High Priestess Tammy
Posts: 1335
(10/2/01 3:07 am)
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More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
Okay, you asked for it, so here it comes. It's long, just like my memory. Time slows down for the important stuff...
DISCLAIMER: I did not get any pictures at the Bristow AeroShow, other than one picture of Steven and I, and two pics (Steven blinked when I was taking the first one) of Steven and my friend. I was not prepared for meeting Aerosmith, let alone getting pictures with them.
NOTE: My Steven story posted earlier is only the very end of my time with him, and is not a complete account of what transpired.
To understand my story requires a little background. First off, I was extended an invitation to Bristow at the very last minute -- the Saturday before Tuesday's show. The person who extended the invitation is a fan of my political writings, and after having corresponded with me via email for some time, she told me of her close personal and professional relationship with Aerosmith, back in the Spring.
The invitation to Bristow was the second such invitation. Earlier in the summer, my friend had asked me to meet her in Irvine, attend the AeroShow, and have dinner with her and the band. She had forwarded an email I wrote HER to Aerosmith (an email in which I let my excessive AeroAdoration all hang out), and they had enjoyed it enough to tell her to ask me along.
(That, however, was some time ago, so I am convinced that they do not remember my email to her, since I know they get a huge volume of flattering mail.)
Circumstances conspired to keep my friend from coming to Irvine, so I assumed the whole thing was off. I went to the Irvine show anyway, and had a great time. Imagine my surprise when I received an email from her quite a bit later, asking me if I had picked up my tickets and backstage passes that she had left for me in Irvine!
Well, I hadn't, and she was upset that I hadn't understood that the passes and tickets would be there for me, with her or without her.
Anyway, she invited me to Bristow, and I decided to go. In the couple of days leading up to my trip, I made a decision: I did not want to MEET Aerosmith, or SPEAK to them.
Why? Because I love them as much as it is possible to love them, and did not want to risk SOMETHING happening that would make me love them less.
So, I flew from LAX to Baltimore-Washington International Airport (in a nearly-empty airplane), and was picked up by a snappily dressed chauffer holding a sign bearing my name. Off we sped to my friend's home. I arrived around 4 PM.
After meeting my friend face-to-face for the first time, and visiting with her and meeting her household staff, I went to the guestroom that had been prepared for me, and laid down on the bed to stretch out (I was sore from sitting in a plane for so many hours -- and then a car), and to cool off, before getting dressed for the show.
As I was relaxing on the bed, the phone rang, and I heard my friend yell, "Get that!"
Forgetting that she had an entire staff to fulfill her request, I reflexively answered the phone.
"Hello?" I said.
"Janet?" a very sweet, shy voice (with an unmistakable slight Boston accent) hesitantly asked.
I knew who it was immediately. But I wanted to hear more, so I bought some time...
"No. Who may I tell her is calling?" I inquired, coming out of my skin and having a four-alarm blissy-fit at the same time.
There was a slight pause, and then he said, a little surprised sounding, "This is Joe Perry."
WHICH I already KNEW.
Before I could say anything else, my friend picked up the phone. "Here she is," I said to Joe. "Janet, I am going now."
"NO!" she said. "Stay on the line, Tammy!"
"No, I'm gonna go," I said, and hung up the phone. Then I just lay there, FREAKING OUT. Had I just spoken on the phone to Joe Perry? And had Janet really said my name aloud with him on the phone?
Why did I hang up, you ask, when Janet had asked me to stay on the line? The answer is simple. I didn't want to risk Joe saying ANYTHING that would diminish my adoration for him.
So I didn't.
A little later, when I was freshening up, Janet came into the guestroom, bursting with curiosity, and asked, "WHY didn't you stay on the phone?!" I explained my reasoning to her, and told her why I did not want to meet Aerosmith, or speak with them, this time. I told her that it was enough for me to be in the same room with them... to make eye contact with them... to watch the show from the stage so close to them.
She told me she understood what I was saying, and why I felt the way I did, but that I was just being silly. "Take that call," she said, "Do you know why he called?"
"No," I said, knowing that she was going to tell me about the call whether I wanted to hear it or not.
(Gotta love Janet!)
"Joe called to ask if anyone was coming to the show tonight. To ask if he should do a radio interview, or something, to get people to come," she explained.
"Is this because of the World Trade Center attack?" I asked.
"NO!" she said. "He's ALWAYS like this! He NEVER thinks anyone is coming to the show, until he is onstage, and looks out at the packed house!"
Well, you could have knocked me over with a French tickler! Joe Perry? Insecure? Nervous about no one coming to the concert? Unbelievable!
She went on to tell me about her attempts to reassure him about attendance, and about how shy of a person he is, etc. The whole time, all I could think was, "HOW SWEET! JOE PERRY! UNCERTAIN OF OUR LOVE FOR HIM!!!!!!"
Anyway, time was a-wasting, so she left me to finish getting ready.
I put on my AeroDress. (You all know about the dress. It is voodoo. No matter what you REALLY look like, people treat you like you are pretty when you wear the dress. It's charmed. I think the dressmakers who sew it are all practicing sorceresses.) Janet liked it very much, and called her male House Manager into the guestroom to see it. He liked it very much, too, and made a snap-decision right then to go to the show with Janet, her husband, and I.
Janet gave me one of her husband's extra All Access Passes. (I did not get my own pass until after I met with Steven). We left for the venue around 5 PM, drove right through to the backstage area, flashing our passes at the parking attendants the whole time, and parked by the AeroTour buses.
I was helped out of the car by a handsome Englishman (whose name I can't recall) who is very high on the AeroFoodchain. He said something like, "Finally, a beautiful woman has arrived! It's about time! Come with me! We must get you backstage!"
LOL! (I still wonder if this was a set-up to build my confidence, since Janet obviously had an agenda of her own, and her own plans for me.)
Janet quickly extracted me from my friendly escort, saying to him, "She is not here for you, she is here for Aerosmith!" She went on to tell me about the Englishman, and his lovely new wife, as we walked towards the backstage area.
At this point, I was beginning to feel a little like Cinderella at The Ball -- only without the wicked stepfamily.
Once again, the Englishman appeared at my side, took my arm, and began to talk. "All day long I have been asking myself, 'When are the beautiful women going to get here?' The band is going to be so happy to see you!"
At this point, Janet's husband appeared and said, "Hey! Get your mits off! She's here for Aerosmith, not you!" (See what I mean about a set-up? Janet and her husband said almost EXACTLY the same thing! LOL!)
Anyway, our party of four (Janet and her husband, her House Manager, and I) walked up the wooden steps to the backstage area, and into a beautiful dining room, romatically lit, where a bountiful buffet was laid out. There were many round tables with diners, and we made our way to ours. Along the way, Janet introduced me to every person we passed. Venue staff, Aerosmith staff... EVERYBODY. When we got to the table, people began to come to US to say hello to Janet and her husband. She introduced me to EVERY PERSON that came anywhere near our table. I think I must have met 100 people that night, all told.
After a bit, my party was ready for dinner. "Are you coming to get something to eat?" Janet asked. "No, I have butterflies," I told her, "I don't think that would be such a good idea."
She tried to convince me to eat, but I held my ground. She even tried to tempt me with the specialty of the house, CRABCAKES, saying if I ate something, it would settle my stomach.
Crabcakes? To settle your stomach? That's a new one on me...
Anyway, once she realized I wasn't going to eat anything, but prefered to sit and sip a Diet Coke and take in my surroundings, my party left the table to get their dinners.
While they were away, I let my eyes wander around the room. I noticed members of Fuel, and guys from the Aerosmith crew I had seen at previous shows I had been to. Then I saw someone I thought was Russ Irwin -- The Sixth Man -- at the table right across from ours.
When Janet returned and sat down next to me, I discretely leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Is that Russ?" nodding towards him.
"RUSS!" Janet called across the room. "Come here! There is someone I want you to meet."
OHMYGOD!!!!! I was so embarassed! WHAT WAS SHE DOING?!?!?!?!
Russ came over to our table, and leaned down to give Janet a kiss on the cheek (Janet gets kisses from EVERYONE!). "Russ," Janet said, "This is my friend Tammy. She is a genius. She is a political writer and she is so brilliant and funny, and she is the biggest Aerosmith fan I have ever met and she works Aerosmith into her stories, and I met her on the internet and she is a wonderful person and so smart and..."
She went on like that for what seemed like forever. By the way, this is how she introduced me to EVERYONE. She just went on and on about me, and I didn't know whether to be flattered or mortified. I chose to be flattered.
The whole time Janet was singing my praises, Russ was smiling down at me. Finally, he put out his hand, and I shook it. All I could say was, "Hi."
Good one, Tammy.
Bowl them over with your rapier wit, why dontcha?
Russ looked at me, kind of confused, like he expected me to say more... But I was so embarassed and unprepared and blindsided by Janet's take-no-prisoners way of introducing me, that all I could say was, "Hi."
Russ left us and went back to his table, flipping open his laptop. Every once in a while, I would look over, and see his face in the monitor's light, looking at us, and smiling. I think he must have been able to tell how nervous I was, and was trying to make me feel less so.
After this episode, I leaned over to Janet, and asked her why she did that. "Janet! I told you I didn't want to meet them! I'm not prepared! Please!"
"Well," she said, "Russ isn't really IN Aerosmith, so I didn't think you would mind."
I began to worry that I must be sounding like an ingrate. So, as Janet ate, I explained my AeroLove to her, my worries, and told her how just BEING there, and watching from the stage, was enough for me -- more than enough.
Directly across from our table, on the left-hand wall of the dining area, was a door with a sign on it that said, "MEET & GREET." Janet was trying to get me to go out there to meet Aerosmith. I just couldn't. I wasn't nearly ready for that. Again, I explained my reasoning, and again, Janet said she understood.
I was watching that door, though, like a hawk. I admit it. I may not have been prepared to meet them, but I was dying to see them. And I did.
Steven Tyler came through the door with a group of about five people, one of them being a disabled girl with wrist crutches (I think that is what they are called -- the metal canes that fasten with cuffs around the wrists of the user). I watched him seruptitiously, watched every move he made. I watched as he spoke to the girl on the crutches, and as she gave him a string of beads. Steven sat down at Russ' table, and laid the beads over his right thigh. He talked to the girl as she helped him put the beads around his right wrist.
As he was fastening the bracelet, Steven Tyler glanced up and saw me. There was just the whisper of a pause as he looked me over (what he could see of me, that is -- my face and chest), and then he flashed me one of his earth-shattering Steven grins.
My heart did a little somersault, and then a big one. All I could do was stare at him, which made him grin more. He just sat there, grinning at me... and I just sat there, grinning back.
After a minute, he stood up, and took pictures with the people that had come through the M&G door with him, and then disappeared through the door at the rear of the room -- me watching the whole time.
"Janet!" I urgently whispered. "THAT WAS STEVEN TYLER!"
She laughed. "Yes, I know. Are you ready to meet him?"
"NO!" I said. And again I explained why, leaning close to Janet, and quietly talking.
"Janet, you have no idea how much I adore them. There really is no way that I could love them any more than I do. And I am sure they are wonderful people -- really -- but I just can't chance it." On and on I went. "They mean too much to me. It would be AWFUL if something happened to ruin my idea of them. Do you know what I mean? I just love them too much to..."
Then I saw it. A pair of black pants, walking towards our table, coming to Janet's side. I sucked my breath in... it was a reflex.
Then I saw the bottom edge of a purple jacket. Closer still.
I was transfixed.
He arrived beside Janet (he standing on her right, I sitting on her left leaning close to her ear), and all I could think was, "DON'T LOOK UP! DON'T LOOK UP! DON'T LOOK UP!" (Knowing that if I looked up, I would have to acknowledge his presence, and WHAT WOULD I SAY?!)
Then I heard his soft voice say, "Hi, Janet." I saw his legs move as he started to bend down to kiss her cheek. I just stared straight ahead, frozen, paralyzed with adoration.
When his face came into my view, not ten inches from my own, all I could think was, "Oh my god. He's not real. He is too perfect to be real. No one is that perfect. He is flawless. Oh my god!"
His hair was curly and glossy and thick. His skin was as smooth as satin. His eyes were so brown. His face was so masculine. His chest (peaking through his shirt under the jacket) was impossible...
He couldn't be real! It was a crazy thought, but it was the first one I had, and I still can't shake that feeling, to this day.
My body went completely haywire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All the blood rushed out of my extremities, and into more interesting spots (one spot, actually). My hands and feet suddenly felt like ice, and my face was burning hot (perhaps I was blushing). I was suddenly very glad that I was wearing waterproof PVC, and not a regular fabric skirt or pants (which would have been disastrous). The ladies, and gents in-the-loop, will know what I mean.
Joe kissed Janet's cheek, and stayed there with his face next to hers, not ten inches from mine.
"Who is this?" he quietly asked, smiling at me.
All I could do was stare at his face, into his eyes... I couldn't even breathe. He just stared back. We were so close, it was making me CRAZY.
Janet began her "Tammy schpiel," and I heard her, but it sounded like she was a million miles away. I didn't even feel embarassed about what she was saying, because all I could feel was Joe's closeness, and my reaction to it.
As she went on and on, Joe and I just looked at each other. I don't know what he was thinking. I don't know what he thought I was thinking. I was just frozen there, in my seat, staring at him. I don't even think I blinked once.
Janet kept talking, singing my praises, and after a while, Joe slowly began to straighten up. All I could think was, "DON'T LOOK UP! DON'T LOOK UP! DON'T LOOK UP!"
I looked up. I couldn't help it. My eyes followed his face all the way up until he was standing at his full height. Still we were looking at each other. He down at me, me up at him.
Finally, Janet hit the end of her "introduction," and Joe held his hand out to me. I took his hand. We didn't really shake hands, just held hands.
"Hello, Tammy. I'm Joe."
OHMYGOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE SAID MY NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My body went haywire AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know my hand was like ice, but he held onto it. And all I could say, with my first breath out since I saw his pants walk into my view, was, "Hello, Joe."
He held my hand for a bit longer -- maybe waiting for me to say more after that long and detailed introduction -- but all I could do was look at him, and watch him look at me. I can't tell you how beautiful he is. I always wondered if their pictures weren't chosen to make them look more beautiful than they really are. Well, guess what? Their pictures don't come CLOSE to making them look as beautiful as they are. And Joe? Joe has to be seen to be believed.
So, he held my hand for a bit longer, just looking at me, perhaps waiting for me to say something, to live up to that glowing introduction courtesy of Janet, but I couldn't say anything else. I couldn't think straight at all.
Finally, a member of the AeroCrew came up behind Joe and said something, and he said, "I have to go." He let go of my hand, and turned and walked towards the door in the back of the room -- the door to the dressing rooms and stage. As the AeroCrew member opened that door, I expected Joe to sail right through it, but he didn't. Instead, he stopped, and turned around... and looked at me... and smiled... and waved.
And though I would have bet money it wasn't possible to "go for three," my body went haywire again. It damn near knocked the wind out of me. I am not joking.
I managed to smile and wave back, and then he was through the door and gone.
As soon as the door shut behind him, I asked Janet, "What are you doing?! I made a total fool of myself! I couldn't even TALK!"
But Janet was just smiling like a Cheshire Cat, and so was everyone who had been looking on.
"No," she said, grinning that huge grin. "You handled that JUST right! He was shy... you were shy! That was PERFECT!"
"I didn't handle ANYTHING!" I insisted. "I acted like an idiot!"
But Janet kept on telling me that I had been "perfect," and as I glanced around again, everyone was smiling and nodding.
Did I say I felt like Cinderella? Cinderella never had it so good.

Edited by: templeofaero at: 10/2/01 2:24:28 am
Posts: 12
(10/2/01 4:17 am)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
I am so touched by your story!! To think that Joe doubts the love that we all have for him and the band and worries that no one will be at the shows! It is so sweet, it brought a tear to my eye.
I know what you mean about pictures not doing him justice. I've never met him (waahhhh) but I was less than three feet from him at the Bristow show in June when they left the main stage and headed out to the lawn. I literally couldn't breathe; as you said, he is perfect. I will always remember just how gorgeous he is.
I am thrilled for you!!! To have Joe hold your hand and look into your eyes, and say your name!!!! Shrieeeeekkkkkkk!!! You are truly blessed; I can only imagine how I would have reacted. I think you handled the situation perfectly.
Thanks so much for sharing this with all of us!!! I look forward to reading more of your adventures! ; )
High Priestess Tammy
Posts: 1339
(10/2/01 4:29 am)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
perrychick! I am so glad you were online to give me some feedback...
I know I went into a lot of detail, but that is EXACTLY the way I remember it happening, only a lot shorter!
Would you believe that is the abbreviated version?

Posts: 102
(10/2/01 6:11 am)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
Oh Tammy, your story took my breathe away! *Joe perry held your hand and looked in your eyes, and said your name!!!* I would have passed out...or said something really stupid!
From the beginning of your story I was thinking, "Wow, your friend Janet is like your Fairy Godmother!" What a wish she granted you!!! She sounds like a wonderful person. Do not be embarrassed by her kind words for you.. she is right!
The more stories I hear about people meeting the band, the more I love them. I think they are very down to earth & kind hearted guys.
Thank you for sharing your story... I enjoyed reading it, and I am looking forward to hearing more!
Seaside Dreamer
Posts: 6
(10/2/01 6:23 am)
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Meeting the Gods
Oh my! My heart was in my throat just reading your story! I can't even imagine being in their presence! You are so LUCKY!!! I am pea green with envy!!!
Posts: 113
(10/2/01 6:27 am)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
Oh no, I'm at the dinner part and don't have time to finish right now!! PRINT PRINT PRINT!!
Joe Perry...insecure? That's so sweet
Stevo, Professor of Radio
Posts: 421
(10/2/01 6:37 am)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
You scream His name during a show, he makes no big deal about it.
He says your name, you go off the walls.
"It's amaaaaaaaaazing"
Stevo Come on, Baaaaaby do you waaaanna go, Baaaack to that same ol' place Sweet Hooooome Chicagooooo... |
Posts: 366
(10/2/01 7:59 am)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
"I think the scarier thing is cloning—I mean, if you want to be scared about something. Someone's going to clone Elvis” -Joe Perry |
Mac the Aerohead
Posts: 458
(10/2/01 8:02 am)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
Earth to GJ... Earth to GJ...
c'mon, wake up... your eyes are transfixed to the screen....
'There is no greater force on Earth than a Band who has the guts, determination and the dream to bust out of the gutter and enter as the second-greatest Rock Band in known history... Second To Aerosmith.' Paul Mackey, 2001 |
Posts: 369
(10/2/01 8:27 am)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
nah, I'm still here :) But I sure hope someone's gonna fetch down me from the PINK cloud if somethin' like that ever happens to me, heheheh! 'cause I'm gonna go straight up there ^ poof! :)

"I think the scarier thing is cloning—I mean, if you want to be scared about something. Someone's going to clone Elvis” -Joe Perry Edited by: gotjoe at: 10/2/01 7:28:54 am
Posts: 32
(10/2/01 11:07 am)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
I sent you an email so you know my what my past 2 weeks was like (pure hell!!)..but, when I read your story, OMG.....
I can't tell you how happy I am for you!!! Soooooooooooo, what did he smell like????
(Thanks for the smile, I needed one!)
High Priestess Tammy
Posts: 1341
(10/2/01 11:25 am)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
Deb, I have absolutely NO IDEA. I took a breath in when I saw his pants, and I don't remember letting it out until I said, "Hello" to him (I don't think).
I know I was supposed to do the sniff-test, but my mind desserted its post, just when I needed it most!

The Mad Hatter
Elaine, Temple Milliner
Posts: 148
(10/2/01 11:37 am)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
OH MY @%&$%*$&^(*$&#^(@^$!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What can I say...Beyond Beautiful!
I think I need some PVC clothing right now too
There's that green eyed monster again...MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

Posts: 37
(10/2/01 12:08 pm)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
OMG tammy!! reading your story took my breath away, i couldnt even imagine what i'd be like if i met him! u talked to him on the phone!!!!!! OMMG! he said ur name OMG! AND he touched ur hand! ok, life for me, wouldnt get too much better than that....i know what u mean about not wanting to meet them bc u didnt wanna ruin ur love for them...i felt the same way w/ meeting davy jones. i was nervous that he'd be a jerk and i'd never like him again..guess what? i was right. he was a total prick and i havent liked him since (3 yrs)...i also met his friend peter noone (herman's hermits) that night, we still meet up when he's in town...he was cool! we try to keep in touch thru email....thats just not as easy as i thought it would be! thank u tammy for the story! made my day!
The Mad Hatter
Elaine, Temple Milliner
Posts: 151
(10/2/01 12:18 pm)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
Daveywas a jerk, really? That sucks, I had a crush on him too-lol!
I saw the Monkees with Gary Puckett & The Union Gap and Herman's Hermits when I was 12!! My mom looooooves Peter Noone!!!!! Think he'd send her an autograph? She'd just about die! LMAO!

K Lou Stevens
Posts: 32
(10/2/01 12:31 pm)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
OK, after reading that, I fully understand the mind of the Diva. And II fully understand the PVC, Jess has that problem all the time. One look at Kurt Warner and she's off.
Louie Seize the Airwaves |
Posts: 16
(10/2/01 12:33 pm)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
As I read about your experience with meeting Joe I could visualize the entire thing! I am sooooo jealous, but so happy for you! That must have been one helluva night & it's given you a lifetime of memories. You lucky, lucky woman!

The Mad Hatter
Elaine, Temple Milliner
Posts: 154
(10/2/01 1:32 pm)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
Hehehehehehehe! It happens to the best of us Louie
Louie, Lou-I, WHOA-O, say he's gotta go...DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN!
Nyuck Nyuck!
I know this post is 'bout The Perry, but I think we need to insert some Tyler Booooo-Tay here:

K Lou Stevens
Posts: 36
(10/2/01 1:36 pm)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
Yeah, Elaine. Back when the Dome was still the TWA Dome, I used to tell Jess, "Just add a T to the end and it's perfect for you"
Louie Seize the Airwaves Edited by: K Lou Stevens at: 10/2/01 12:48:11 pm
Mac the Aerohead
Posts: 464
(10/2/01 1:39 pm)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
nice one!
'There is no greater force on Earth than a Band who has the guts, determination and the dream to bust out of the gutter and enter as the second-greatest Rock Band in known history... Second To Aerosmith.' Paul Mackey, 2001 |
The Mad Hatter
Elaine, Temple Milliner
Posts: 155
(10/2/01 1:42 pm)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
...keep them doggies ...T--A, T--A!

K Lou Stevens
Posts: 38
(10/2/01 1:53 pm)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
Let's just say the Mississippi isn't the only thing flowing in St. Louis on Sundays.
Louie Seize the Airwaves |
Posts: 38
(10/2/01 1:57 pm)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
elaine~yeah davy was a jerk! i'm only 18, so i didnt live thru that whole monkees era. i've seen peter in concert a lot. i can work on that autograph, i wont see him again though probably until the summer...keep reminding me and i'll get a PERSONALIZED autograph. i have lots of pix of me and him, and signed pix of me and him. i wish i could post them! i luv him he's the coolest celeb i've ever met! funny, VERY down to earth, talks to ya like he's your sweet! he's been married to the same lady since the '60s cool! his blue eyes r so nice too! when he smiles, he gets this twinkle in them! (kinda like davy's stars..only for real)! but stay away from davy jones! JEEEERK
Posts: 180
(10/2/01 2:18 pm)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
Damn. That's freakin great, Tammy. I see now why you wanted to save that story.

The Perry In Repose
"Anyone who is clearly thinking knows we didn't go out and torture some cow. We used a general anaesthetic followed by a few hours in the recovery room. IT'S FAKE!!! The cow doesn't have anything stuck through its udder!"
- Tom Hamilton Edited by: juba2jive at: 10/2/01 1:31:53 pm
The Mad Hatter
Elaine, Temple Milliner
Posts: 157
(10/2/01 3:01 pm)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
Kirsten-That would be too cool! Mom's bday is in the summer-what a great gift that would be! I'll remind ya! Her name is Donna (like the Ritchie Valens song...). I got her an autograph of the lead singer from the Dupree's (don't know if you ever heard of them, but I can't recall the guys name or they're hit song right now-D'oh!)
Too bad you can't post your pics I'd love to see them! If you can, print this pic for him to sign..mommy in her modeling days (she'd absolutely kill me if she knew I posted this-lmao!)
Isn't it great to hear that the Aero guys aren't snapperheads! I was always afraid it would blow my image of them if I ever got a chance to meet them (just like the Diva) and they were meanies. But they're not-WOO HOO! Had a friend of a friend who SAID he met them and Steven was a complete jerk, but I didn't want to believe it...and now I don't have to)!
Still sucks about Davey-what a disappointment!
Awesome Perry pic Catherine!

Edited by: The Mad Hatter at: 10/2/01 2:09:21 pm
High Priestess Tammy
Posts: 1359
(10/2/01 5:53 pm)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
Joe was wonderful, but I still think I acted like an idiot.

Stevo, Professor of Radio
Posts: 427
(10/2/01 6:07 pm)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
Tammy, don't worry. We all act like idiots when we meet famous people.
Stevo Come on, Baaaaaby do you waaaanna go, Baaaack to that same ol' place Sweet Hooooome Chicagooooo... |
Kimbom Temple Scribe
Posts: 129
(10/2/01 7:30 pm)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
Ahhhh....meeting Joe Perry.....meeting Joe Perry. Touching the Perry....looking into the Perry's would be the realization of my ultimate dream. Tammy, I bow to have recieved an almost sacred honor I'd give anything for. I wanna tell him just how much the music has meant in my life....... kimbo
(Note to self: maybe someday, maybe someday, maybe someday....keep repeating and maybe it will happen...)

"Behind the walls of my temptation, thats where it all began.."
Posts: 114
(10/2/01 8:09 pm)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
::wipes the drool from her lips, chin, and shirt::
SHIBBY!! Wow, I think I read that five times today from my print out. Wow, if anyone deserves that Tammy it's you (and me and Posse). Fandabulous. Perrygasm, three?!? SHIBBY!!
High Priestess Tammy
Posts: 1368
(10/3/01 12:56 am)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
Amelia, the whole point is that I DID NOT deserve what happened to me. It was just one of those weird coincidences in life that someone who appreciated my writing happened to be so close to the band I love most in this world.
There is nothing that makes me special. I was just LUCKY. And if I had it in my power to make sure that this same opportunity was afforded every person on this BBS or in the Posse, I would DO IT.
Without hesitation.
I would do it so fast, all you would see of me would be a vapor trail!

There's That Redhead Guitar Again.
The Mad Hatter
Elaine, Temple Milliner
Posts: 170
(10/3/01 1:02 am)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
High Priestess Tammy
Posts: 1373
(10/3/01 1:07 am)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
You're quick, Elaine!

The Mad Hatter
Elaine, Temple Milliner
Posts: 174
(10/3/01 1:19 am)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
Woo Hoo!
The Mad Hatter
Elaine, Temple Milliner
Posts: 206
(10/4/01 2:34 am)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
bumping 'cause I can't get enuff of this story!
Tammy-can u write me up the "other" part for my own personal consumption and so I can stop drooling on my keyboard...
Stevo, Professor of Radio
Posts: 1353
(11/17/01 7:52 pm)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
BUMP for PandorasKey
Stevo If I can’t find the warmth in my summer
And I can’t find the light in my day
I just look to my friends and we’ll see our troubles away
You make me feel so strange
Will, Ladykiller
Posts: 84
(11/17/01 8:19 pm)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
Thanks Stevo!!!!
Whew Tammy!!!! that was great!!! I should just give up school and become a rock star!!!!
"The Ladies here, They Look So Proud... That's cuz they know that they're so Well- Endowed!!!" |
The Mad Hatter
Elaine, Temple Milliner
Posts: 605
(11/18/01 1:31 am)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
I can't get enuff of this one
And I'm still waiting for that "un-edited" version
High Priestess Tammy
Posts: 2847
(11/18/01 1:45 am)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
The edited version is the Steven-meeting story. As far as Joe Perry goes, this story is the whole enchilada (except for the stuff that happened when I was on his side of the stage in Bristow, watching the show.
... And what can I say about that, except that it was a sweet spot to be standing in, FOR SURE!

Tammy, a.k.a. Pope Diva I
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism
AMERICA'S GREATEST CONTRA-BANNED Edited by: templeofaero at: 11/19/01 12:35:58 am
Mac the Aerohead
Paul, Maker of Trouble...
Posts: 775
(11/18/01 4:23 am)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
I can't believe that Joe Perry, for all his fame, cash and skill gets nervous because his completely loyal fans might not show.
It really doesn't stick for a rock star does it? You'd expect him to be loud and brash and outgoing... or does Steven take all that from Joe?
BTW, all definite countdown for our Album's release: One Year to Go!
'There is no greater force on Earth than a Band who has the guts, determination and the dream to bust out of the gutter and enter as the second-greatest Rock Band in known history... Second To Aerosmith.' Paul Mackey, 2001 |
Posts: 724
(11/18/01 1:23 pm)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
Shibby! does this mean we have a recording musician with us? oh yeah, and in the words of Steven Tyler (the man), "Make it, don't break it"

Mac the Aerohead
Paul, Maker of Trouble...
Posts: 777
(11/18/01 2:36 pm)
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Re: More on My Bristow AeroAdventure: JOE PERRY
I like that pic, Soph.
hey, that'll be me in a couplea months!
hopefully it'll be finished by the time they say it will... they are renowned, they were the company that got the Beatles started. But i'm wary of Sod's Law.
'There is no greater force on Earth than a Band who has the guts, determination and the dream to bust out of the gutter and enter as the second-greatest Rock Band in known history... Second To Aerosmith.' Paul Mackey, 2001 |