By Megan
(Rated G)

    The plane took off without any problem, the stewardess was friendly enough while making several suggestions that weren't on the flight code of conduct. All this Steven took in, hoping that the feeling of something bad would happen would go away. This feeling crept up on Steven like a thief in the night. It made the tiny hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, and made him increasingly suspicious of everyone aboard this plane. He noticed the woman sitting across the aisle, reading a paperback. She seemed completely absorbed. Steven knew that Joe was having the same feeling by the uncomfortable look on his face. Joey was listening to the flight movie. Tom was discussing business with what looked like an uptight Wall Street stock market pro. Brad was dozing in his chair. Joe was trying to concentrate on writing ideas for a new song. Steven knew something awful was about to happen, and when the 'Fasten Your Seatbelt' sign came on, he wasn't disappointed.

    Steven opened his eyes to find himself lying on a snow bank. He had a major headache, but when he sat up and saw the plane, the air left him. The plane landed on a lake, it was just sitting there, really floating.     "Steven, are you all right?" a voice asked close to his ear. He turned to see a woman looking him over. He was used to being looked over, but she was looking for real injuries instead of what all the other women were looking for.
    "Where are we?" Steven murmured, trying to stand. He was laying on someone's coat.
    "Well, I would say ask the pilot, but that jack ass wouldn't know where we were if we had a sign saying, 'Welcome To New York'." She replied helping him to stand.
    "What's your name?"     "Destiny. Destiny Fate," She replied, concentrating on looking at his legs, to make sure they were all right.
    "Who saved me?"     "I pulled you out of your seat, along with Joe. You know for men, you two don't weigh very much."
    "How did you know our names?"
    "I have just about ever Aerosmith album to ever come out. Now, come on, Steven, there's a cabin about a half a mile down the road, where everyone is going. It'll be nice and warm, come on you have to walk," Destiny replied with a hint of a smile. By now it had began to snow in earnest and Steven didn't want to freeze to death.
    Steven tried to help her, but she half dragged, half carried him, while Steven lived in his own little world, refusing to except the fact that the plane he had been on had crashed. Sure, the pilot was an idiot, but he couldn't have crashed the plane. Then, a snowflake landed on Steven's nose and he laughed softly. He remembered when he was little, going out in the winter with his mother and father and playing in the snow. His mind flashed to all sorts of scenes. He was cold before, but now, the coldness was melting from his bones.
    "Steven? Don't go to sleep, Steven! When we get to the cabin, then you can rest," Destiny pleaded with him, trying to wake Steven from his world of dreams.
    Steven barely nodded, but Destiny saw comprehension in his eyes.
    Finally they made it to the cabin. Destiny eased Steven down on a cot, and then busied herself making coffee. Steven drifted in and out of the real world. He saw Joe, on his right, Tom on his left, Brad behind Tom, and Joey behind Joey. They were surrounding the fire. With a final effort, Steven spotted Destiny over by an old wood cook stove. Then he drifted back into the abyss that welcomed him.

    Steven woke to banging on the door. He sat up, and winced. He must have broken a rib, he realized. Joe stirred in his sleep. Joey was already up getting coffee. Brad answered the door easily.
    "Yes, we're here on behalf of the National Guard to bring you back to civilization," a formal voice said politely.
    "What about Destiny?" Joey and Steven said in unison.
    "Destiny? According to the plane listing their was no one named Destiny aboard the plane," the man said.
    "Yeah, but she rescued me," Steven said slowly.
    "Well, that might be the work of a legend called Destiny Fate. Was that her name?"
    Steven, Joey, and Brad nodded.     "She's the legend that saves people from whatever accidents happen here in the woods. It's just an old wives' tale."
    "No, it's not," Joe's soft voice echoed in the room. He was sitting up now looking at the man. "She pulled me out of the plane. I watched her go back for Steven. I broke my wrist so I couldn't help her, and who do you think fixed my wrist? It wasn't any of them. When I she brought me back here, I passed out and she fixed my wrist and went back for Steven."
    "Well, this isn't the first account of people being rescued by Destiny. I'm just glad you're all right," the man again formally replied.
    Ten minutes later, Steven was being helped out of the cabin, when an urge to look just behind the cabin into woods, struck him. He turned his head, and there stood Destiny in a white robe smiling a him, waving goodbye. Steven whispered a faint 'Thank You' before being shuttled aboard the helicopter. Steven turned to Joe, and Joe nodded. The silent message was strong. We have just experienced a miracle.