She saw herself as the ultra “hip” girlfriend of an up and coming rock guitarist. Joe always felt that if he didn’t make it, the whole relationship was doomed. Now, he didn’t care.


            They made it to her house and sneaked around to the backyard, climbing into the old tree house MacGregor had made for her as a child. She had taken Joe here the second night he walked her home when neither of them was willing to say goodnight first. Since then, it had become their destination. Being out of reach of the lights from the house, it was the perfect place to be together. It was an upper middleclass neighborhood, far removed from the place where he currently resided. It reminded him of his own family’s home....comfortable and homey. He could hear the sounds of pleasant laughter drifting softly over from distant yards. Families lived here. Joe could imagine himself with a family someday. He could see it very clearly every time he looked into Kat’s eyes.


            “Joe, I wanna know something.” she said as they sat down on the wooden plank flooring. He leaned up against the tree trunk which came straight through the middle of the tiny little tree house. She surprised him by coming to sit in his lap directly astride his thighs. This made his mind swirl with the thoughts and images he’d tried so hard to resist.


            “What?” he replied, his voice nearly cracking as she leaned forward. Her lips were dangerously close to his. The time had come. He knew what would happen next. It was long overdue. Every night he had been a perfect gentleman, almost to the point of annoyance. He felt as if he were going to explode.


            “Why haven’t you kissed me? I mean....really kissed me?” she asked, casting her lovely eyes downward in stern pretense.  


            “I’ve kissed you every night...well , sort of.....” he stumbled, frantically grasping for the right words. How could he say it? What were the perfect words?


            “I know about your girlfriend, okay?” Kat said bluntly. “I’ve known all along.”


            Joe stared back at her in shock, uncertain of what to say. She must think I’m a bastard.  Desperately he struggled to find his own voice. 


            “Every night, I tell myself that I’m gonna talk to you about that. But then I see your face and....I forget everything else.” he began. 


            He paused, searching her eyes for traces of anger. But there were none to be found. Instead, she took his hands in hers and listened patiently as he told her about his relationship with Elissa. Starting from the beginning, he left out nothing and ended with the more recent problems such as the fights and the growing tension within the band. He told her about their last fight and Elissa leaving town for a few days. Ultimately he told her in great detail about his decision to end the relationship and go on with his life. 


            “I wasn’t trying to keep it from you. But I didn’t want to scare you off.” he said, brushing the hair back from her face.  “More than anything else, I want you. I knew that the first night we met.”


            “I know. I can see it in your eyes.” she whispered, delicate fingers tracing his strong, chiseled jawline. Even in the dark, she could see his eyes, piercing and hungry with desire.


            There were no more words. Joe paused for only a second then leaned forward, lightly kissing her mouth.....then again more slowly, almost cautiously. The electricity building between them was white hot, the air charged with untapped passion. They stood on the edge of uncontrollable passion, eager to leap into the fire. Gradually, their lips melted together in the summer heat. Still, Joe had scarcely begun his exploration of her delicious mouth before they were interrupted. 


            “Kat! Papa just came home!” An urgent female voice called out from somewhere in the yard below. It was her sister, Maura. They froze, each seeing the open disappointment on the face of the other.


            “You gotta go quick....and so do I!” Joe pushed her gently off his lap and crouched, ready to descend the ladder. “ She comes back to town tomorrow. I’m gonna try to talk to her before the rehearsal starts. Can you still come?”


            “What if you don’t get a chance to talk to her first?” Kat asked nervously.


            “Come anyway. I have a back up plan!” he nodded reassuringly. “Please don’t worry, okay? Let’s just get through tomorrow. After that, there’s nothing standing in our way.”


            “I trust you, Joe.” she said. “I’ll be there.” 


            The emotion in her eyes spoke volumes. There was love in those eyes; a love like he had never known before. Giving her one last look, he disappeared quickly down the ladder and through the shadows of the yard.  Kat waited a moment, then hurried down the ladder and headed toward the back porch. She sat down on the steps, looking up at the night sky. It was beautiful, absolutely studded with stars. Her heart was so full of happiness she thought it would burst.  From the open kitchen window she could hear the sounds of her father’s singing as he put on a kettle for tea. Even though her mother was gone, he kept the tradition of their nightly rituals alive. Through his undying love, her memory lived on.


            “Katherine? Are ya out there?” he called out the open window.


            “Yes, Papa.....I’m right here on the porch.” she replied softly.


            “Wanna come in and have some tea with yer old papa?”


            “I’ll be right there.” She smiled,  gave the sky one last look and then went inside.




            The next day dawned stormy and dark. Kat awoke to the sounds of rumbling thunder as lightning lit up the sky over Boston. Dressing quickly, she quietly tiptoed downstairs, hoping to make it out of the house before her family awoke. But that wasn’t about to happen. She could hear her father in the kitchen and smiled, listening to the familiar clatter of pans followed by soft swearing. Realizing that she couldn’t leave without first checking on him, she stuck her head into the kitchen. There he was breaking eggs into a dish, trying to pick out small pieces of the shell as he went. Looking up, he smiled sheepishly and shook his head.


            “Your mother could crack eggs one handed while whisking with the other!” he said softly, a faint smile passing over his face.


            “Let me help you...” Kat took the bowl from him, picking out the remaining pieces of eggshell. “You know, I think of her a lot, too. Especially now it seems. I wonder what she was like at my age...or what she’d think of me now.”


            “She would be so proud of you, girl. Happy Birthday, my youngun’! I was a goin’ to make breakfast for you girls this mornin’ but it seems I require some help.”


            “It’s no trouble, Papa....and no one has to know I helped at all.” Kat winked slyly at the graying bear of a man as he began to make toast.


            “Where are ya off to so early?” MacGregor was hard to sidetrack, even at this hour.


            “I’m going down to the Fenway Theatre to listen to a band rehearsal.” she said casually. “It may be late when I get home this evening.”


            MacGregor nodded, keeping silent for a moment. He knew he couldn’t stop her but that didn’t stop his worrying. “This band...this wouldn’t be why that fella, Joe Perry has been hanging around my pub so much lately, would it? Is it his band?”


            “You liked Joe, remember?” Kat said. “And don’t forget Brad and Tom.”


            “Yes, I did like Joe. I liked them all...they’re fine young men. But I’m a bit wary of my daughter being sweet on one of ‘em, what with them being musicians and all. I don’t think you should be alone with him. It wouldn’t be proper just yet.”


            “Papa, I’m meeting Jen and she’s coming with me.” It was the first lie she had ever told her father and it immediately racked her with guilt down inside. “Relax, don’t worry.”


            MacGregor nodded silently as she slid the eggs onto a plate. She was after all, a grown woman. What could he do? As they sat down at the table together, Kat heard the sounds of water running upstairs. Her sisters were awake which would make her exit easier.


            “Kat, just promise year old Papa, you’ll make him act with honor. If he wants to call on you, I’d like to talk to him to man.”


            “I promise.”


            A few minutes later, her sisters Mary, Aileen and Maura came clamoring downstairs. In the middle of the new breakfast whirl that ensued, Kat quietly got up and excused herself. Though she could hear his booming chatter with her sisters, she could feel his eyes upon her as she quietly closed the door. He was overprotective out of love but Kat knew that once he got to know Joe, his doubts would be put to rest.


            On her way out the door, she caught a glimpse of herself in the foyer mirror. A loose fitting black shirt covered up a rather clingy white rib knit tee shirt with a plunging neckline that showed off her ample cleavage. It barely met the waistband of her black low rise jeans. If not for the coverup, she never would have made it past her father! Her hair tumbled about her shoulders, wild and free. Joe loved it that way. Not only was today her was the day she and Joe would officially become a couple. It was the best day of her life.


            In no time at all, she stood in front of the Fenway Theatre. Its large brick face stared back at her, almost mockingly. Taking a deep breath, she tried to remain calm as she reached for the handle of the front doors. To her dismay, they were locked. Thoughts raced through her mind..... Was this the right place? Today is Friday.....oh no, what if Elissa is here? Suppose Joe changed his mind? He wouldn’t do that, right? I know he wanted me here...


            “Hey, Kat? Is that you?”


            A female voice startled her reverie. Kat glanced to her right and saw a beautiful brunette peeking her head around the corner of the building. At first she wasn’t sure how to respond but remembered Joe mentioning Elissa being a blonde. That couldn’t be her...


            “C’mon around here to the side door.” the girl said, smiling reassuringly. Kat followed her, eyes wide with uncertainty. Along the side of the building was an alleyway. Halfway down, a steel door opened easily and they went inside. The girl introduced herself as Terry. She was Tom Hamilton’s girlfriend and evidently Elissa’s worst enemy. Terry explained that the guys were downstairs setting up. Joe had filled her in on all the details about his plan to break up with Elissa.


            “The problem is, she just got here....walked in the door as usual like she owns the place and starts bitching about everything! Joe hasn’t had a moment to pull her aside and he’s far too kind to blast her out in front of everyone.” Terry said.  Kat took an immediate liking to her.


            “Terry, should I just leave? I don’t wanna create any problems---”


            “Oh hell no! Relax, just remember that you’re with me, you’re my friend and I invited you to hang out! After the rehearsal, Joe’s gonna dump her ass and I hope and pray that I’m right there to see it!” Terry laughed, making Kat feel much more at ease.


            Once inside the door, they walked down a narrow, dimly lit hallway. Around a corner was another door which they swung through and descended down a short flight of wooden steps. As they walked down, Kat could hear the sounds of a guitar being tuned. The basement was huge. One side was stacked high with boxes, furniture and stage props from shows put on at the theatre. The other side had been cleared away and now held Aerosmith’s equipment. Their manager had arranged for them to work here, giving them privacy as well as a safe storage place for the amps and other equipment they needed to work with. The air was heavy with the smell of pot. Kat could see Brad and Tom both sitting on some wooden crates, laughing and smoking a joint, passing it back and forth. A shorter guy with long curly hair stood nearby, holding a pair of drumsticks. She remembered from the concert at Boston University that his name was Joey Kramer. But where was Joe?


            As her eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, she followed the sounds of the guitar until she found him. He was off to one side by himself, tuning a beautiful black Les Paul. Wearing a simple black t-shirt and jeans, he was still the most striking figure in the room. It was a combination of both his good looks and the passion burning in his eyes that set him apart from any man she had ever seen. Terry cleared her throat as a subtle announcement of their arrival.


            “Hey guys! This is my friend, Kat. Do you mind if she hangs out with us?” Terry asked brilliantly. Knowing the real story, it was mildly awkward for Brad and Tom but they covered well. There were friendly greetings from around the room. Joe, however, remained silent. Kat instantly felt her enthusiasm shatter.


            “Hey, the more the merrier!” Joey spoke up. “I’m Joey Kramer, this is Brad Whitford and Tom Hamilton. The nonsocial one over there is Joe---” Before he could finish, the sound of a shrill voice cut him off. Everyone rolled their eyes and grew silent. Joey shook his head wearily.  “....and that is the annoying sound of Joe’s pet girlfriend, Elissa! Watch out for her, she’s a real pill!”


            Everyone looked over at Joe but he remained silent. In a matter of moments, he was flanked by a small blonde creature with wide glaring eyes. She was clearly agitated with him, speaking in a grinding undecipherable tone that made him physically flinch. Kat looked on in shock. This was Elissa? Her face, though beautiful, was shadowed and twisted sharply with negativity. Her voice was a combination of a high pitched whine and the snarling bark of an angry Pomeranian. She raged on at Joe, who turned up the volume of his amplifiers in a half hearted effort to drown her out. Angrily, she turned her attention to the others.


            “What the fuck are you all staring at?” she snapped. “And who the hell is she?”


            “This is Kat!” Terry snapped back. “She’s my friend. I invited her to hang out with us all today. Right Tom?” Tom nodded in agreement, shifting his feet uncomfortably.


            “Well neither Joe nor I were asked about it! I don’t like outsiders barging in here and getting a free listen! Right Joe?” she barked, glaring directly at Kat.


            “I don’t mind.” Joe stated coolly. Elissa turned and looked at him incredulously,  as if she had been slapped. Terry took hold of Kat’s arm, repressing a chuckle.


            “WHAT did you say?” Elissa asked, cocking her head to one side. Joe put the guitar down and turned to face her.


            “I said....I DON’T MIND! As a matter of fact, I want  her to stay.” With that, he turned back to his guitar, giving Kat a secret but meaningful l00k. Elissa was about to respond but someone else had come into the room.


            “Well hey there, baby! Who are you?”


            It was Steven Tyler was exactly as she remembered him from the concert at Boston University. Long, black hair...wild gypsy clothes and a big bluesy voice. He came over to her immediately and gave her a long, almost intimate hug. He smelled nice, like patchouli with a hint of sweet vanilla. His body was warm and firm against hers and his hands took the liberty of sliding down her back. Involuntarily, she tried to step away but it only pressed her pelvis closer to his. He was grinning from ear to ear, aware of her surprise. Terry pulled her away from Steven’s grip, giving him a stern glance. 


            “This is my friend, Kat. She’s here to hang out with us. You don’t mind, do you Steven?” Terry asked coyly, glancing over at Elissa who smiled sarcastically.


            “Not at all....”Steven was absorbing everything about her. The auburn hair, the green catlike eyes and her ample curves. There was nothing he didn’t like.  “....not at all!  In fact, Kat, you can hang with me!  I’m sure Terry doesn’t care.”


            “Don’t scare her away, Steven.” Joe spoke up suddenly. Kat saw he was staring directly at her.  So did Elissa....


            Though he tried to hide his eyes under his hair, she could see they were full of unspoken words. She could read his mind instantly. He was caught in an uncomfortable situation between what he wanted and what was right. Even though Elissa obviously didn’t love or appreciate him the way he deserved, he didn’t want to embarrass her in front of his friends.  Her heart went out to him and she longed to go over and put her arms around him, whisper in his ear that everything was gonna be all right. More than anything in the world, she wanted to be in his arms. As she stared at him, she remembered how sensuously thick his hair felt in her hands. For a moment, she was transported back to the night before, lost in an all too brief kiss...feeling that perfect moment as his tongue timidly searched for hers.  It was all so overwhelming that for a moment, she forgot about Elissa or anyone else in the room. 


            “I don’t think she’s scared, Joe.” Steven said quietly, noting the look that Joe tried to disguise. Realizing there was more going on here than he knew, he grew ever determined to find out  exactly what it was. “But don’t worry, I’ll keep her safe!”


            There was an uncomfortable moment of silence that followed their exchange. Elissa looked on with confusion. Something was up but she just didn’t get it. Comfortably stoned, Tom and Brad seemed to be the only ones enjoying themselves. Brad lit up another joint and began passing it around. By the time it got around to Steven, the tension had decreased considerably and everyone was once more engrossed in prepping their instruments. Steven took a big hit and looked over at Kat.


            “How old are you?” he asked. That was a question he had learned to always ask.


            “Twenty! Today’s my birthday.” she answered.


            “How sweet!” Elissa said sarcastically, appearing at Steven’s elbow to take the joint from him. She took a hit, inhaling deeply, then offered it to Kat, almost as a dare.


            “No thanks.” That was all she said, but to Elissa it was an insult.


            “Well, fuck you, Princess Purity! You think you’re better than us?”


            “No, I just don’t want any.” Kat replied calmly. She knew Joe was watching. It wasn’t that she was a prude. Pot just wasn’t her thing and she wasn’t about to let Elissa push her into something she wasn’t comfortable with. 


            “Elissa, get the stick out of your ass, already! She doesn’t have to get stoned if she doesn’t want to.” Terry interrupted, rolling her eyes at Elissa’s dramatics. 


            Terry and Kat strolled over to the sidelines where they sat on large wooden crates to watch the guys play. Elissa fumed a moment longer and then stalked back over behind Joe’s amps, where she normally stood. The band was almost ready to start.


            When Steven brought out his scarf draped microphone stand, the band took their places. Joe turned his back to Elissa and looked over at Kat, winking at her slyly. She tried to suppress a smile, knowing fully well that Elissa was staring in her direction. Steven gave Joey the signal, counting aloud as he did so. Joey followed his count and laid down the intro of the first song. The guitars followed seconds later along with Steven’s vocals which were full bodied and bluesy. Write me a letter, I’m leaving, I’m going away... the lyrics were random and he scatted most of them.


            Terry explained that Steven hadn’t finished some of the lyrics and that he used scat to help him come up with ideas. Cool, she thought. But her main focus was on Joe and watching him without trying to look as if she were. He was immersed in the music, totally lost under its spell. The pleasure on his face was raw, almost sexual. The guitar was an extension of his body that he stroked lovingly. As the band ran through the set, Kat was a captive audience. The energy was like sheer combustion, combined with a raunchy groove that set them apart from any other band on the Boston music scene. By the time they finished more than four hours later, she felt as if she had become Joe’s guitar and that he had made love to her, over and over again..


            “Not fuckin’ bad!” Steven beamed as he spun his mic stand around. “But Joe, you gotta turn it down some!”


            “No way!” Joe answered, setting the guitar down. He was breathing hard, his face covered with a light sheen of sweat. He took his shirt off quickly, using it to wipe his face and neck. “These amps don’t sound good unless they’re turned up high!”


            “JOE! You’ve got the shit nailed but man, my ears are BLEEDING!”


            Back and forth they argued as a full bottle of Jack Daniels was now being passed around. Kat had tasted it before and didn’t mind joining in now. The liquid was warm, burning her throat slightly as it slipped down. She smiled, feeling a mellowness settling over her, relaxing her nerves. Watching Joe take off his shirt had sent a thrilling sensation over her entire body. Because of her father’s overprotective nature, Kat’s experience with boyfriends was somewhat limited. The ones that managed to get remotely close to her had been fumbly and inexperienced as well. Looking at Joe, letting her eyes roam over the lean musculature of his torso set her imagination whirling. His jeans were tight and slung low over his pelvis, outlining a clearly visible bulge that made her stomach flutter. He was no teenage boy; he was a man. She passed the bottle to Terry, feeling her face flush with excitement.


            Terry took the bottle, visibly impressed with Kat’s ability to handle the liquor.  It felt good to have someone else around besides Elissa. Most of the time, no one liked to hang with them because of her. Neither Brad nor Joey’s girlfriends would tolerate her asinine behavior. Terry stayed because of Tom. She cared about him deeply and Elissa loved nothing more than to insult him by attacking his confidence in his musical ability. She seemed bent on driving a wedge between Tom and Joe, who had basically grown up together. Terry didn’t understand this, except that maybe she wanted to isolate poor Joe even more. She was glad to know that Joe had finally seen the light. Oh how she wished she could be a fly on the wall to hear the breakup conversation!


            The argument slowly lost its meaning with the passing of the liquor. Both Steven and Joe came over to partake in the shared bottle. They all stood around together in a crude circle, passing the bottle around, rehashing the highlights of the rehearsal. Kat had felt her skin prickle when Joe had first walked up. Elissa had just taken off to use the bathroom and was nowhere in sight. Joe edged close to her, letting his arm brush against hers as he took a drink then passed her the bottle. She held her breath, bringing the bottle up to her lips. It was almost like kissing him, only this time in full view of everyone. Then Steven abruptly pushed his way in between them and stole the bottle.


            “You don’t mind if I get some of this, do ya?” It seemed that Steven was trying to hypnotize her with his eyes. Kat smiled warmly. She now had a pleasant buzz going.


            “No, I guess not.” she replied. Joe didn’t look very happy all of a sudden but she didn’t know what to do. She hoped that he knew how much she wanted to be with him. Steven was just an innocent bystander. He didn’t even know about the conspiracy that had allowed her to be there in the first place. As charming as Tyler was, she would never feel for him the fire she felt inside for Joe.


            “Hey Kat, why don’t you come by the apartment tonight? Relax, hang out with us awhile.” Steven asked. Joe immediately shot him a blistering scowl. It seemed that Tyler wanted to get into her pants!


            “Cut it out, Steven! She’s a nice girl and not your next conquest!” Joe growled unexpectedly. Again, tension saturated the air. Steven mockingly pretended that his feelings were hurt, baiting Joe on. 


            “Now you’ve ruined the surprise, Joe! I thought that since it was her birthday it would be nice to have a party. She is our new friend, right?” he smiled, feigning innocence, but slowly, very slowly, realizing the truth. 

            Every time he made a move on this girl, Joe was all over his ass! Without a doubt, Tyler knew his axe man had the hots for her and in a way he was glad. Elissa had gotten increasingly irritating, fucking with the positive vibe of his band. On the other hand, Kat seemed like a genuinely sweet girl. The only problem he could see was perhaps Joe himself. He wasn’t often very assertive with his feelings if it meant hurting someone else.  Steven wasn’t certain what Joe planned to do, but he made a quick decision on his own. The only way to make sure Queen Elissa met her demise was to push Joe over the edge; pissing him off the way he did best. Joe this is for your own good, he thought to himself, wrapping one arm around Kat.


            “C’mon, what do ya say? We’ll all be there....right Terry?” Steven turned his attention to the brunette who was watching Joe’s face for visible cues.


            “Well, um....sure, Steven. I’ll be there.” Terry answered, squeezing Tom’s hand. All at once, everyone looked at Joe. The room was thick with tense undercurrents. Everyone now realized that something was going on, yet no one said a word! Even Joey, who normally blurted out anything, kept his mouth tightly shut.


            “That’s cool.” Joe quickly let the subject drop leaving Steven looking a little disappointed. Suddenly he realized there was no one nipping at his elbows.  “Hey, where’s Elissa?”


            “She ran off toward the bathroom again! ” Terry rolled her eyes at the mere mention of her name. “I’ll go check....make sure the rats didn’t drag her away!” She disappeared up the stairs, passing by a tall gray haired gentleman wearing a dark suit. It was Frank Connelly, their manager.


            “Steven, m’ boy! Let me have a word with ya!” Frank called out. Steven ran over and they began talking. After a minute, they too disappeared up the stairs. Joe looked beseechingly at Brad and Tom who quickly grabbed Joey’s arm and pulled him away. They began packing away their stuff, stashing most of it into hiding places within the basement. Joe now found himself alone with Kat. It felt wonderful to be in her presence without any distractions.


            “You’re not mad at me, are you? About Elissa, I mean?” Joe asked, his serious gaze burning into her like embers. She shook her head, casting her eyes downward. A thick fringe of dark lashes brushed her velvety cheeks. It was suddenly more seductive than anything else he had ever seen.


            “No, Terry explained it all.” she replied, tossing her hair back. Joe watched her every movement, hanging by a thread. His pants suddenly seemed much tighter.


            “I’m sorry.” he breathed softly. “She didn’t show up until after we got here.”


            “You haven’t changed your mind, have you?” Her eyes stared back at him now, gently demanding an answer. His expression was almost scowling but his eyes said much more. 


            “Nothing could ever change the way I feel about you.” Joe said, his voice clear and unwavering. He stepped even closer, feeling the tension mounting between them like an unavoidable vortex.


            Suddenly Joe was overcome by an impulsive desire that left him blind to all else. 


            “C’mon!” he said, looking quickly around before pulling her back behind the stacks of crates, boxes and junk that filled the far side of the room. As they disappeared, he looked back to make certain no one had seen them. Already, Brad and Joey were heading out and Tom was right behind them. No one had even noticed their disappearance. 


            As he leaned back against one of the giant crates, Joe realized that Kat was resting against his body, her face only inches from his own. The big fans in the room couldn’t reach them and it was incredibly hot. But he knew that wasn’t the only reason for the heat that radiated between them. Silently staring into her eyes, he touched her face gently with both hands, pushing her hair back. Sliding his fingers lightly along her jawbone, he leaned forward, bringing his lips down toward hers in an achingly slow motion. 


            She relaxed completely, melting into his body. She felt the gentle brush of his lips against her own, urging them apart little by little with tantalizing persuasion. His eyes continued to burn into hers, never breaking away until at last he took full possession of her mouth with a searing kiss. Taking her in his arms, he lifted her completely off the floor, holding her tightly. His tongue found hers and he kissed her like a man dying of thirst. Feeling the soft warmth of her body against his drove him to the edge. Joe wanted this woman more than he had ever wanted anyone before, even Elissa. He could hear the sounds of his own heart beating wildly in his chest. Moving from her lips, he kissed his way down to the hollow of her neck, taking full delight in the taste of her skin. His hands caressed the small of her back and moved lower still, roaming over the curves of her lower body. He could feel her arms around his neck, her fingers playing with his hair then moving slowly down his bare chest.


            “JOE? WHERE ARE YOU?”


            It was Elissa!  Both froze in place, neither daring to move or breathe. They could hear the sounds of her wooden soled clogs as she stamped down the stairs, moving around the other side of the room. Joe looked at the woman in his arms and smiled. He felt neither guilt or pain about his decision. Everything was clear. But he knew that this wasn’t the place to hash it all out with the temperamental Elissa. He had to protect Kat from being the target of her anger. Holding her close, he buried his face in her silky hair. After a moment there were more footsteps on the stairs.


            “Elissa! Are you coming? Tom and I aren’t waiting around forever!” Terry yelled.


            “He left me here, just like that? Are you fuckin’ sure?” Elissa asked impatiently.


            “YESSSS! Now hurry up unless you wanna walk back!”


            “ALL RIGHT!  I’M COMING!!”


            There was the sound of wooden clogs climbing the stairs, becoming fainter and fainter until they died away. The lights went out, the noise of the fans died away.  Next they heard a door slam shut and then, utter silence fell over the building. Still they waited, one minute, then two....until at last they both sighed heavily. The air was still and hot but neither of them appeared to care. Reclaiming her lips, Joe covered her mouth, hungrily wanting more of her sweet kisses. She returned his attentions with reckless abandon, her hands roaming over his powerful shoulders and down his back. Soon both of them were covered in perspiration as the spark of desire became the flames of passion. Her eyes were intoxicating and he found it hard to breathe. The luscious fruits of her love were ripe for the picking.   


            “We need to get outta here.” he said, tearing his lips from hers. She stared back at him questi0ningly, her eyes suddenly sad.


            “So what are we gonna do?” she asked, her voice barely a whisper.


            “I’m gonna walk you home,” he replied, tenderly stroking her face. “Just give me a few hours to straighten everything out. Can you come over around five or six?”


            She nodded, suddenly unable to speak as she drowned in his eyes.            


            They still clung to each other as they climbed the stairs to the world above...




            Later, Joe walked back into 1325 with a renewed sense of purpose. Already there were a few scattered guests arriving and he could smell Italian food being prepared in the kitchen. All the girlfriends were there. Brad and Lori were blowing up balloons while Joey and Nina hung some other crudely made decorations. There was a sign on the wall that read: “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Kat!” in big red letters. It was an amazing transformation of the place. Steven knew how to whip a party together at a moments notice but the real credit went to Terry. Ever since he had told her about his impending breakup, she had gone into full scale commando support mode. In fact, he had never seen her happier! Speaking of Elissa, he glanced around but she was nowhere to be seen. It took a half second for him to realize that she was probably waiting in his room. No doubt she was pissed, thinking that he had taken off and left her after rehearsal.


            “Joe! Hey where you been?” Steven asked, eyeing his suspiciously. “Hey watch out, Elissa’s in rare form and she’s waiting in your room!”


            “She can wait a little longer. You and I need to have a talk first.” Joe replied, smiling as he mysteriously pulled Steven into the bathroom and shut the door. Smiling?  That was something that Tyler had not seen in quite awhile.


            “So what’s all this about?” he asked. 


            “Steven, I’m breaking up with Elissa...right now, as a matter of fact. ”


            “Whoa! Am I hearing you right?” Steven said, blinking in amazement. Joe didn’t seem to be listening and continued on defensively.    


            “I know about the whole deal with the show coming up! I know she had a hand in it and who knows, we might lose the gig, I don’t know! But I’m not backing down so don’t even try to talk me out of it!” 


            “Who said I was gonna try to talk you out of it? Can I watch?” he said grinning broadly. Joe stared back with a look of sheer amazement on his face. 


            “You feelin’ okay, Steven?”


            “Joe, listen to me....I know we argue a lot but you know, you’re like my brother and I just want you to be happy.” he said, eyes shining. Steven Tyler had a heart of gold hiding beneath his could-care-less exterior. Joe felt a knot of emotion rise to his throat.


            “It means a lot to hear you say that. I’m sorry about all the shit I’ve said lately.”


            “Me too. Especially about you being pussy whipped.” Steven said. Then his voice dropped a bit lower. “And Joe, I want you to know that nothing ever happened between me and Elissa. I’m sorry I yanked you around with that.”


            Joe nodded, pulling Steven into a quick, heartfelt hug. “I think there’s better days ahead for all of us. I’ve already met someone new.”


            “No shit, huh? I knew there was something up with you this afternoon!”


            “You knew?” Joe asked, a little shocked. Steven laughed hysterically. 


            “Hell yeah! I saw the way you looked at her....and at me when I got too close! You know I was just trying too piss you off, right?”


            “There are some things I can always count on!”


            They joked around a little more. It felt good to laugh again. It had been awhile since they had enjoyed a light moment. Ever since Elissa had first entered the picture, the tension between them had done nothing but spring out of control. It affected the way they wrote music together, the way the band played together....everything! Maybe this was a sign of a fresh beginning for the whole band. Let bygones be bygones and put the past behind them. Steven wanted this more than anything and he knew that Joe did too. He didn’t have to say anything else.


            Joe left the room feeling more confident than ever in his decision. He paused briefly outside his room door, hand poised to take hold of the doorknob. He had everything to gain and nothing to lose. Taking a deep breath, he moved forward.


            “WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?” Elissa let him have it with both barrels. She was sitting on the edge of his bed, her eyes glaring furiously. “ANSWER ME, YOU SONOFABITCH? YOU LEFT ME AT THE FUCKIN’ THEATRE? I HAD TO GET A RIDE BACK WITH TERRY AND TOM, OF ALL PEOPLE! I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU WOULD DO THAT TO ME! I HATE YOU!”


            Well at least it was exactly what he expected. “Elissa, calm down, okay? We have to talk.” Joe said firmly, pulling up an old chair, sitting down in front of her.


            “The only thing I wanna hear from YOU is that you’re fuckin' sorry and you’ll never pull that shit on me again....EVER!” Her voice was growing increasingly more shrill and he had to steel himself to keep cool.


            “You’re right, I’m sorry and I’m never gonna do that again.” he said, taking her hands in his. “I’m ending this thing between us---for both our sakes. Do you understand what I’m trying to say?”


            She stared at him incredulously. “You’re breaking up with ME?”


            “Yeah.” he answered simply. She snatched her hands away from his, shoving him hard against the back of the chair.


            “No you don’t fuckin’ get to end anything!  I’ll say when I’m done with you, Joe Perry and not one minute until I’m ready! How dare you even think---”


            “Elissa! I’ve thought about this for awhile now!” he said, ignoring her over the top dramatics. “I’m not happy and its ruining the band!”


            She rolled her eyes. “I’m supposed to believe that you don’t love me? You don’t want this?” She gestured to her body, spreading her thighs with her hands invitingly. “You expect me to believe you don’t wanna make love to me, right here...right now?”


            “I thought I loved you know I did!” he said. “Maybe I was wrong....or maybe its just gone, but I can’t feel it now. I don’t think either of us are happy. Please try to understand, okay? All this fighting, the jealousy, the anger between, I can’t take it anymore!”


            “BASTARD!” Elissa spat, striking him fully on the face with the flat of her palm. The slap rang out in the silence of the room. She raised her hand again but he caught it firmly, his eyes becoming dark and somber.


            “Its over, Elissa.....its over! “ he said, his voice unshaken, his eyes unmoved. Angrily, she stood on her feet and stalked toward the door, picking up an empty wine bottle that sat nearby on the floor. Turning around, she hurled it at him with all her strength. Joe ducked and the bottle harmlessly hit the wall behind his head, shattering into bits.


            “You’ll be back, Joe! You’ll be back whining like the sorry dog you are! Someday you’ll beg me to love you again!”


            With that, she was gone. He heard the front door slam and it brought a smile to his face. He was free and it felt great! For the first time in months, Joe Perry walked out of his room to join the party.....



            Kat showed up exactly on time at five o’clock that afternoon. Getting out of the house again had not been easy. When her father caught sight of her escort home, he wasn’t very happy. Nothing against Joe personally, he had said. Keegan MacGregor just wanted stability and respectability for his daughter.  But after some serious sweet talk, she managed to cajole her father. While it was true that she was old enough to come and go as she pleased, Kat respected her father enough to abide by his rules while living in his household. Still, she didn’t exactly tell him the entire truth about where she was going. He would never approve of something as forward as going to a man’s apartment...alone.


            She found the place quite easily. Just as Joe had said, there was music blasting from the place and there were people spilling in and out of the door. Steven was the first person she recognized. He was dressed as she had always seen him in typical glam fashion wearing a sheer leopard print shirt and tight black pants. Several girls were hanging on him, but when he saw her, he brushed them aside easily.


            “Hey you made it!” he grinned, whisking her near the kitchen where a small table sat heavily laden with an assortment of liquor and wine. Beside it was a huge tub of ice and beer. “Help yourself to anything you’d like! There’s food on the way out shortly courtesy of Terry, and I think there’s even a birthday cake!”


            “Wow Steven, you guys went all out! You’re sooo sweet!” she said, kissing his cheek.


            “My pleasure, baby..” Steven said, making a purring noise deep in his throat. Earlier at the rehearsal, he had talked Frank out of a substantial wad of cash and there was nothing he liked better than spending it on the people around him. Not only was it Kat’s birthday but technically it was Elissa’s goodbye party....her sendoff celebration! Tyler was giddy with happiness. 


            “Where’s Joe?” she asked, glancing around. Kat was direct and Steven liked that.


            “In the kitchen arguing over the sauce!” he chuckled. “C’mon, I’ll show you.”


            Passing through a narrow set of swinging doors, Steven ushered her into the tiny kitchen where sure enough Joe, Tom and Terry were engaged in a heated debate over the seasoning of the sauce.  Joe is sooo gorgeous, she thought. Barefoot and sexy, he was dressed in a white tee shirt and blue jeans. When he saw her, his entire face lit up and he forgot all about the marinara.

            As he hugged her tightly, she could smell the delicious scent of his hair, still slightly damp as it fell around his shoulders. She buried her face into his shoulder, losing herself in the unmistakable masculinity of his presence. She could sense that he was happy and that meant everything.


            All throughout the evening, he remained at her side. He introduced her to friends, steered her clear of trouble and enjoyed himself. Unlike Elissa, this girl was sweet and charming. She didn’t embarass or offend anyone. It was so nice to see people having fun and for once, not avoiding his girlfriend. Instead, everyone loved her.  Best of all, there was no tension between himself and Steven. Usually by the end of the night, alcohol and other substances would end up blowing this tension into a full scale war. But not on this night. It was like a fresh almost too good to be true.


            She drank wine, but not too much. She didn’t partake in any of the drugs that were offered to her but that was fine with Joe. If anything, it only intrigued him more. She wasn’t afraid to think for herself, choosing her own destiny. Somehow, she didn’t worry about appearing cool and ended up impressing everyone anyway. 


            “Hey, lemme show you my room...” he whispered, nuzzling her playfully as he stood behind her, arms wrapped tightly around her waist. They were watching a card game that was becoming more and more like a drinking contest. Naturally, Steven was winning.


            “Terry and Nina are heading to the kitchen to clean up. It would be rude not to help.” she whispered back, patting his hand gently.


            “C’mon...they won’t mind!”


            “I’ll meet you in a few minutes......I promise.”


            He pretended to sulk for a minute, all the while watching her as she walked away. Grabbing the last unopened bottle of wine, he slipped quietly back to his room and closed the door. He rummaged through his things locating a couple of joints. Lighting up, he tossed himself on the bed, picking up his acoustic. He began quickly running off notes, all the while building, changing and rearranging. With Elissa gone his mind felt clear, unburdened. He let himself relax and the music simply began to flow....



            When she entered his bedroom a half hour later, he was sitting back on the bed propped up on pillows, cradling a guitar. Silently he stared back at her, dark brooding eyes peering out from beneath the thick tangle of tousled hair. She glanced around at the small but comfortable retreat. There was a single bed, a dresser, a couple of chairs and a big wooden spool coffee table covered in candles. The ceiling was draped in a beige muslin Indian cloth that made the lighting cozy and warm. The faint smell of pot lingered in the air. 

            He watched as she kicked off her shoes; his eyes traveled up her shapely bare legs, past the short black skirt that hugged her hips, past the delicate cotton blouse, higher to her full soft lips, the large inquisitive eyes and the swirl of golden chestnut curls. Glancing down at his watch, he scowled, assuming a deeply annoyed look.  Ignoring this, she came over and gently removed the guitar from his hands and curled up beside him. Safe and warm, surrounded by his arms, the rest of the world slipped away. 


            “What took you so long?” he asked in a surly tone, tilting her chin upward.


            “I called home and got permission to spend the night.” she said, smiling.


            Joe was floored. “What? You called your father? And said what to him?”


            “I’m just kidding! But I don’t have to be home anytime too soon. By the way, how did it go with Elissa? If I was in her shoes, I’d....just....die....” she said.


            “That’ll never happen with us.” he said, kissing her abruptly to silence any lingering doubts.


            Alone at last, there was nothing standing in the way of the passion that quickly ignited between them. He wanted her oh so badly and one look in her eyes told him she wanted the same thing. Without another word, he got up and lit the candles. Quickly he came out of his shirt, tossing it aside. He could feel her watching him the entire time. Switching off the overhead light, he pulled her up to a sitting position near the edge of the bed. Dropping to his knees down in front of her, he gazed into her eyes for a long moment, revealing all that he could not yet put into words. His hands trembled slightly as he ever so slowly began unbuttoning her blouse. His face was close to hers, his lips only inches away and yet he withheld his kisses. It was a wicked tease and the tension built to an almost delicious frenzy. As he freed the last button, he let the fabric slide back and off her shoulders.


            Her bare skin was beautiful like the velvety softness of a ripe peach. He let his fingers slide over her shoulders, her back and her stomach before coming to reside just beneath the roundness of her breasts. He marveled at the perfect pinkness of the nipples; the way they pebbled in response to his touch. Gently cupping them in his hands, he let his thumbs trace circles around them before bringing them to rapt attention with his tongue. Her hands became lost in his hair as she wrapped her arms around her neck, sighing deeply in pleasure. He fanned the flames of desire expertly with his fingertips caressing up and down her back, his mouth kissing its way upward to her neck and earlobe. Finding her lips, he kissed her now with wild abandon, laying her back on the bed. Her hair tumbled out all around her and her arms spread outward in loving submission. She was giving herself over to him completely and it aroused him to no end.


            Laying back on the bed she pulled Joe down, feeling his weight partially settle over her. His perfect body was lean but strong and muscled like that of a prowling tiger. There was no hair to hide the supple smoothness of his olive tanned skin. Her hands devoured him as her tongue met his with an unequaled passion. Her pulse quickened as he moved to lay beside her, propping himself up on one elbow. His mouth was moving down her body, across her stomach, making the muscles of her abdomen quiver. Slipping his hand over the ample curve of her hip he found the button and zipper to her skirt. He surprised her by loosening both of them deftly with one hand, smiling coolly as he shook his hair back out of his face.


            Rising to his knees, he quickly slid the skirt down and away, tossing it to the floor. Ignoring the newly uncovered treasures, he moved down further, shocking and delighting her at every turn. She had small delicate feet and he touched them sensuously with his fingertips. He could see her eyes widen as he grasped first one ankle then the other. He kissed them gently, trailing his tongue up each shapely calf in turn. Her breathing had become shallow and erratic by the time he reached her thighs.


            Settling his body down between her knees, he parted them slowly. His mouth was still creating magic along her thighs but he could feel that she had tensed up a bit. Slowing the pace even more, he waited until he felt her relax beneath his touch. When he had worked himself back up to her pelvic bones, he knew he couldn’t resist any longer. Hooking his thumbs into the elastic of her silky underwear, he pulled them down over her hips slowly, watching her face. She was frozen, her body trembling ever so slightly. 


            “Do you want me to stop?” he asked. He knew what her body was screaming for but he had to be certain. He had to hear her say it.


            “No....”she said, feeling his warm breath upon her silky belly.


            When he touched her again, she found herself lost in an ocean of pleasure. His fingers touched the flower of her love, discovering for the first time the dewy softness of the orchid. His mouth delighted in the sweetness of its petals, moving her to heights of passion like she had never known before. She craved his touch, shuddering in delight as each new delicious sensation washed over her body in waves. 


            When she was breathless, he was beside her again, kissing her eager mouth. Not even his imagination had prepared him for her exquisite beauty. She was pressing up against him, moving her hands to the waistband of his jeans. The feeling of her softness beneath him drove him absolutely crazy. As his tongue danced over hers, he felt her fingers teasing the rock hardness that strained against the confines of the denim. She unfastened them slowly and he didn’t argue when she pushed him flat on his back. He helped her strip them down, watching her shocked face. He had on no underwear so all of his male prowess was fully revealed. Proudly it stood, larger than any she had ever imagined. 


            She began at his shoulders moving down, letting her fingertips tantalize every square inch of his gorgeous chest. The candlelight bathed both of them in a surreal, almost magical glow. Small nipples tightened beneath her touch, quivered as she circled them with her tongue, tugging at them gently with her teeth. He pressed her head down as a moan escaped his lips. Elsewhere, her hands were roaming free, sliding slowly down to his navel and beneath to where a trail of hair began to grow. Then as she watched his face, she touched him....there, encircling his thick muscle and marveling at the sheer size of it. No longer shy, she leaned down, kissing the hollow at the base  of his throat. Moving downward from there, her tongue traced a trail of passion and desire down the length of his body. 


            Joe gripped the mattress, lost in the sensations rippling over his entire body. The pleasure of simply being near her, naked and vulnerable was all to be enjoyed, savored like a fine steak. Each time he thought they could climb no higher, she would shift her body or touch him anew, causing his head to spin out of control. Joe was quickly discovering that with everything he thought he knew about women, there was so much more! She surprised him, taking him to the edge and pulling him back without mercy. He met her with a passion equally as fiery and unbridled; every touch....every kiss....everything.  Finally, he could take no more.


            Driven by mad desire, he took control, pulling her beneath him. His mouth caught hers in a dizzying kiss as he settled down over her, moving her into position. A growing sensation in her lower body was driving her forward as he moved his pelvis down between her thighs. It felt even harder pressed down against her, even larger than before. Reaching over to the bedside table, he opened a drawer, producing a condom. Opening the packet with his teeth, he quickly rolled it on. The moment had arrived. He stared down into her large, luminous eyes, his mouth barely an inch from hers. 


            “I love you..” he said, his voice soft and mingled with breathless passion.


            There it was, without pretense or fear. The raw honesty of his words almost made her cry.  But before she could reply, he had kissed her again. Only this time, he moved with purpose, slowly pushing his pelvis down and up into hers until their bodies had joined together as one.  He felt her breath catch, her body stiffen. Then he felt her body relax and took her completely, filling her velvety softness over and over again.


            Beneath him, she wrapped her arms wrapped around his body tightly. At first his sheer physical size had taken her breath away. It was as if this were her first time all over again. But after relaxing, there was only pleasure. He took her gently but firmly and she let him take control on the path to ecstasy. He whispered his love to her over and over, kissing her mouth until she was delirious with desire. She was a boat on the ocean and he was rocking her slowly home.   


            Joe navigated her storm tossed waters like a seasoned pro. He could feel the currents of the tide swelling, pulling them in toward a beacon onshore. It would have been so easy to rush, but he held firm, reining in his desire, watching her face. He couldn’t explain the strange feeling that was taking control of his senses. It was as if he had been here before in this beautiful place with this very girl, lost in the depths of love. Her eyes were incredible, reflecting a light that shone from within. Then at last he felt her body tighten and the light exploded into a million brilliant stars. As they reached the shore, Joe felt himself losing control. That’s when she whispered something hotly into his ear, her tongue making him crazy. He let himself become lost in a pleasure that shook his body like thunder, releasing all his pent up passion.


            Bodies still entangled, each lay silent as their breathing slowed. There was no need for words. Joe lay perfectly still, listening to the sound of her heartbeat. He couldn’t help but think that he had been here before, in some other lifetime. Why else would he feel so much, so quickly? He had always been the reserved one; the deep thinker. He had never been one to rush into anything let alone take a blind leap of faith. Yet this girl had stepped into his life, shaking things up. It was like watching his emotions, so carefully organized in neat boxes, being wildly reshuffled into something wonderful right before his eyes. Now here he was, lying naked and vulnerable, his heart exposed. He had fallen hard for her and suddenly he was almost scared. Then as if she had read his mind, he felt her hand touch his face, turning it toward hers.


            “I love you too....” she whispered softly, brushing the hair out of his eyes. Her voice was thick with emotion, her eyes were intense. “I believe somehow that I’ve always loved you. I know that probably sounds crazy. ”


            “Its not crazy. I feel it too. I can’t explain it but I.......feel  it.”


            Pulling her into his arms, he held her tightly, aware of nothing else beyond the bed they shared. The love inside his heart was growing stronger, almost as if awakening from a deep sleep. Though the sense of deja’ vous was strange, it was also comforting. All his life, he had felt as if a piece of himself was missing......lost somewhere in the sands of time. In her eyes, he had found that part of himself; in her arms, he had finally come home......




            It was after midnight when Joe took her home. Steven sat at his bedroom window, watching them pull away in his red Beetle. He’d insisted that Joe take the car. Too much shit could happen out on the street late at night....especially with Elissa being so pissed off. He imagined that she was somewhere right now, making little voodoo dolls of all of them. She’d be poking pins and knives into them before morning! But he knew that it would all be worth it in the end. Elissa was bad karma waiting to happen.




            “Holy Shit!” Steven exclaimed, whirling around like a man possessed. “Elissa?” 


            There she was, standing in the doorway of his bedroom. For a moment, he was scared half out of his mind. Where the fuck did she come from? Thoughts of voodoo dolls and knives didn’t help. Blinking wildly, he realized that she wasn’t an illusion and instantly calmed himself. Now he wondered just who the fuck let her in! He could tell by her eyes that she’d been crying.


            “Where’s Joe?” she asked. It was weird hearing her voice sounding so lost.


            “I can’t tell you that.” Steven replied.


            “I need to talk to him....” she said.


            “Elissa, leave him alone! He said it was over, right? Its time to move on.”


            “He’s with someone else, isn’t he?” It was more a statement of fact than question. 


            “Joe has a chance to be happy now! Don’t you understand that? You were tearing him apart....tearing this band apart! Its too late to be sorry now!” Steven was trying not to raise his voice. She seemed fragile....something he had never seen before. It made him nervous.


            Without a word she stepped forward, closing the door behind her. The lock clicked softly. The room was dark except for the streetlight coming in through the open window. Now steeped in shadow, it was hard to make out the expression on her face but Steven was vaguely aware that her acute sadness seemed to be replaced by something else....


            “He’s with that new chick, right? The one at rehearsal. Terry’s so-called friend!” she said as she flung herself into a tattered armchair.


            Steven swallowed hard. Watching her now, he couldn’t help but remember when they first met. Something about her intrigued him, pulling him in helplessly. There was something wild and untamed about Elissa. He could never love her because he hated everything about her personality. Still, there was just the slightest bit of chemistry....something on a raw, sexual level that threatened to destroy his better judgment. Being high didn’t help much.


            “Maybe he is....what does it matter?” he answered, knowing fully well he was walking on dangerous ground. Elissa assumed the expression of a contented cat.


            “I thought so...”she trailed off, almost nonchalantly. The sudden shift in mood was unsettling. “Hey, enough about Joe! I have something you might like. Wanna share?”


            Even in the darkness, Steven could see the tiny glass vial she held up. His mouth went dry as he contemplated his answer. He knew very well what was in that vial. Two weeks earlier at an aftershow party he had encountered the pure white powder for the first time. The experience was amazing; a floating, godlike trip that sent his creativity soaring. Since that party he had not had anymore but he had thought about it...a lot. Now here was his chance, right in front of him. He wanted it badly.....but badly enough to risk Elissa’s game?


            Fumbling in a nearby drawer, he pulled out a mirror and a couple of razor blades and set them on the bedside table. He could see Elissa smiling but he chose to ignore it. This is my room, I’m in control here....he repeated to himself. It helped me write some cool shit last time, right? So I’m doing this for the band.....


            Steven tried to ignore the tiny voice inside of him that screamed out in warning. Yes, the coke had been a cool experience but the let down afterward was frightening. He found himself thinking more and more about the drug, actually fantasizing about getting some. He had asked around, eventually scoring it only to “misplace” it before he could snort it. Without a doubt, he knew that fucker Mark Lehman had nabbed it! But was more and probably very, very pure. Elissa had dated a lot of professional musicians and without a doubt her drug contacts were much better than his. But should he do it? And with Elissa?


            “Show me what you got! ” he said, watching her Cheshire grin. Suddenly there was no turning back..............


            Steven awoke the next morning to the sounds of someone pounding on his bedroom door. Blinking away the blur before his eyes, he raised his head trying to see the clock but quickly succumbed to the pain that throbbed in his temples. The pounding didn’t help.


            “WHAT THE FUCK DO YA WANT?” he managed, cringing at the vibrations from his own voice. His head was about to explode.


            “Get up and unlock the door, shit head!” Joe’s voice answered. There was an unmistakable mischief in his tone and he pounded even louder. “ Yo, Steven! You up?”


            “Joe I’m fucked up! Go away!” he said, covering face with the blanket. Whatever he had done the night before, he was paying for it now!


            “Steven, its NOON! Get your lazy ass up!”


            “Fuck you, Joe! There’s no fuckin' rehearsal today so just let me die in peace.”


            “I wanna talk to you! Its about Elissa..”


            At the mention of her name, Steven’s eyes flew open wide. Memories of last night came flooding back, making the blood rush to his head. Sitting straight up in bed, he rubbed his eyes trying to brush away the cobwebs. Looking around the room, he was relieved to find himself alone. There was much about last night he couldn’t when Elissa had left and exactly what happened after the second bottle of booze. All he remembered was snorting the coke and everything after that was only clear to him in bits and pieces. He remembered drinking with her and being amazed at how clever and witty she suddenly had become. And how beautiful. Swinging his legs to the floor, he wasn’t surprised to find that he was naked. He always slept naked. However, the black lace bra draped across the chair was a shock!


            “I’m gonna break this door down!” Joe said, laughing rather wickedly. For a second, Steven thought he was in a bad movie. Elissa? What the fuck happened last night? Noooo...surely he hadn’t. Or maybe he did! Was Joe outside planning to kill him? Then he remembered Kat and he relaxed a bit. Okay so no, Joe doesn’t wanna kill me....he’s got a new girl now and Elissa.... nah!  I’ve never been that high....


            “Joe, hang on I’m coming. Lemme find some pants. Unless you wanna peek!”


            “No thanks! Hurry...NOW! I’ve got somewhere to go!”


            Stuffing the bra under the cushion of the chair, Steven grabbed his pants off the floor and pulled them on quickly. He was zipping them up when he caught a tiny glimpse of black in the floor. Nooooo.....not panties, too!  He picked them up, shaking his head in disbelief. Tiny black lace panties! Oh, shit! Now panic set in. Something had obviously happened but to what extent he could not clearly remember. All he knew was that Elissa had come over with the best coke he’d ever had, they shared a few laughs...some booze and now, voila’!  Mystery bra and panties! His head throbbed even worse than before. Quickly stuffing the panties under the cushion with the bra, he stumbled to the door. Joe didn’t look amused.


            “My grandmother can put on her girdle and stockings faster than that!” Joe scowled.


            “Lay off, I had a---I had a hard night. What’s up?” Steven muttered, finding it hard to look Joe in the eyes. It wasn’t that he thought Joe still loved Elissa. It was just the principle behind it all. Joe was like his brother, his infinite partner in crime, so to speak. There were just some things that you didn’t do and that included sleeping with your best friend’s girlfriends, even the ex-es. Especially after you’ve just apologized for lying about it many times before! 


            “Elissa---” Joe began but stopped as Steven slumped into the chair, holding his head.


            “She must’ve told you, right? Well, that’s her style!” he said, not daring to look up.


            “Told me what?” he asked with much confusion. “Steven, shut up and just listen. I don’t know what you’re babbling about but I wanted to tell you that she must have already told her Mom and Dad about our breakup. Frank called here first thing this morning and told Tom that the gig at the Gardens is off!”


            “Oh yeah?” Steven answered softly, raising his head. “Is that all?”


            “Yeah, I just wanted you to hear it from me and tell you that...I’m sorry. I know that meant a lot to you and I know that its all my fault.” The apology was genuine, so true to the quiet dignity that Joe exemplified. Steven felt a hot rush of shame creep over his face and for a moment he didn’t know what to say.


            “Forget it, Joe. You’re happy with Kat, I can see that. That’s all that matters.” he said, struggling to choke down the guilt that rose up in his throat. The question still racked his brain....did he? Did he cross the line with Elissa? He needed to remember! 


            “Well I’m off, see ya later.” Joe said, turning toward the door. Then he stopped. “Hey what the fuck did you do last night after I left? You look awful!”


            “I don’t remember...” Steven trailed off sheepishly. Joe shook his head.


            “That figures! Whoever she was, she must be feeling the burn today!”


            “You heard me...I mean, well us? Were we loud? What the fuck was I doing?” Steven’s heart lurched. Did he hear anything? Did he recognize her voice? Was Joe just waiting for him to confess....come clean right now.


            “Ahh, now that’s fucked up! Well from what I heard, I bet she’ll remember you!”


            “Shit...” Steven mumbled as Joe stepped out into the hallway. “Wait, Joe! Where are ya going?”


            “I have to go and see Kat’s father.” Joe smiled and then he was gone.


            Steven threw himself back down on the bed and closed his eyes, desperately searching the corners of his memory. Maybe Joe was wrong. Maybe he just heard what he thought was....was...fucking. But an unbidden feeling of dark bitterness was settling down into his heart. He couldn’t help but believe that Elissa had purposely come to him, taunting and teasing. She appealed to the worst side of his personality and baited him on with something she knew he couldn’t refuse. It was the coke, plain and simple.


            No, Steven, it was you....he thought. You’re a sucker and you fell for it! You’re not worthy of being Joe’s best’re not worthy of spit shining his boots! You’re a complete fuck up!  Over and over he tried to shut out the voice in his head but it kept chipping away maddeningly until he felt hot tears on his face. Just as surely as he knew Elissa, this wasn’t over by a long shot. She would use it to her advantage. The only question was when and to what end? Undoubtedly he knew he had sold his soul to the devil........




            Beyond the dark wall of Steven’s troubles, Joe was walking in the sunshine and feeling no pain. The night before had been incredible from beginning to end. He got very little sleep after dropping Kat off but nonetheless had awoken at dawn anyway. That was something he had not done since he was a child when his mother would wake him for church. He was high but not on pot or any other buzz inducing substance usually found in the apartment. He was high on love....and being completely in love for the first time in his life! He wanted to sing it, shout it, or crank it from his guitar until his ears bled!


            As he had promised himself, now that he was free and clear of Elissa, he was going to talk to Keegan MacGregor face to face. He wanted to tell him how he felt about Kat and ask his permission to see her. It was an old fashioned gesture that he knew the Scotsman would respect. Of course Joe knew that should he object, it would make no difference. Nothing would stop him from being with Kat; nothing would ever destroy that love. Nothing would ever keep them apart.


            He had chosen to walk the distance to her house so as to clear his head and think about what he was going to say. Now suddenly the walk was over and he was standing on the sidewalk in front of the house, exactly where he had last kissed her the night before. Taking a deep breath he started up the walkway, still rehearsing his speech. To his surprise the front door opened and out walked MacGregor. He looked much more like a bear than Joe remembered. Pausing, he watched as the towering Scotsman strode across the porch and sat down on the front steps. Without saying a word, he motioned for Joe to join him.


            “I’ve been expecting ya, lad.” Keegan said, his face dead serious.


            “, Mr. MacGregor, I...uh---” Joe stumbled. He didn’t notice MacGregor struggling to hide a slight smile.


            “Do ya love her?” the big man said simply.


            “Yesss I do!” Joe spoke firmly this time, his voice full of unbridled conviction.


            “You’re sounding a might serious about my daughter there, young man!”


            “That’s because I am, sir. I’ve never meant something more in my life.”


            “Then you’ll treat her with respect or I’ll break yer legs!”


            “Absolutely!” Joe was beginning to relax. Burly MacGregor glanced over at him.


            “She means everythin’ to me. My daughters are all I have left in this world! I would die for them, I would kill for ya understand that kind of love, boy?”


            “Yes sir, I do.” Joe answered. “I love her with all my heart.”


            “When I first laid eyes on her mother.....ahhh she owned my heart! Her memory, it  lives for me in Katherine’s eyes....those beautiful happy eyes! If indeed you’re as serious as ya say ya are, then swear to me that you will never betray that happiness she gives ya so freely. Can you swear that to me, boy?”  MacGregor had tears in his eyes as he spoke. “Cause if you can, then I will gladly stand outta yer way. My Katherine is too precious to be wasted on flights of fancy and whim. Do ya understand me?”


            Without pausing or even blinking once, Joe answered. “I swear it....”


            “Spoken with honor, lad....spoken with honor...” MacGregor extended his hand to Joe. They shook heartily, both smiling.


            From the window behind them, Kat breathed a sigh of relief as she watched. Now everything was perfect!