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        > My evening with Rick Springfield!!
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Stevens Lips
Kris, Harem of Tyler
Posts: 2516
(9/14/03 1:55 pm)
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My evening with Rick Springfield!!
GREETINGS FROM ASBURY PARK!! It's not only the name of a Bruce album, it lights up Convention Hall right in the center of the boardwalk

After much drama with the weather, we made it to Asbury Park. Let me tell you, this is not a nice town to visit. The bartender described it best, it looks like Beirut. This once grand shore town is desolate and deserted, it was actually spooky, the boardwalk stuff is closed, all boarded up. It's straight out of some scary movie. The Stone Pony and a couple others bars are the only things in town. Same with the hotel we stayed at, very nice, but the ONLY option in town. All the others were crack motels. So we coughed up $100.00 for a beachfront room at a very nice hotel within walking distance to The Stone Pony. And it had a very nice bar/restaurant. So we treated ourselves, and it was great!! FYI, the town of Asbury Park is going to be refurbished to it's former glory over the next couple years, and it will once again be a great Jersey shore town. Also, the movie "City By The Sea" with Pacino or Deniro (I can never keep them straight) was filmed there.

So, we get there around 7pm and the place is already packed. The Stone Pony is a typical bar/nightclub. Not very big, and VERY dark. There were quite a few bands that went on before Rick, and we opted not to go for them because it would have been a VERY long night. When we got there The Wag was playing, they were so-so. Then Rick's band came on and did a few without him (his guitarist isn't a bad singer). We staked a spot at the bar, because there was NO getting any closer to the stage then that. Some diehard ladies had already staked their claim to the front of the stage, and I wasn't about to tussle with them!! It was also asshole to belly button all the way back to the bar, so once we got there, and saw we weren't too far from the stage, we never moved. But even so, we were only 15 or so feet from the stage, and we were at the bar, always a great place to be :toast You can always get a drink, and don't have to worry about burning people wiht your cig!

So Rick comes on around 9:30pm to thunderous applause!! He is a GREAT showman. Lots of talking and crowd interaction. He even took someone's cell phone and was talking to the person on the other end. It was very funny, especially when he looked at the phone and it was a Rick Springfield face plate on the phone, he thought that was VERY funny. He sang most of his classics, what I can remember are

Jessie's Girl
Don't Talk To Strangers
Affair of the Heart
I've Done Everything For You
Love Is Alright
Wild Thing

That's all I can remember right now, but I know there were many more, I'm sure more will come back to me. He played amost 2 hours!!

During Gloria he got off the stage, and went walking through the crowd. I knew that he does this, so I was hoping he was gonna make it over to us.....when LOW AND BEHOLD he jumps on the bar.....OUR BAR.....the one that is holding us up!!! Istart saying...."MOVE YOUR SHIT....RICK'S COMING OUR WAY" So everyone moves their beer (well, I spill mine in all the excitement) smokes, ashtrays etc., and he makes his way around the bar. He is moving slowly, stopping every couple steps, and he stops RIGHT ON TOP OF US...RICK SPRINGFIELD IS STRADDLING ME!!! Michele was touching his guitar, and touched his package (she did not intentionally GRAB it though)!! I was longingly carressing his calf, when someone (I find out later it was the guy next to me) takes my hand and puts it on his thigh.....way UP his thigh :rotfl I squeeze, and he keeps going on his way!!! I GROPED RICK SPRINGFIELD.....Life is good!! :banana :banana :banana Oh, and he sweat on us too!! As he is making his rounds he is also signing EVERYTHING that is put in front of his face, I even saw a "Hard To Hold" video box that he signed :rotfl :rotfl Before he jumps off the bar, he grabs a beer and plays the guitar with it while singing "Wild Thing" The crowd is going fucking CRAZY!!!

A couple other things. During one song he said "I need 12 (and before he could say ) volunteers on stage" There are 12 ladies smashed up against him on stage. They sang with him and he hugged each and every one as they got off stage!! A girl got on stage later, and security went after her and Rick waved them off, gave the girl a hug and helped her offstage :x

Everyone we met was so nice, I was amazed!! Here I think it's just Aerofans that are wonderful, when there are lots of great people out there!! Rick was some awesome fans. There were alot more men there than I expected. I figured they were there cuz they knew it would be alot of women, but as I looked around, these guys are singing the words almost as well as I am (and I am WAY brushed up on my RS lately ;) ) And since it was north Jersey, we had some "Miama Vice Era" Don Johnson look-alikes,as well as lots of BIIIIIG hair. Someone needs to tell these guys the turqoise shirt with the whiter jacked and pants is NOT a good look anymore! And of course, the mullett still rules in N. Jersey!! There was a very tall guy, who was of course in front of us, with a lovely dyed blonde mullett!! He was nice enought to kind of sqaut down so as not to block our view. I kind of felt bad, he was like "I hate being tall in places like this" One girl was even hyperventilating in the bathroom she was so excited, her friends were almost laughing to hard to help her :rotfl :rotfl Oh, and there were ALOT Rick virgins there, I wasn't the only one that has never seen him.

My pics are ok at best (I think, you may disagree), except the couple when he was straddling me, those are great. The bar is VERY dark, I would have had to be right up front (within 5 feet or so) to get great shots. So for alot of the shots I just held my camera up over my head and clicked. I'm so spoiled by Aeromsith, they always give me great pics :) Next time I will pace my drinking, eat a good dinner, and GO EARLY!!!!

Anyways, it was a very memorable night, and I recommend him HIGHLY!! Catch him in your town if he comes. I will get the shots to Tammy, I know she is dying to see them!!

"You wanna know if God has a sense of humor. Try being in a rock band and living way past your pre-destined expiration date. Then watch the chips fall." -Steven Tyler

Edited by: Stevens Lips at: 9/14/03 3:01 pm
High Priestess Tammy

Posts: 13327
(9/14/03 2:28 pm)
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Re: My evening with Rick Springfield!!
You got that right! And what a great review!
:x :clap :banana :clap :x

And he played two of my favorite songs, "Alyson" and "Affair of the Heart!" Now, if he'll just play "Kristina" in Anaheim...

I almost believe I was made
to be played by your hands

Stevens Lips
Kris, Harem of Tyler
Posts: 2518
(9/14/03 2:44 pm)
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Re: My evening with Rick Springfield!!
He also played

I Get Excited
Human Touch
State Of The Heart
Rockin song from new album

I just re-read my review, pardon all the typos :) I am still a little groggy!!

"You wanna know if God has a sense of humor. Try being in a rock band and living way past your pre-destined expiration date. Then watch the chips fall." -Steven Tyler

Edited by: Stevens Lips at: 9/14/03 3:05 pm
High Priestess Tammy

Posts: 13328
(9/14/03 3:06 pm)
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Kris' Rick Springfield Concert Pics!
This is a thumbnail gallery. Click on any thumbnail to see the full-size picture:

Kris, your pics weren't numbered sequentially, so I know some of these are out of order. You can go in and edit my post to rearrange them and fix that, if you'd like.


Edited by: templeofaero at: 9/14/03 3:22 pm
Stevens Lips
Kris, Harem of Tyler
Posts: 2520
(9/14/03 3:25 pm)
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Re: Kris' Rick Springfield Concert Pics!
I sent them all in order in twelves, so I will send that batch again :)

"You wanna know if God has a sense of humor. Try being in a rock band and living way past your pre-destined expiration date. Then watch the chips fall." -Steven Tyler

High Priestess Tammy

Posts: 13331
(9/14/03 3:41 pm)
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Re: Kris' Rick Springfield Concert Pics!
It doesn't matter if you send the pics in order, because when Windows 98 saves batches of files, it reorders them (why, I don't know). That is why I always ask that pictures for hosting and posting be named with sequential numbers only, same number of digits for each name.

Also, for whatever reason, your emails came out of order:
More pics :)
1 more after this
last batch
Rick pics
Rick pics
Missing Batch

So, you see, if you don't send your pictures to me numbered sequentially, the best I can do is guess at how to arrange them. (Plus, it makes writing the code tougher if I have to type text names for pics, especially if the text names are of varying lengths.)

Posts: 1132
(9/14/03 3:59 pm)
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Re: My evening with Rick Springfield!!
Wow Kris!! Great pics, even though you may not agree!
And, may I just say, Rick gets better with each passing year? Every time I see him, it's like time hasn't affected him. Must be something in the water.
Thanks for the review and pics...:X

:elaine ...I'm sorry to read about your troubles (in another thread, oops) I hate when bad things happen to good people!
Hopefully Mr. Springfield will make his way back around your way soon.

Posts: 535
(9/14/03 4:11 pm)
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Re: My evening with Rick Springfield!!
Holy cow, Kris! In my opinion, those pics are better than okay! Now I wanna go see Rick!

There ain't no breeze to cool the heat of love . . .

Posts: 1417
(9/14/03 4:30 pm)
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Re: My evening with Rick Springfield!!
Glad you had such a great time!!!

You Leave me...Thunderstruck
Yeah yeah yea thunderstruck...

Demon of Screamin
Rick, Temple Photojournalist
Posts: 366
(9/14/03 4:39 pm)
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Re: My evening with Rick Springfield!!
Bitchin', Kris!!!!!!

I like the ones of inside Rick's nostrals!!! Proves you were "lickin' close"!!!! :rotfl

Cathy and I MUST get to an AEROFEST and par-tay with you and everyone else!!! We might just burn the place down, it would be so hot!!:lol :lol

The way I see it
You gotta say "She-it"!!

Stevens Lips
Kris, Harem of Tyler
Posts: 2522
(9/14/03 4:57 pm)
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Re: My evening with Rick Springfield!!
Rick, when I sw those I was like "Well thank god his nose was clean" No one wants to see a sex god with boogies in their nose :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

I think we need to do a weekend in Boston so we can do a little Aero stalking and hitting some of their hot spots. That would be the perfect place to have a little Temple gathering. If we plan ahead enough hopefully lots of us can go :)

"You wanna know if God has a sense of humor. Try being in a rock band and living way past your pre-destined expiration date. Then watch the chips fall." -Steven Tyler

Kimbo, Temple Scribe
The Red Shirt Diaries

Posts: 2627
(9/14/03 7:32 pm)
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Re: My evening with Rick Springfield!!
Sounds like you had an amazing time, Kris! Great pics too! How did you manage to keep it all together when he stood over you?? :eek I would have died...after a couple of gropes, that is! :lol :evil

Stevens Lips
Kris, Harem of Tyler
Posts: 2526
(9/15/03 8:38 am)
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Re: My evening with Rick Springfield!!
Kimbo, it was tough!! I was all gushy just being in the same room as him. If he would have stayed any longer in front of me I would have been ON HIM!! :humping :humping

"You wanna know if God has a sense of humor. Try being in a rock band and living way past your pre-destined expiration date. Then watch the chips fall." -Steven Tyler

Stevens Lips
Kris, Harem of Tyler
Posts: 2530
(9/15/03 1:10 pm)
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Re: My evening with Rick Springfield!!
And he also sang Souls, Love Somebody and It's Always Something :) I just love him :x

"You wanna know if God has a sense of humor. Try being in a rock band and living way past your pre-destined expiration date. Then watch the chips fall." -Steven Tyler

Edited by: Stevens Lips at: 9/15/03 1:15 pm
High Priestess Tammy

Posts: 13356
(9/15/03 4:02 pm)
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Re: My evening with Rick Springfield!!

I almost believe I was made
to be played by your hands

Posts: 2126
(9/15/03 4:11 pm)
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Re: My evening with Rick Springfield!!
Glad you had a great time Kris...but i know wherever you go, the party always follows!!! ;)

The pics are great, no matter what you think...I use to be a closet RS fan, so its fun to see all the excitement here!!

Unfortunately i think RS was here in July, and i totally missed him :( guess i will have to wait and see if he makes another appearance soon!!

Stevens Lips
Kris, Harem of Tyler
Posts: 2531
(9/15/03 5:02 pm)
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Re: My evening with Rick Springfield!!
And also "Rock of Life"'s all coming back to me know :rotfl :rotfl :wetdream I don't know how I forgot "Souls", the crowd went crazy. A bunch of girls had signs requesting "Souls"

I just bought 3 more Rick CD's from :cheer :cheer


All three, with shipping, came to $16.00 :clap :clap I am so excited to get these :)

"You wanna know if God has a sense of humor. Try being in a rock band and living way past your pre-destined expiration date. Then watch the chips fall." -Steven Tyler

Edited by: Stevens Lips at: 9/16/03 11:55 am
High Priestess Tammy

Posts: 13370
(9/16/03 12:27 pm)
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Re: My evening with Rick Springfield!!
The Rick Bug has claimed another victim...

I almost believe I was made
to be played by your hands

Stevens Lips
Kris, Harem of Tyler
Posts: 2540
(9/17/03 3:13 am)
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Re: My evening with Rick Springfield!!
Michele and I were saying that we can't believe we went so long without him!! When I saw him, I swear I was 13 years old again, as was every other woman in the bar!! You can just tell he is having SOOOOO much fun performing now, compared to the big 80's productions.

I can't wait for you to see him :humping

"You wanna know if God has a sense of humor. Try being in a rock band and living way past your pre-destined expiration date. Then watch the chips fall." -Steven Tyler

High Priestess Tammy

Posts: 13377
(9/17/03 3:53 am)
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Re: My evening with Rick Springfield!!
I get excited just thinking what he might be like!

I almost believe I was made
to be played by your hands

Stevens Lips
Kris, Harem of Tyler
Posts: 2541
(9/17/03 5:22 am)
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Re: My evening with Rick Springfield!!
And you should :horny :wetdream

"You wanna know if God has a sense of humor. Try being in a rock band and living way past your pre-destined expiration date. Then watch the chips fall." -Steven Tyler

High Priestess Tammy

Posts: 13378
(9/17/03 5:32 am)
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Re: My evening with Rick Springfield!!
What sucks is it looks like my friend with an in at The House of Blues has turned into a crackhead. He hasn't answered my emails.

I will have to worship Rick from afar...

I almost believe I was made
to be played by your hands

Stevens Lips
Kris, Harem of Tyler
Posts: 2542
(9/17/03 5:36 am)
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Re: My evening with Rick Springfield!!
I'll keep my fingers crossed that he gets off the crack pipe and answers your e-mail, there is still time. I'm sure you'll make your way up there with or without help ;) No one should have to worship Rick from afar :horny

"You wanna know if God has a sense of humor. Try being in a rock band and living way past your pre-destined expiration date. Then watch the chips fall." -Steven Tyler

High Priestess Tammy

Posts: 13381
(9/17/03 10:04 am)
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Re: My evening with Rick Springfield!!
Hey, you know I'll pull whatever I can out of my Diva Bag of Tricks to get up-close and personal.

I think we can all agree that the man's legs clearly need humping!

Stevens Lips
Kris, Harem of Tyler
Posts: 2547
(9/17/03 10:06 am)
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Re: My evening with Rick Springfield!!
Yep, that 3rd leg SURELY needs humping :humping

"You wanna know if God has a sense of humor. Try being in a rock band and living way past your pre-destined expiration date. Then watch the chips fall." -Steven Tyler

High Priestess Tammy

Posts: 13386
(9/17/03 10:12 am)
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Re: My evening with Rick Springfield!!
I get a feeling that one is well-humped, and often.

I almost believe I was made
to be played by your hands

Stevens Lips
Kris, Harem of Tyler
Posts: 2549
(9/17/03 10:14 am)
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Re: My evening with Rick Springfield!!
Yep, I'm sure you are correct!! If I was that lucky Barbara I'd be having a slice of that on a daily basis :wetdream :horny

"You wanna know if God has a sense of humor. Try being in a rock band and living way past your pre-destined expiration date. Then watch the chips fall." -Steven Tyler

High Priestess Tammy

Posts: 13388
(9/17/03 10:16 am)
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Re: My evening with Rick Springfield!!
Is Barbara the secretary he fell in love with and married back in the mid-80's? If they're still together, that is IMPRESSIVE!

Stevens Lips
Kris, Harem of Tyler
Posts: 2551
(9/17/03 10:18 am)
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Re: My evening with Rick Springfield!!
Yep, still happily married, she is one lucky lady!! And I'd LOVE to see what his 18 year old son Liam looks like :evil

"You wanna know if God has a sense of humor. Try being in a rock band and living way past your pre-destined expiration date. Then watch the chips fall." -Steven Tyler

High Priestess Tammy

Posts: 13390
(9/17/03 10:24 am)
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Re: My evening with Rick Springfield!!
Oh, lord. 18-year old boys. I think I need a beverage.

Stevens Lips
Kris, Harem of Tyler
Posts: 2554
(9/17/03 11:27 am)
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Re: My evening with Rick Springfield!!
and a smoke ;) :smokin

"You wanna know if God has a sense of humor. Try being in a rock band and living way past your pre-destined expiration date. Then watch the chips fall." -Steven Tyler

High Priestess Tammy

Posts: 13394
(9/17/03 11:38 am)
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Re: My evening with Rick Springfield!!
Hell, I HAVE a smoke!

I almost believe I was made
to be played by your hands

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and i'm a rat

too bad I can't get me none of that


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