By Sarah D. Hunter
(Rated G)

    She watched as the scenery flew by, she looked at the spedometer...he was going ten miles over the limit-nothing new really, he always liked speed.

    Then she looked at him, he hadn't changed that much since she met him. Sure, his hair was different, graying, fine lines around his eyes, but the mirror didn't lie to her either.

    He caught her looking at him, "What's with you?"-his tone had a laugther to it.

    "Nothing, just thinking," she smiled at him, he turned his attention back to the road, she looked at her wedding band.
    She remembered the day he asked her to marry him, she'd never been happier. The uncontitional love on his face the first time he held their children, the day he finally came to his senses and cleaned up.

    Now he was seemed like yesterday that they came back from Japan, they just finished the new album, he'd just come back for the weekened. They off again on another world tour. She wanted to beg him not to leave, to stay just for a week-tell the promoters to reschedule things, that's what they're paid for.

    He didn't like it when she worried, but she couldn't help it. What if something happens to the kids? What if something happens to the plane? What if something happens to the bus? What if he runs into some deranged fan? everybody knows what happened to John Lennon.

    What if he meets some younger woman? He wouldn't, cheat-she had to trust him, and he had to trust her.

    What if he starts using again? He'd been clean for years, but all it takes is one weak moment. He's only human. She pushed the thoughts out of her mind, she had to trust him. She had to let him go.

     "You know," he began, "I'll call when we get to the hotel, and I'll call you and the kids everyday."

    "Yeah, I know."

     It was as if he knew she was worried. "And we'll all be together at Madison Square Garden, that's only a month away."

    "Yeah, it'll be a great show."

    He'd already said his good-byes to the kids, they were used to him being gone. She was used to them taking two years to make a record. They had a wonderful two days together.

    The car pulled into the airport parking lot, he stopped, and handed her the keys. They walked through the lot, to the special strip reserved for the Aerosmith plane.

    They were the ones holding up things...everyone else was there.

    "Sorry we're late," he appologized to the others, "I guess I lost track of time."

     This was the part she was dreading, ever since he came home...saying good-bye. They all hugged, and said their good-byes, but they saved each other 'til last.

     She held on, one last bear hug.

    "Honey, I love you," he whispered.

    They let go, and he picked up his bag, "I'll call you when we get to Chicago."

    "I'll be waiting, no matter how late." She gave him a convincing smile and wave.

    All of the wives walked away, back to the waiting cars, each driving back to their now somewhat lonelier homes.

    She went into their bedroom, and laid on their huge bed. She grabbed the remote, and turned on the TV, she gave a chuckle. Aerosmith was on, the video-'I Don't Want to Miss a Thing.'

    As she watched it, she did realize how happy he was, how many men have a job they love? He has great friends, a great family, she should be-but there was still that greedy part of her.

    She numbly watched Leno, a senseless movie, it was all extremely boring. She jumped when the phone rang.


    "Hiyah, baby! We just got here," he said, she could tell he was tired. "Had a bit of fog, but we have a great pilot."

    "Great! I'll let you get some sleep, baby."

    "I need it, God knows I didn't get any this weekened!

    She laughed, he could always make her do that. "I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye."

    She put the phone down, and gave a sigh. Was she so tired that she couldn't go to sleep? She touched his pillow, got up, and sprinkled some of his cologne on it.

    It took her a few minutes but she could feel herself drifting away. Her last thought was this:Any fan would jump at the chance to live my life, but do they ever stop and think how tough it can be to have the title of "Mrs. 'Smith"?